Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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First off, if you haven't heard of the website RMN before, it is a site for game making. In this particular situation, around 30 members came together to develop a full roster of pokemon. These pokemon have been developed to the point where they have full move pools (there is some small tweaking going on but nothing major). We are also looking at getting these pokemon into pokemon showdown.

I'm wondering if it would be acceptable to ask for competitive overviews for the pokemon we have developed. It should be noted that A LOT of work has gone into balancing these pokemon and collectively making it into a great experience when the game is released to the public (free).

If this would be allowed, it would give the pokemon database community the opportunity to write the very first movesets and tactics for these pokemon.

All information is listed here:

Any questions or comments are welcome. So , what do you think?

Is Carvora (150) based off of a vagina?
What game(s) is/are these Pokemon in?

1 Answer

1 vote

In the rules it states

No unofficial games or websites: Only questions about official Pokemon games are allowed. There are hundreds of different unofficial games that come and go all the time and have many varying rules; we can't cater to them all. Go and ask on their forums if you have a problem. Two exceptions are Pokemon Online and Pokemon Showdown which are popular battler simulators. But avoid technical non-Pokemon questions like why your internet isn't working.

So no, you can't ask questions about mons that are not related to the official games. Sorry :/


If it is has not been endorsed by Nintendo and is not official, it is NOT allowed. No fanmade games or simulators barr Pokemon Online, Showdown and possibly PokeBattle. No unofficial Pokemon at all even if they exist inside of the allowed simulators.

edited by
I was under the impression that had to do with actual gameplay of fangames and not the competitive battling aspect.  Is that not correct?
Also what about the event that they do get into showdown?
Questions about CAP pokemon are not allowed on the DB either and those are pokemon made by smogon and implemented into the PS system, so the rule is extended to all fanmade pokemon.
Still not allowed.
Thank you for the edit Codders.
Lel I feked it up >.> fixed it up now
So showdown question are not allowed then