Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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No disrespect but I don't see the "big deal" here, August 5th is today's date, I know it should say "commented ... ago by Toxicroak" but at the end of the day it's just going to say "commented Aug 5 by Toxicroak" anyway.

Besides like it says in the comments it's back to normal now.

*(If anyone feels this isn't an appropriate answer feel free to convert in into a comment.)*
Sorry Dan, didn't feel that it was fit for an answer. Better as a comment imo
Haha, funny :D
That Grass Block Icon in the picture with the error, your a Minecraft user.

1 Answer

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Best answer

August Fifth is todays date, it should disappear when you refresh the page...

That's all.

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In other words yes...