Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

So this has arisen. Apparently people think bans should be inacted for people who trade hacked Pokemon.

Reasons why I disagree with this:

  • You are responsible for your own trades
  • Trading is on Pokemon, not the DB
  • Hacked Pokemon don't do anything
  • I hack and trade all the time.
  • You shouldn't expect perfection from others...

Your call, Captain.

If you don't like you hacked pokemon give em away for something better
I agree with you 100%. Most of the newer users on DB are fickle children that expect everything to be spoon-fed to them.
-Don't trade with people unless you know and trust them

-Burden of proof for having to verify that pokemon actually was hacked

-Make your own pokemon if you don't want them hacked--I don't believe that appealing to some morality over programmed bits of data should give the same punishment as someone being malicious to the site.

I think rather than banning users, we use that suggestion of the trade reputation, so while someone won't be banned, they'll have a harder time getting trades organized here.
I actually think people should be banned for scamming, not for trading hacked Pokemon.
I agree with ninja, you should only trade if you trust the user, and are confident they won't scam you
I can understand both stanses on this issue. It's true that people should only trade with someone they trust, and the DB can't be held responsible for scammers. However, it's hard not to empathize with people who get cheated. The nature of this sort of behavior is like several other offenses which are bannable because of a 'rude' factor in that it discourages people from staying on the site and creates resentment among the community. The idea of a trade reputation list of some sort seems like a viable solution, but the hard part would be encouraging users to support each other's reputations. Maybe points could be awarded upon receipt of good feedback and less points could be added to users when they review the credibility of another user.
I feel bad for them, but that's what happens when you invest trust in total strangers.
I guess Pokemon is a better way to learn that lesson than most people do, though.. Haha!
Trade reputation would be great. It suits both sides of the argument.
I agree with the ever masterful Ninja. I also believe that thou is responsible for thou trades.
Maybe just make seperate rooms like in Showdown... One for trading hacks, and one for trading non-hacks. This should resolve the issue, shouldn't it?
Showdown is DOWN.
A chat room just for hack trading? i don't think that will happen if I'm honest..
And besides, there isn't anything stopping people from breaking the rules and trading hacked Pokemon in the legit trading room.
i disagree...& agree.
see, you got a point, *BUT* it is very fustrating and those people should have some sort of punishment.  
you know the best punishment? **KICKBOT**. he can kick that anger for you! so, next time you let em' off the leash, build a time machine, and report em' to KICKBOT instead. here is the link to all things KICKBOT:

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