Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I'm sure anyone who has a wall has experienced the horror that runoff....(shivers in fear)

Seriously though, it really irritates me that people can break each others walls, PM can you fix it? like make it go onto to a separate line?
Also I can't seem to delete wall posts when on my Tablet, which is what makes this so annoying.

P.S. God Damn you JarJar

alot of good this did
Text isn't runoff in chat, why not on walls?
Also, you can just delete the wall post.
Hey other people did it too ;-; y u pick on me?
'Cos you continued.
Nooooo, it's fun to break the walls of people...
@Indigo learn to read "Also I can't seem to delete wall posts when on my Tablet, which is what makes this so annoying"

@Jaja you breaking my page is what made me write this

@Sexy Pokcet'Slash, shhh

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