Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

This is a friendly reminder to Pokemaster:
Now that Diancie has been officially released in Japan, you can fill up it's Pokedex page with information like base stats, hight/weight, type resistences etc (note: all of this information is from Pokemon Showdown).
enter image description here

  • Diancie is weak to: Grass 2x, Ground 2x, Steel 4x, Water 2x
  • Diancie's ability is Clear Body
  • Diancie's stats are:
    HP 50
    Att 100
    Def 150
    SpA 100
    SpD 150
    Spe 50
    HP 210 - 304
    Att 184.5 - 328.9
    Def 274.5 - 438.9
    SpA 184.5 - 328.9
    SpD 274.5 - 438.9
    Spe 94.5 - 218.9
    Note: I'm not sure whether the stats round up or down. If someone can round accordingly I thank thee.*
  • Diancie's signature move is Diamond Storm, it learns it at level 50
  • It's Japanese name is ディアンシー Dianshi

If you have any more information, answer/comment it.

edited by
i guess hoopa is the new 100/100/100/100/100/100/  pokemon :P
Diancies Signature move is Diamond Storm

 - power: 100
 - accuracy: 95
 - Hits all adjacent pokemon
 - pp: 8
 - 50% chance to bost special defence by 1
Source: Showdown
Does the Japanese even Diancie have Diamond Storm?
not sure I got this from pokemon showdown
Wait I am going to change this to a comment, turns out it is already on the diancie pokedex page.
Yeah, we already have info on it
doesn't show in the searcch box though
i know, weird.
By the way according to diancie's move set page ,it learns diamond storm in lvl 50
thy-lord-pokemaster tag XD didn't notice but that's hilarious XDXDXDXDXD
I've seen that tag loads of times
Its japanese name is Dianshi

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