Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

On the evolution chain for it on its Pokédex page, it says underneath that it's normal type. And it's like this for the previous evolutions.

Link to Clefairy Pokédex page evolution chain.

Don't forget these:
Here Ralts and Kirlia are pure psychic type:
Here Igglybuff is pure normal types:
Yes, there are quite a few things like this on the evolution charts about adding the Fairy type.
Yes, also Snubbull/Granbull are pure Normal
And Azumarill is pure Water and Azurill is pure Normal (Marill is Water/Fairy, oddly enough):
Like gardevoir is fairy/psychic like in my comment

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Thanks, it's fixed.

That part of the Pokedex page was generated way back when X&Y came out and the types hadn't all been confirmed. But I've updated it so that it's more dynamic now. Any future changes will update automatically. Also should update when I finally put the new sprites on.

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Cool thanks.