Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

The Friend Safari Thread has recently been hidden since it was extremely popular it had over 150 answers and was running too slow, so i was thinking maybe open multiple threads for that or maybe add that to the forums, when they are implemented.

Yeah, I guess someone could just open up a new safari page for now, and keep adding and hiding them until forums, although this could be tedious, that safari page lasted what, 6-ish months? Changing it twice a year shouldn't be too much hassle.

1 Answer

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We hid it just because of the fact it is useless. We have a friend code section on our profiles for a reason. SO this won't come back on the forums.

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Here's what we CAN do though (humble request, need not happen but I have been thinking): Can we have a section on our profile that asks for the safari and it's type? That will infintely help imo
You can post it under friend codes.