Umm, riiiight, about the resolutions, I only have one; #YMCMB
All jokes aside (for now), I actually plan to not do much this year, for this particular reason. But what I really plan to do, I'm pretty sure I will get done.
- Become Batman
- Tell people I am Batman
- Show the nonbelievers that I am Batman
- Batman
So from that list, you can derive that I aim to buy my own car, achieve a 3.2 GPA in my High School courses, and maintain a 3.0 GPA in my college studies. Also, I plan to remain as the normal Lenub that I've been so far, and not care about any of you, even if my life depended on it :D

With that established, I may still have problems completing my resolutions. If such thing were ever to happen, this short story explains it all.