Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

People often pronounce a pokemons name wrong, so it would be useful to have a thing with pokemon name pronunciations on it.

I say 'thing' because I'm not sure what would be more practical: a question for each pokemon on their pronunciation, like the moveset questions, or a separate page with all the pokemons name pronunciations on it, like the pokemon name origins page. Or it could even be added as a new thing on each pokemons pokedex page.

I just thought it might be useful.

we can make a master list on a pastebin, and post it as an answer for the question (which doesnt exist yet):"how do you pronounce every Pokemon's name?".
it would take ages though
In reality this is a good idea however the hard part comes in when the anime has used quite a few pronunciations for certain Pokemon over the past. I can't think of a specific example however. How convenient....

Regardless of whether it is finished or not, ultimately you will still be surrounded by others who pronounce it differently. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any Pokemon name that I have ever struggled to pronounce though have wondered what the correct pronunciation is (if there even is one).
i've struggled with Leavanny....
I pronounce most pokemons names wrong. I guess that's just me!
Just type the name into Google translate (English to English) and ask it to pronounce the name.
Sciz that's a terrible way of doing it. Google Translate can't read all of the Pokemon names correctly, I've tried it. -.-
Ew it pronounced Murkrow  "moork-ra-ow", i agree with ^^^
You thought I was being serious?
You were, dont lai
I'm going to surprise you here because you can joke around with out using the emoticons ":P" or "o3o". Amazing right?

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