Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I don't know about you, but every time I go on this site, I'm at the homepage. In order to get somewhere like meta, or the battle subway, first I have to go to the tab that says "Other Stuff," then I have to go to Pokebase Q and A, and from there I go to the meta/battlesubway/chatroom. I was just wondering if there is an easier way, or if there could be one, like a direct route to chat, battle subway and meta.

Just add these pages to your favorites. I just add chat to my favorites and from there I can go anywhere.
I actually considered that. But then, I miss all of the updates on the homepage XD.
when you want to go straight to pokebase type and then the web page will come on
If you have Windows 7, go the the Q&A page. Drag the pokeball in the address bar to your taskbar. Now everytime you click it, it will go straight to the Q&A.
I hit thriving community

1 Answer

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This has been asked several times. But yeah I will get round to it at some point, I've been meaning to reorder the menu.

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