Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I consider you should add three more columns on the pokedex, referring to the three possible abilities of the pokemon

Primary Ability, Secondary Ability, DWA (Dream World Ability) and that you can filter them on the search box, or ordered by name.

If you consider this is too complicated, probably adding on the ability list all the pokemons for each ability (I rather the first example, I think would be easier to find out all the abilities of the pokemon, similar as the bulbapedia list of pokemon by ability)

I hope you consider it :), thank you :)

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Don't you mean DWA (for Dream World Ability)? I like this idea - just the other day I was trying to find out which of Lillipup's abilities became Intimidate when he evolved, so it would be useful to have it for situations like that.
It seems a bt pointless when you can just click on the Pokemon's name and it lists all their information including their abilities.
Yes, I meant DWA, hahaha, my bad :)

@Sciz, well, I thought about this because I read the FAQs and it says something similar that the point of the page is to make it easier, like, what if I want to see all the pokemon with a specific ability or I just want to type the name of an ability and the table filters all the pokemon with it.

I don't want to sound disrespectul ^^, but you say "it seems a bt poinless when you can just click...", yes, this is true, but also you can see the stats or the types of the pokemon as well, but I think the table is precissely to make easier the access of basic information regarding to the pokemon.

I just think adding three more colums with the abilities, would make more easier to find out certain abilities of certain pokemon, instead of having to go into a pokemon page, because this way you'll have to go pokemon by pokemon, you won't be able to see, for example, all the pokemon with the ability ... I don't know, Adaptability.

Is just an example, I hope you consider it and keep sharing your opinions, thank you. :)
If you suggested adding Abilities, you might as well cram all the other data on their which then makes their individual page almost irrelevant.
Well, in my opinion, I consider the ability very important, and something that easily can be added to a table. Secondary information like weight, color, and of course, movements (because would be impossible to add all the movements), well, that's different.

But something that directly involves part of the power of the pokemon, and because is something that won't be a problem for a table, I actually think is very useful and would make easier the search of them for other users.

1 Answer

0 votes

I'm assuming you're talking about the Pokemon list page (with the stats on it). I think it would make the page too complex.

Your second part, we already have a list of the Pokemon that can learn each ability on the ability page.
