Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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As soon as someone posts something it says 'seconds ago' until it's been there for a minute, then it says '1 minute ago'.

But sometimes it says 'seconds from now'. This happens to me more that anyone else in the chat room when I'm there. Everyone else sees what I see too.

It seems to be completely random. Can someone explain this?

It's not really a Problem
I think the problem may be that the time on your device is a little bit ahead of the time the site uses, which makes it think you are posting it from the future. Changing the time on my device always seemed to fix this for me, but if it is doing it randomly it may be something else.
Now, of course, why you're posting from the future and threatening the well-being of the space-time continuum is a whole other question.
Lol Will, lol.

1 Answer

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Best answer

This is just how the chat reports how long ago the post was. It isn't a bug or glitch.
And no it's not just you.

I answered a similar question to this in a lot greater so you could look at this I guess.

edited by
Sciz, the server is down.
'Seconds from now' goes before 'Seconds ago', Js.
OK well it doesn't do it as much anymore.