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For when you use a everstone on a pokemon. You lose the chance to learn certain moves after you pass a certain level.

I'm gonna be completely honest here - who cares?? xD
Honestly, I don't think Pokemaster is gonna have a fun time levelling up all 718 to Level 100. :(
Indi, you don't need to do that, you would probably just need to look over the learnsets, which most people can do in under a day. I'd do it if PM would give me permission or whatever. It could be useful information. But still, meh.
Well as you said, its not really 'needed', but it would make it slightly easier when scanning over moves through evolutions so I won't go crossed-eyed. And I'd do it too if I knew how.
That's not the case if I understand you correctly. When you evolve a Pokemon, you can reteach all of its moves with a heart scale. E.g. I evolved my Monferno into an Infernape at Level 42 in DPPt, when it learnt Close Combat at L41. I didn't let my Monferno learn Close Combat either, but I can still reteach my Infernape Close Combat with a Heart Scale because it's passed the level it should've learnt that move.
Oh... that too. xD
I know that, I was just thinking I'd be easier if I had a clear list of those moves. That way I wouldn't have to individually take each pokemon to a tutor to know what I can reteach.
Yeah I see what you mean. I will look into adding this.

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