Upon seeing B3N's (|SentByRavens|'s) guide about Spam an idea flew by my mind. Spamming can happen at any time and there isn't always someone that could help. The new Moderators and Editors are doing awesome but everyday as I have been watching Spam is becoming more common by the second and isn't even considered as a Spam often. For this reason I thought of the following thing:
After an amount of Spam you are prohibited of posting anything for 5-10 minutes. The time varies according to the type of Spam. I was also thinking of there being a clear post after you have been disabled that explains what you did for example: DB~Valet has been disabled from chatting for 5 minutes because:
- This user used Caps more then 5 times in less then 2 minutes
- used intolerable language over 2 times in 1 minute
- etc...
I didn't want to sound to strict but I fear that if this isn't treated soon enough that it could get out of hand. This is usually done unintentionally but talking to the user doesn't always work as well and then he/her has the tendency of repeating this.
No one really enjoys being disabled of chatting so I am hoping if this is approved, that the amount of Spam, both intentional as well as unintentional Spam will be decreased.
I hope this makes rage-spammers think twice. Every time they Spam, they get disabled.
I wouldn't call this a kick, more of a time-out
This is only a suggestion
Thanks for reading