Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Okay so about a month ago I introduced my little brother to Showdown and he loved it and has being playing on it nearly everyday ever since. I told him today that there are annual DB tournaments on Showdown and he said he would like to give it a try and asked if he could play in the same tournament as me.

I told him that he could play but I wasn't sure whether or not he would be allowed to participate in the same tournament as me, as it may seem to others users that a user is getting two shots in a tournament. So that's why I'm asking this question, also if the answer is no I see one way you could settle this, have the two siblings square off in the first round of the tournament.

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1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes, as long as you do not in anyway help each other out. Also, if people do help each other out a fair bit, then it could be banned. So, don't help each other and you're fine.

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Thanks man :)