Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

I discovered that genderless and exclusively female pokemon are included on the list of possible breeding partners to obtain egg moves. As only males can pass on moves, genderless and female pokemon are not in fact valid candidates even though they may share egg groups and moves. Here are a few examples of some of the situations I'm refering to:

  • Cradily/Lileep cannot have recover as an egg move from
  • Dwebble/Crustle supposedly can learn block from Bronzong, Metagross, Golett/Golurk or Froslass as well as curse from Golurk/Golett and endure from Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone, Voltorb/Electrode, Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z, Shedinja, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy/Claydol, Metang/Metagross, or Bronzor/Bronzong or froslass. It supposedly can learn endure from Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone, Voltorb/Electrode, Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z, Shedinja, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy/Claydol, Metang/Metagross, Froslass, Wormadam, Illumise, or Bronzor/Bronzong and iron defense from Wormadam, Metang/Metagross, Bronzor/Bronzong, Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone, golurk/golett, Crygonal, Solrock, or Klink/Klang/Klinklang. It says it can learn night slash from Shedinja and spikes from Froslass.

I have composed a list of the genderless/female pokemon that can breed and should be removed from the egg pages as there is no actual way to get an egg move through them.

- Chancey
- Blissey
- Illumise
- Wormadam
- Miltank
- Frosslass
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz
- Jynx
- Vespiquen
- Lilligant
- Petillil
- Kangashkhan

- Baltoy
- Beldum
- Bronzong
- Bronzor
- Claydol
- Cryogonal
- Electrode
- Golett
- Golurk
- Klang
- Klink
- Klinklang
- Lunatone
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezon
- Manaphy
- Metagross
- Metang
- Phione
- Porygon
- Porygon-Z
- Porygon2
- Rotom
- Shedinja
- Solrock
- Starmie
- Staryu
- Voltorb

Also, the pokemon in the undiscovered egg groups supposedly can breed together according to the egg moves pages; take Bonsly for example.

retagged by
Haven't heard from you in a while :D
Thanks for reporting, Fritjof! I did notice this before but completely forgot about it. I will make a note to fix it.
P.S. Welcome back ;)
Guys... I was just looking something up and noticed this.  I'm not "back" or anything.
Oh well :(
@ Fritjof... A pokemondb tag? Aren't all meta questions like this?
@Gray Test, it actually says in the sidebar when you post. pokemondb tag for stuff about the main site, pokebase for the Q&A sections etc

1 Answer

1 vote

I just made some changes to fix some issues that sprang up with B2W2 moves being added, so I fixed the gender issue while I was at it.

Regarding the Bonsly page, baby Pokemon like Bonsly cannot breed themselves, but their parents can breed. So Bonsly can learn egg moves, but the page was all wrong as it showed Pokemon from the undiscovered egg group. I've changed it to just link to the evolution's page instead (e.g. Bonsly's page links to Sudowoodo).

P.S. Thanks for providing plenty of detail, it really helped in testing.
