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I was just perma banned by DarkTyphlosion because I put an ellipses in a sentence. Why was I banned? I understand a kick because it was annoying, but I had fun on the server.

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1 Answer

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>[2014-08-20T17:48:49.729Z] (lobby) pado00405 was unlocked by Aeternis.
[2014-08-20T17:41:28.121Z] (lobby) pado00405 was revived by Mudotyphlosion!
[2014-08-20T17:37:28.201Z] (lobby) pado00405 was executed.
[2014-08-20T17:32:18.700Z] (lobby) pado00405 was muted by Sciz for 1 minute.

You were unbanned 4 minutes after your ban.
Why you ask?
First ask yourself these questions:
- Were you insulting other users?
- Were you being annoying or begging for attention?
- Were you talking in a manner which could be interpreted as being a troll/spammer etc.?
- Was DT on crystal meth?
- Did you steal DT's food?
(Most important one)

Apart from that, the most likely explanation is troll bans. Various other users of the community, including authority have been banned from the Server as part of a little fun or trolling. Don't take it to heart, you'll be unbanned really quickly after.

inb4 I get banned >.>

Immortal edit:
First you were muted for a minute because you kept putting ellipses after every second word.
You can see how this can be annoying after a while....can't you...? Especially if you do it often....

After that you kept bringing it up after DT told you to leave it alone. However you did apologize and your ban was lifted shorty after.

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Get banned Sempi.

DT is always on meth, which why he's always hungry.
Oh please.
I stole DT's food.
I'm sorry. :c
Never steal DT's food.
Also, I answered because Sempi wasn't there for the actual ban.
Thx but nvm it wasa dealt with :)