Many duplicate questions, questions that can be easily looked up, and stuff of the likes have been popping up.
This is honestly degrading the value of points and now they are now easy to get, like pennies (or bundles of $500 for Bill Gates.) We have 40 Experts+ on the site with the newest editon of Brotad.
The majority of the questions are from newer users, which is why I propose this:
All questions that users ask that have x points or below must be approved by an Expert+.
When I say "x", I'm looking at around 1k to 3k points. And we could also make this Editor+ if Pokemaster wishes so.
This will help the quality of questions rise and points will be somewhat harder to get. Yay :D
Also, a quick point...
> Make Experts handpicked by Mods. Not just the title, but the powers too. This discourages people to go tryhard for Expert. Let the mods have a little council about it with you and we can reform the Experts. -Ninja, 02/02/14