PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

For example, a Poisoned Cascoon evolving into Dustox, who now has the Poison type. Since Poison types are immune to the status problem itself, what would happen?

Soaking a Pokemon will let it get hit by any status condition.
But at that point, it is not a Fire/ Poison/ Ground/ Ice - type.
Wow. I never knew that!
Really? Gawd. Something new there...

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

>... Also, poisoned Pokémon who evolve into a Poison- or Steel-type Pokémon, such as Cascoon evolving into Dustox, will keep the poisoned status after evolving.

Source: Bulbapedia/ Poison

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Bulbapedia has the answer to pretty much everything
Then make sure you check it before asking anything.
And the fact Bulbapedia used the same examle as me is jinxy as well... :/