Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Social Media has taken the world by storm. With ever-advancing technology, people can interact with one another and find things that they would not be able to find 20 years ago.

Here is my suggestion: Update Pokemon Database on more social networking sites. I know you have Twitter, YouTube and Facebook pages, but the latter two haven't been updated since mid-September. Here are some ideas I have in my head for updates:

YouTube - Make informational Pokemon Videos, or a Walkthrough to Pokemon X & Y (and maybe even other games.)
Maybe a community idea for YouTube, as seen here:

I assume most of us have heard about Manchima, the massive gaming channel. The community idea from that seems decent, but make sure we know who and what is going through, by perhaps a rate and approval thread or only certain people being chosen based on how trusted they are / quality of vids ect. we could have vids on how to use the site, where people record themselves commentating about all the little bits of the site and all the features and all that stuff. It could be useful. There are a couple of users (including myself) capable of that. Otherwise, occasional video updates about the DB, news bites, music and gaming, but try to separate it all if possible. -Prof. X

Facebook - Post more status updates retaining to the site and Pokemon news, like the Poke Bank delay.

Instagram - Post some Pokemon pictures, like this one:
enter image description here
A shiny Haxorus! Ha ha ha...

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Imo with youtube, there's a limited amount that we (as a site) can do. Not a lot of people have either the ability or the equipment to make a competent video, and PM already runs this site, so running a youtube and a twitter without mass help would be really hard on one person (Marriland does it but he has admin to help out).
I also don't think this site suits Instagram because most people on there just want to look at pictures of cats yawning and black&white lawn chairs (forgive me if I'm wrong).
Just an idea.
Though it would be cool to have a YouTube channel, I think you're overlooking the amount of time it takes to make a video or at least original content. Posting videos to find the locations of a TM ect would be pointless when countless other channels have already done it. It would be a waste of time. That and a capture card to make a good quality video is a hell of a lot of money and with a small channel such as The Pokemon Database's, it could take well over a year just to get back the money that someone would have to invest in a capture card. I think its roughly $2.50 per thousand views and I'm not sure how adverts affect it. Even a good quality mic such as a Snowball or a Yeti costs $80 up because using webcam mic isn't really an option.

A community channel could possibly work where we could upload a wide range of community content e.g. Hex's remixes. However I'm not sure how many people currently make good quality videos or at least have the ability to capture.
There already is a YouTube channel, and there have been tons of people here (most with all the mentioned equipment) that volunteered to make content.

It's more a matter of finding a base of people willing to do videos and deciding on a video type angle than anything else. Unlike your average YouTuber, this site alone gets a ton of traffic from people, so trying to steer them over to the channel isn't exactly unrealistic. YouTube has nothing to do with being original. It's about manipulating people into clicking and liking to get more people clicking and liking.
For the Facebook, an update every week or two isn't asking much, and I know PM does work on the site a lot already, it doesn't take anymore than 5-10 mins realistically.

I don't see much point for instagram. If someone wants to show you a pokemon pic, why wouldn't they just use imgur and link it to you?

I myself am going to start making vids soon, but without a proper way of organizing, having one here could go badly wrong. I suggest a community one (I assume most of us have heard about Manchima, the massive gaming channel. The community idea from that seems decent), but make sure we know who and what is going through, by perhaps a rate and approval thread or only certain people being chosen based on how trusted they are / quality of vids ect. we could have vids on how to use the site, where people record themselves commentating about all the little bits of the site and all the features and all that stuff. It could be useful. There are a couple of users (including myself) capable of that. Otherwise, occasional video updates about teh DB, news bites, music and gaming, but try to separate it all if possible.

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YouTube - Make informational Pokemon Videos, or a Walkthrough to Pokemon X & Y

This is actually something I plan to do, the informational videos I mean (I'm not a fan of walkthroughs or let's play).

[Blobyolo] That and a capture card to make a good quality video is a hell of a lot of money and with a small channel such as The Pokemon Database's, it could take well over a year just to get back the money that someone would have to invest in a capture card.

I actually do have a new 3DS with capture card now so I can do anything from X&Y, or the DS games. Yes it was expensive but the ads on this site paid for it (with the increased traffic from X&Y).

Facebook - Post more status updates retaining to the site and Pokemon news, like the Poke Bank delay.

Others are welcome to make posts on the Facebook page. But I don't really use FB much myself so I keep forgetting to post stuff. Plus we don't have many Likes there, whereas we have 8,000+ 10,000+ followers on Twitter.

Instagram - Post some Pokemon pictures

Meh, I don't care for Instagram really. It does absolutely nothing that Twitter doesn't already do.

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