Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Bacon and cilantro stuffed into a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper then sauteed in pomegranate juice for 3.1415926535 millenium. Add sugar, vinegar, salt, and sautheern staiyle fraied cheeken, then insert into a canister of liquid nitrogen. Blowtorch using a Plasma Cannon from Pacific Rim.

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I don't think there will be vinegar or salt in 3.1415926535 milleniums. :3
It should work, Pokemaster said it should work on all mobile versions. (All recent phones, anyway. I'm not sure what the S-4 is. xD)
um... The Samsung Galaxy...

1 Answer

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I happen to know this as I borrowed my dad's one to test it.
It does work
If your experiencing problems try a new phone browser.
