Maybe when a Q/A is flagged Mods/Editors get a notice and a link on the top of the section. This way we know if something needs to be flagged or if we need to remove flags. I think would be very helpful as things that are flagged do not simply go unnoticed after a couple days.

"Ampharos used signal beam to warn Editors/Mods that there is a flag!"
Also maybe adding the No-repeat answers to the summery for the lazy. I know we already have it in the Writing good answers section but no one looks there:
Or Just keep the rules by the side.
EDIT: Also another one is, if a person has had a certain amount of questions/answers hidden over a short amount of time they are made incapable of asking or answering questions for a day. This way they will come to the chat and ask why and we can help them to learn. Also maybe allowing Editors/Mods to send notices to users who keep asking the same question after we have hidden it so they know why it was hidden and that if they keep re-asking it they will get banned.
Writing good answers
If someone else has already answered the question correctly there is no need to add another answer, unless you can add a lot more information. You can vote up the existing answer to "agree" with it.
Example: Can Color Change change to ghost type?
A(2 hours ago): Color Change can be any type but ???. Yes.
A(2 minutes ago): Yes it can Color Change to ghost type, like color changing shadow punch. Source: Bulbapedia
The second one was a typical, 97% Source 97% Restate, 0.03% part of answer. (Awesome math skills by Ninja)
That trash needs to end.
PB and I had to explain this to a certain newer user last night who thought he could argue rules with Editors. So I think adding it to the summery to the lazy would help well the lazy XD

"Never heard of that rule?"