Questions that should be flagged on Pokebase:
Generally questions should not be flagged as often as answers, because we don't have incorrect questions. The type of questions that should be flagged are listed below.
-General moveset questions. Moveset help is considered acceptable for the most part, but "what is a good moveset" are not allowed.
-Trade requests.
-Competitive and ingame teams.
-Questions about the site or other questions that belong on Meta.
-Questions about the actions of other sites. We don't know why serebii is doing x or y thing (or for better clarity I guess I should now say a or b).
-Questions about lawnmowers, mortgages, etc.
There are other types of questions that should be flagged, but just because it is a weak question does not mean it needs to be flagged.
Answers that should be flagged on Pokebase:
-The most commonly flagged are going to be incorrect answers. These will be hidden.
-Answers that have been given at least an hour after all other answers and does not give any new information.
-Questions with poor grammar. These should only have a single flag, in order to inform authority that they should be edited to be more readable.
Comments that should be flagged on Pokebase:
-Necroposts, except those that add new information. Necroposts on moveset questions, ingame team questions, or other such threads are acceptable.
Things that should be flagged on everything:
-Personal insults or other forms of attacks on people.
-Links unrelated to Pokemon.
-Excessive swearing and bypassing the censor.
Remember, if it breaks the rules of the site, flag it.
Now why should I care about a single flag? Well, it means I have to go to the Admin section, check the thing that was flagged to see if it broke the rules, and then if it does not need to be flagged, I have to remove the flag. So when you flag someone when you're annoyed with them, all you're doing is causing me or other moderators/editors more work.