Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I think Amiable Angemon created them for Terlor and Quagmire.
Me and Terlor(not sure about him) asked Patamon(Angemon) to make gravs with Pokemon that have the AoT background. In terlors case his was mudkip, mine was inverted flygon, and Patamons was blastoise
umm... what's AoT?
AoT = Attack on Titan. An anime/ manga series where giants (that look like bacon) attack humanity. That shield is the shield for the soldiers that fight against those (bacon looking) giants.
Tbh it took me awhile to get because I usually see it called SnK (Shingeki no Kyojin).
lol my gravs have been advertised in meta! THANK YOU PIMPLUP
Titans look like bacon? lolwat? xD
Search it up. You'll see what I mean by bacon.
I want to eat a Titan now P:

1 Answer

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>I think Amiable Angemon created them for Terlor and Quagmire.
commented 5 hours ago by Sir Dan
Me and Terlor(not sure about him) asked Patamon(Angemon) to make gravs with Pokemon that have the AoT background. In terlors case his was mudkip, mine was inverted flygon, and Patamons was blastoise
commented 5 hours ago by !-<~Quagmire~>-!

They're right.
There's nothing different.

Quick note. This isn't even alot.

Before various users including Scizornician, JarJar, Dr.Flame, Snow and myself (Indi also used some moustache doge...) all started using Doge Gravatars. #BLAMESCIZ

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My moustache doge was beautiful and you know it.
I had the grav for a while as well
@Indi gimme the mustachio doge grav. Put it on meh wall ◉‿◉