Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Say a person on Pokebase just hit 100 points and they say "Oh cool now I can downvote! I
will go spam downvote a good question!"
Cause I once had 100 points then went and
downvoted an answer so now I have 98 points but the green arrow to downvote
it not gray so if someone could downvote, they could do it on a question with a ton of answers than spam downvote every answer now, THAT could be a problem. cause AFTER
they back out of that page THEN they can not downvote.

I don't understand this question at all
Really? I will edit it.
At least I think it is clear,
what do you not get???
Sorry if I misunderstood the question but it's kinda hard to understand what you are trying to tell us.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

If you do this, the votes will not take affect. When you refresh the page they will be gone. But, still...

>Say a person on Pokebase just hit 100 points and they say "Oh cool now I can downvote! I will go spam downvote a good question!"

Well eventually a moderator or Pokemaster would remove the unfair down-vote. So that might be covered.

>Cause I once had 100 points then went and downvoted an answer so now I have 98 points but the green arrow to downvote it not gray

Well, this is because the system doesn't show it as grey. This is so you can remove your vote, probably.

I see...thanks BB :) +1 vote!
He's not BB,he's VV!!