Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Selected answers in This list should be green, like in any other list/section.

I don't see any selected answers
Is that a glitch or is it simply co-incidence...?
what do you mean? are you saying i dont have any selected answers? i do.
If you mean all the answers are black, that's the point of my suggestion/bug report.
I've noticed that too. It would be useful if they were green so you can tell which ones have best answer.
Unless PM missed this post, he knows about this already.
I've just noticed... 'co-incidence'... when you spell the word like that it makes so much sense. xD

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

It used to be like this. However, there was a bugs in the site re-modelling, this was among them. Pm thought it was the least of his concerns, and has put it until he has free time (which isn't a lot). Pm said he will fix it, but not sure when. Also, several people have mentioned this in the past, so we know about it.

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