Editor! Good job guys.
You've been here even longer than I am, kinda unfair to see me as Mod and you two as Editors.
You guys deserve this, and be corrupt, like I was! Just kidding.
Think of this like a tribute to these two awesome users.
♠SpumWack♠ : Ah, those adventures. You complaining that you would never get Expert, and you would never get over 2000 points. Me almost always answering before you. You raging in Chat and the comments. Oh, the fun we had.
So if you really believed that Expert would never come, think again.
WackSpum, Kyron, Unrecognizable, OshawottKid, PokewattKid, or whatever your name is. You deserve it, based on your activity, you always defeating me in PO nowadays, and overall helpfulness on the DB :P
And never forget the power..of...

Ninja: You got Editor. After complaining over 6 months :P
Good job. You deserve it; you've been on the DB really long. Almost 2 years! I'm not even 1 and a half years yet, xD
All the the time, I saw you grow from a Registered user...to an Expert..and then, you became an Editor!
Always remember all the fun times we had on chats outside the DB :P Ranging from trolling to the times that people were being just plain stupid on chat....