Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I got this message like five times when I tried to post on chat.

QA_AJAX_RESPONSE 3832 {"userid":"3832","username":"(Abnormal1!)","posted":"2012-05-31 14:26:50","posted_utc":"2012-05-31T14:26:50Z","message":"So your not going to your high school with any of your friends?","postid":"644523"}

I don't know why but everytime I tried to refresh the page it did it again.If it happens again I will try to get the link it had its own URL.

Note: The part about high school was what I was trying to post.

That happened to me once, it just means you didn't have the clearest of connections to the "chat people".

1 Answer

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As we established in chat, I think there is something wrong with your computer or its settings. Not exactly sure what it would be though, sorry.

Probably my settings.I think after I changed them that it took a couple of minutes to activate.