PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
16 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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66 Answers

0 votes

This team is obtainable in both versions, and is built around Meganium.

Meganium (Start)
- Giga Drain
- Body Slam
- Reflect
- Light Screen

The Starter of this team and generally the backbone of it. Meganium will serve as an excellent wall and utility Pokemon, setting up screens as needed, paralyzing enemies with Body Slam, and leeching the foes' health with Giga Drain

Ampharos (1st Gym)
- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Power Gem
- Thunder Wave

**A great special attacker. Ampharos provides excellent coverage with its various Special Attacks, as well as Thunder Wave for utility and catching legendaries.

Fearow (1st Gym)
- Drill Peck
- Return
- Roost
- U-turn

An awesome Hit-and-Run Pokemon, Fearow will be there to dish out powerful flying and normal type attacks, heal if needed, and switch out when facing unavoidable danger.

Haunter/Gengar (1st Gym)
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater

Haunter/Gengar is the team's Special Sweeper. It puts enemies to sleep with Hypnosis and follows up with a powerful STAB Shadow Ball or Sludge Bomb, or a Dream Eater for Psychic coverage and health.

Poliwrath (2nd Gym)
- Waterfall
- Brick Break
- Bulk Up
- Ice Punch

The Physical Powerhouse. An amazing sweeper, Poliwrath comes in and sets up Bulk Ups to take hits, and then dishes out STAB Waterfalls and Brick Breaks, both of which hit like a truck when behind a few Bulk Ups. Ice Punch is for Flying and Grass coverage, a necessity for this outstanding Water Type.

Magmar (4th Gym)
- Flamethrower
- Psychic
- Will-O-Wisp
- Brick Break / Sunny Day

Magmar is a great Special Attacker, providing much-needed Fire coverage for your team. It is able to set up Will-O-Wisp against threatening Physical attackers, as well as put up a Sunny Day to boost its Flamethrower attack to ludicrously high levels. If preferred, when evolving it to Magmortar after the Elite Four, you can replace Will-O-Wisp with Solar Beam, which works well in conjunction with Sunny Day.

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If I didnt have access to trade, eho should I replace Gengar with? Id rather not be using a Haunter, and using Magmar is pushing it.
Espeon as its a really solid special attacker and does Gengars job expect it has access to more utility and its Psychic typing helps out a lot, even without the Ghost typing this team should do fine anyways. Hopefully this helps :)
0 votes

enter image description here
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Modest/Timid
Eruption - Great when HP is full, STAB
Lava Plume - Good chance to burn the target, STAB
Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Blast Burn - Flamethrower hits more often, while Fire Blast will do more damage if it hits. Blast Burn does the most damage overall, but you have to rest the next turn. If you're going the safe route, I suggest flamethrower.
Solar Beam/Focus Blast - Both are for coverage, but Solar Beam takes time to charge and Focus Blast barely hits. I recommend Solar Beam, but Focus Blast works too.

I chose Typhosion because he is arguably the best starter of the three. Feraligatr is good as well, but since there are so many other options for water types, I chose Typhlosion. As for Meganium, she didn't exactly work out for me the last time I used her. Typhlosion has an advantage against a fair share of the 16 gyms, and with it's beautiful speed and special attack, it makes for a great speedy sweeper.

enter image description here
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Inner Focus
U-Turn - Used to deal damage and get crobat out of sticky situations. Thanks to Crobat's high speed, this can be done quickly and easily.
Fly - Useful in-game because you can fly to any familiar town, STAB
Cross Poison/Sludge Bomb - Crobat's best Poison STAB
Mean Look - Used for catching the wandering legendaries

Crobat's amazing speed and decent attack stats make it one of the best choices for a flying type there is. It helps with a good amount of the gyms, and Mean Look helps with catching the wandering legendaries A LOT. Crobat is also available very early on, right before the first gym.

enter image description here
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Brave/Naughty
Earthquake - Powerful, STAB
Strength - Needed for in-game purposes
Surf - Necessary to beat the game, STAB
Waterfall - STAB, best physical water type move that quagsire has access to

Quagsire might not be the best choice for a water type, but with one weakness and two immunities + the access to all of the HMs it can learn makes it a huge help in-game. Not only that, but it has immunities to three of Red's Pokemon, proving useful in the final battle.

enter image description here
Ability: Static
Nature: Modest/Rash/Mild
Discharge - 30% Paralysis, STAB
Thunder - Powerful, STAB
Signal Beam - Used to deal with Psychic, Grass, and Dark Types
Power Gem - Coverage

I honestly love Ampharos. It's available so early on, evolves at an early level, and has impressive stats both offensively and defensively. It also has a wide movepool which helps in all sorts of ways.

enter image description here
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Modest/Mild
Psychic - Powerful, STAB
Shadow Ball - Coverage
Signal Beam - Coverage against dark types
Future Sight - Powerful, STAB

To be honest, espeon is my favorite eeveelution. She has a huge special attack stat and impressive speed, making her one of the best psychic types available in the game. She is also available early on (around the fourth gym)and has an advantage over lots of the gyms.

enter image description here
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Adamant/Lonely
Fire Punch - Coverage
Outrage - Powerful, STAB, you don't really have to worry about confusion in-game considering that you can switch out after a KO
Dragon Rush/Dragon Claw - If you want to hit more often, go with Dragon Claw. If you don't care about accuracy and just want raw power, go for dragon rush. With the wide lens dragon rush's accuracy is more reliable
Aqua Tail - Coverage

Although only available late in the game and evolving late, Dragonite's balanced stats and crazy attack come in handy in the second part of the game.

0 votes

This is my team. I think it's quite good:

Ability = Blaze

-Lava Plume
-Sunny Day
-Focus Punch

Eruption is a stab move and is the strongest fire type move. It is also good because of Typhlosion's high Special Attack. Lava Plume is used when Eruption's PP is used up. It also has a chance of burning the target. Sunny Day is a filler move and also increases the user's fire type moves. Focus Punch is just plain strong and has a type coverage against rock types.

(Ariados: [HG]
Ability = Swarm

-Poison Jab
-Sludge Bomb
-Sucker Punch
-Scary Face

Poison Jab is a stab move and is good because of Ariados' Attack stat. It also has a 30% chance of poisoning the target. Sludge Bomb is the 'Poison Jab' but in Special Attack form. Sucker Punch is just... strong, I guess. Scary Face removes the threat of Ariados' low weak Speed stat.


Ledian: [SS]
Ability = Early Bird/Swarm

-Bug Buzz
-Double Edge
-Aerial Ace

Bug Buzz is one of, if not the strongest bug type move in SS. It is also a stab move. Double Edge will sacrifice itself but pretty much KO the opponent. Reflect increases Ledian's low Defense, while also protecting the whole team for 5 turns. Aerial Ace is "quite" good, and never misses. You know what, this Pokemon is weak!)

Ability = Static

-Power Gem
-Rain Dance
-Signal Beam

Thunder has great power, but low accuracy. It is a stab move and is great for Ampharos because it's Special Attack stat is high. Power Gem can surprise your opponents and defeat more types of Pokemon. Rain Dance will increase Thunder's accuracy to 100. Signal Beam has a type coverage against ground types, what electric is only weak to.

Ability = Water Absorb

-Ice Beam

Earthquake is a stab move and is the strongest ground type move. It also helps that Quagsire's Attack stat is kind of high. Surf is also a stab move, and is really good too. Amnesia increases the user's Special Defense stat and remove the threat of low Special Defense. Ice Beam has a type coverage against grass, the only type that Quagsire is weak to.

Ability = Chlorophyll

-Giga Drain
-Petal Dance
-Sludge Bomb

Giga Drain is good when your Vileplume's HP is low. It is also a stab move. Petal Dance is really useful for Vileplume's Special Attack stat is high. Sludge Bomb has a 30% chance of poisoning the target, and it also is a stab move. Attract is really useful when your opponent has a Pokemon that is strong, but has an opposite gender from your Vileplume.

Ability = Oblivious

-Ice Punch
-Fake Tears

Psychic is a strong and stab move. What else is there to say.... Ice Punch is a stab move and it is also strong... Fake tears lower the target's Special Defense. Sing put's the target to sleep.

So, I hope this helped.

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bug isn't very effective against ground, actually.... great team do
I would replace Ariados/Ledian with Pinsir,. Otherwise it is a solid team.
0 votes

Typhlosion @ heat rock
-sunny day: it will help flame-t and solar beam.
-flamethrower: for STAB
-solar beam: for water, rock and ground weakness
-earthquake: for type coverage

-fly: its useful for the game and has STAB
- cross poison: good power and STAB
-mean look: help to catch entei and raikou
-confuse ray: usefull against all opponents

-power gem: type coverage and good power
-thunderbolt: STAB and good against flying and water opponents
-light screen: helps for poor special defensive Pokemons
-signal beam: coverage for dark, psychic and grass types

-sludge bomb: STAB and good base power- poison chance
-petal dance: STAB and great base power
-giga drain: STAB and recovery +damage
-moonlight: recovery and good with sunny day(typhlosion)

-surf: STAB + useful in the story
-ice beam, blizzard or ice shard: STAB and good base power OR if lapras's more attack, play ice shard for priority
-perish song: for an annoying last Pokemon, then switch.
-waterfall: STAB + chance flinch and useful in the story

-psychic: STAB and good base power
-calm mind: good bonus spe att and def + good speed of espeon= easy kills
-shadow ball: type coverage and weakness + good base power
last one is your choice. I, personally ,play it with energy ball because of its nice bp, but you choose

I hope this helps you

you might as well play other pokemons or use a different starter. everything is your choice. you might as well use another eeveelution on your team like umbreon or just replace other pokemons
0 votes

Typhlosion, Crobat, Lapras, Espeon, Ampharos, and Dragonite

1. Typhlosion. He is your Starter and Fire type Pokemon.
Moves: Flamethrower(Basic fire type move)
Eruption (or Blast Burn. The more hp you have for Eruption, the more damage)
Strength(HM move)
and Earthquake( Coverage against Rock types.)
2. Crobat. You flyer and poison type.
Moves: Fly (HM move.)
Cross Poison(use a heart scale to get it.Worth it.)
Poison fang( A poison move learned at lv.39)
and Air Slash(Flying move learned at Lv.51)
3. Lapras. Your Water type and Ice type.
Moves: Surf(HM move)
Ice Beam(Ice move learned at Lv.32)
Hydro Pump(Strong water move learned at Lv.49)
Thunder(Tm you can get at Goldenrod City at the Department Store. Deal a bit of damage to the pesky fighting types.)
4. Espeon. Your Psychic type.
Moves: Psychic(Strong psychic move)
Psybeam( a normal Psychic move)
Swift(A normal move that never misses)
and Future Sight
5. Ampharos. Your Electric type.
Moves: Thunder(Goldenrod Department Store)
Thunder-punch(Learned at Lv.30)
Fire Punch(Heart Scale and find the move tutor for remeber)
and Thunder Wave(To slow down Pokemon in battle, and makes capturing Pokemon easier.)
6 Dragonite. Your Dragon type.
Moves: Dragon Rush(Learned at Lv.39 Super Strong Dragon move)
Dragon Dance( Powers up Attack and Speed)
Outrage( One of the strongest Dragon moves but confuses you after 1-4 turns)
Fire Punch.(Coverage against Ice types)

0 votes

Pokémon SoulSilver version, Levels and movesets are for the Johto Elite four.
Feraligatr Ampharos Bellossom Nidoking Ninetales Skarmory

Feraligatr Lv. 45

  • Waterfall
  • Ice Fang
  • Crunch
  • Earthquake

Waterfall is a solid physical STAB move which is also an HM. Ice Fang is great Grass/Dragon coverage and Earthquake is a very powerful move for Electric types. Crunch is just a good coverage move with good properties.

Ampharos Lv. 45

  • Discharge
  • Signal Beam
  • Thunder Wave
  • Light Screen

While Ampharos is a very hard hitting special attacker, this moveset is a bit more defensive and takes advantage of some nice moves that Ampharos can learn. Discharge is STAB and has a 30% paralysis rate. Signal Beam is coverage for many types. Thunder Wave is useful for catching Pokémon and useful in battle too and Light Screen helps the entire team tank special moves.

Bellossom Lv. 45

  • Solar Beam
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Sunny Day
  • Sleep Powder

Bellossom might look underwhelming but it's actually a force to be reckoned with and has great stats too. Sludge Bomb is Coverage and has a lot of power. Sunny Day, Solar Beam and Sleep powder is a deadly combo and with it's Chlorophyll ability it can sweep teams easily or stall for days.

Nidoking Lv. 45

  • Poison Jab
  • Earth Power
  • Blizzard
  • Iron Tail

It might be a pain to get Poison Jab(Nidorino Lv.43) but there aren't really any other options and you get the TM for it in Kanto so you don't really have a choice, but it's still a great STAB move. Earth power is special STAB and Blizzard for Ground/Dragon coverage. Iron Tail hits hard and covers Ice types.

Ninetales Lv. 45

  • Sunny Day
  • Nasty Plot
  • Flamethrower
  • Solar Beam

Sunny day boosts Flamethrower and allows one turn Solar Beam and Nasty Plot quickly raises its special attack so that you can easily sweep. Flamethrower is STAB learned at an early level and Solar Beam covers all, yes, ALL weaknesses!

Skarmory Lv. 45

  • Fly
  • Steel Wing
  • Spikes
  • Night Slash

Fly is STAB and a crucial HM. Steel Wing is STAB and Night Slash is great coverage with high critical hit chance and Spikes is a perfect strategy for any larger team you face.

Why did you choose special moves on Nidoking, being a physical attacker?
0 votes

OK, here it is
FERALIGATR: Hydro Pump, Surf, Avalanche and waterfall
Hydro pump is good, surf is the same thing as Hydro pump,avalanche because it uses his low speed to attack and waterfall is physical

Pidgeot: Fly, return,quick attack and wing attack
Fly because you NEED IT,quick attack to finish weak pokémon,return is STAB and deals a good damage and wing attack is decent

Jolteon:thunder fang,thunder,thunderbolt,rain dance
thunder fang has high chance to flinch or paralyze,thunder make combos with rain dance,thunderbolt is the electric attack that will carry your team and rain dace for thunder

Weezing:sludge bomb, explode, sludge and shadow ball
sludge bomb is STAB, sludge has high chance to poison, EXLPODE is brutal and shadow ball due to his poor offensive movepool

Dragonite:aqua tail,extremespeed,dragon claw(or dragon breath) and outrage
Aqua tail for type coverage,extremespeed to give and brutal (and probably last) hit,dragon claw or breath are STAB and outrage is... OUTRAGE!!!

Lickylick(lets abuse): Slam,Strengh,Hyper beam and rollout
Slam is STAB, Strengh is strong,HYPER BEAM is brutal and rollout cause' hes a tank

0 votes

My Team
(Note: Walerin takes a long time to get)
(Note: moves are listed in : Powerful, Strong, Good, Neutral, Purposes)

Typhlosion @charcoal
Flamethrower - STAB move (powerful)
Eruption/Blast Burn - STAB move, Eruption is powerful at max health and blast burn is stronger but you must recharge (powerful)
Thunder Punch - To kill water types (strong)
Dig - To get out quick from caves and strong (Good)

Ampharos @magnet
Thunder - powerful STAB move (powerful)
Dragon Pulse - destroy the dragonites during lance fight since Walrein takes a long time to get (powerful)
Discharge/Thunderbolt - STAB move (strong/powerful)
Rain Dance - increases Thunder's accuracy to 100 (purposes)

Walrein @nevermeltice
Surf - surfing necessaries and strong STAB move (strong)
Waterfall - waterfall necessaries and strong STAB move (strong)
Ice Beam - cause havoc on Dragons and powerful STAB move (powerful)
Hail - if it has Ice Body, then Hail will heal it, while other Pokemons get damaged (except ice)

Noctowl @choice specs
Fly - flying purposes (neutral)
Hypnosis - SLEEP (purposes)
Dream Eater - while sleeping (powerful)
Roost - 'gimme me a sec to heal. gosh' (purposes)

Steelix @metal coat
ice fang - to destroy the dragonites before you obtain walrus (strong)
screech - lower def. (purposes)
double edge - if you have rock head, this is your holy move (powerful)
iron tail - good steel move(strong)

confuse ray - confuse Pokemon (dun) (purposes)
faint attack - good dark move (strong)
dark pulse - strong dark move (powerful)
moon light - healing. if your umbreon's lvl isnt that high, use payback instead (purposes) payback = strong

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Ampharos doesn't learn dragon pulse in gen 4
0 votes

Team Overview :

Typhlosion / Crobat / Ampharos / Heracross / Lapras / Rhydon

Typhlosion ( Fire )
Ability : Blaze


Blast Burn
Focus blast

He will be your Starter. Probably the best non-legendary fire type in HGSS. Flamethrower is decent STAB. Earthquake and Focus blast are coverage and useful moves for Koga and Karen. Blast Burn is a Super powerful move with a power of 150 but unfortunately needs to recharge. This move will be quite useful if you use it against opponents like Red's Venusaur.

Crobat ( Poison / Flying )
Ability : Inner Focus


Cross Poison

He will be your flyer and physical attacker. You can get it early in game. Just grab one in dark cave. He may be hard to train ( Only learns leech life when caught ) but it's worth it. My Golbat envolved into a Crobat after defeating Morty. Crobat excels more in Attack, so I decided to give him a physical moveset. Fly is STAB. Cross Poison also gains STAB and has a high critical-hit radio. Roost is for recovery and X-scissors is coverage, also a useful move for Will and Karen.

Ampharos ( Electric )
Ability : Static


Thunder wave
Power Gem
Signal Beam

Mareep too is another team member that could be obtained early in game. It can learn some good coverage moves which makes it a better Pokemon. It has high special attack which is why it has a special moveset. Thunderbolt is STAB. I used thunder wave because it's quite useful when I catch legendaries. Power Gem and Signal Beam are coverage moves and Signal beam is useful for Karen and Will.

Heracross ( Bug / Fighting )
Ability : Guts


Close Combat
Night Slash
Brick break

Heracross is a must have in every Gen 2 game teams. The combination of bug type and fighting type is perfect for the elite 4. After getting one of your team members to learn headbutt, go to Azalea town and headbutt the trees. You will encounter one soon. This guy will also rekt Whitney's Gym. Megahorn is powerful STAB. Close Combat is also powerful STAB and Brick Break in case the opponent use Reflect / Light screen. Night Slash is good coverage.

Lapras ( Water / Ice )
Ability : Shell Armor


Ice Beam
Hydro Pump

Get a Slave that surfs, go to the deepest part of Union cave and grab a Lapras during Friday. Just take on Clair and Lance, it will not disappoint you.
Surf and Ice beam are STABs. Hydro Pump is for more power. Surf will help you if Hydro Pump PP runs out. Psychic is coverage and it is obtainable in Saffron city ( Kanto ). If you want a move earlier, Thunder is also a good move.

Rhydon ( Rock / Ground )
Ability : Lightning Rod


Stone Edge
Hammer Arm

This may seem strange that Rhydon is not fully envolved. But he really helped me defeat some of Lance's flying dragons and Red's Pikachu.
Megahorn is good coverage and is useful for Will and Karen. Stone Edge and Earthquake are Powerful STABs. Hammer Arm is useful for Karen. Rhydon may not learn those moves when first taking on the Pokemon League, so Rock Blast, Dig, can be alternatives also.

Good Luck and this was the team I used to beat the game.

Note : You no need Rhydon to outspeed Red's Pikachu. It will withstand Pikachu's Iron tail Perfectly. I tried this before and an Earthquake will do the Job. ( Rhydon must be at least level 60+ )
0 votes

Team Overview :


Note : This team is for Heart Gold

Feraligatr @ Wave Incense
Type : Water
Ability : Torrent


  • Waterfall
  • Surf
  • Blizzard
  • Crunch

Feraligatr will be your reliable starter and surfer anytime and anywhere. Surf is for surfing around Johto and Kanto. Waterfall is Feraligatr's main physical STAB move. The reason why I used Blizzard is because It has great power to make up for its low Sp. Atk. It will also threaten Lance's dragons. Crunch is to counter those annoying Psychic types. He will be very useful in your journey.

Ampharos @ Magnet
Type : Electric
Ability : Static


  • Thunderbolt
  • Thunder Wave
  • Power Gem
  • Signal Beam

The reason why I chose Ampharos is because it can be found early and that it has nice Sp. Atk. You will be relying on him to defeat the first gym leader. Thunderbolt is great special STAB. Power Gem and Signal beam are also good coverages that are useful for the elite 4. Thunder wave is useful for catching wild Pokemon and even legendaries. He will be your key to taking on strong opponents like Lance's Gyarados, Red's Blastoise, Lapras, and Charizard.

Heracross @ Leftovers
Type : Bug / Fighting
Ability : Guts


  • Close Combat
  • Megahorn
  • Night Slash
  • Stone Edge

Heracross great typing is best for the elite 4. He will destroy Whitney's gym completely. Close Combat is fantastic STAB with great power, so does Megahorn. Night Slash and Stone Edge are nice coverages. He will defeat Will and Karen and Red's Snorlax.

Arcanine @ Charcoal
Type : Fire
Ability : Flash Fire


  • Heat Wave
  • Crunch
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Extreme Speed

Arcanine has great stats and excels both in attacking and special attacking. The reason why I used Heat Wave is because it doesn't require recoil damage. If you want a physical move with more power, Flare Blitz is also a choice. Crunch is useful for Will. Dragon Pulse is to threaten Lance and Clair. Extreme Speed is priority move that has decent power to KO opponents with low hp. He is obtainable only in HG. If you want a fire type in SS, Ninetales is also a choice.

Mamoswine @ Lagging Tail
Type : Ice / Ground
Ability : Snow Cloak


  • Ice Shard
  • Avalanche
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Climb

Mamoswine will be your main Pokemon to take on Lance and Clair, working together with Dragonite. You can grab one Swinub in Ice Path. The reason why I let it hold Lagging Tail is because I want to make Avalanche's power double. If you want Mamoswine to hit first, you can let it learn Ice Shard. Avalanche and Ice Shard are STABs. Earthquake is powerful STAB. Rock Climb is just a filler move and can also confuse the target.

Dragonite @ Persim Berry
Type : Dragon / Flying
Ability : Inner Focus


  • Fly
  • Outrage
  • Steel Wing
  • Earthquake

Dragonite will be your late flyer. You can get a flyer slave before it. It will work together with Mamoswine to defeat Lance and Clair. Fly is STAB and for flying around. Outrage is powerful STAB but unfortunately leaves user confused after a few turns, which is why Dragonite is holding Persim Berry. Steel Wing covers Dragonite's Rock and Ice's weaknesses. Earthquake is to counter those annoying Electric types.

Good Luck.

This is a great team. The only issue I have with it is its lack of a Psychic type. Aside from that, it is amazing, and definitely one I will have to try sometime. It just seems to have all its bases covered so well.
0 votes

Here's Mine. I built mine to specifically deal almost every gym leader and the Elite Four

Feraligatr Lvl:50
Ability: Torrent
Move Set:
- Water Pulse
- Surf
- Ice Fang/ Ice Beam/ Blizzard
- Crunch

Dragonite Lvl:55 (Three Of Them; Each One Has A Different Move Set)
Ability: Inner Focus
Move Set:
- Dragon Claw/Outrage
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Pulse/ Dragon Rage(Not Very Useful Unless Enemy Is Weak)
- Thunderbolt

Dragonite II Lvl:55
Ability: Inner Focus
Move Set:
- Dragon Rush
- Thunderwave
- Blizzard
- HyperBeam/Dragon Dance

Dragonite III Lvl:55
Ability: Inner Focus
Move Set:
- Dragon Rush(Not Always Guaranteed To Hit)/Dragon Claw
- Thunderwave
- Thunder
- HyperBeam/Giga Impact/Dragon Dance

Gyarados Lvl:50
Ability: Intimidate
Move Set:
- Dragon Pulse
- Ice Fang
- Thunderbolt/Thunder/Earthquake
- Surf

Lapras Lvl: 50
Ability: Shell Armor/Water Absorb
Move Set:
- Ice Beam
- Perish Song(Useful For Killing Enemies; You Can Withdraw Lapras and Song Effect Won't Harm It)/Protect
- Sheer Cold(Must Do A Lot Of Training For This One)/Blizzard
- Surf

If you want, you could teach one of the Dragonites an HM such as Fly Or Surf but I beat the entire game easy with this team. Granted, for three dragonites, you'll have to waste a lot of time training and at the game corner in Goldenrod but the results are well worth it.

It's pretty easy to beat the game with three Dragonites. How about you try it with some non-Dragon Pokemon? And FYI, your whole team suffers a glaring weakness to Electric and Rock types.
Yes it was.  I have also attempted doing six dragonites.  But honestly, i just employ whatever Pokemon work best.  And yes I do suffer weaknesses to those two types but i make it point to beat them before they beat me.
Hmmm lance much XD
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I used this team in my last play through, and it worked great...


-Rock climb

This Pokemon is by far the best starter. He has great special attack flamethrower and eruption get stab. Rock climb and dig are kinda just must have moves, and don't really have competitive use in-game.


-Confuse Ray
-Air slash

Xatu is a really underestimated Pokemon. He has pretty nice speed and special attack, and can be a good late game sweeper. Psychic and air slash are stab. Also, air slash can give you flinch hax which of course is amazing. Finally confuse Ray can help if you are Underleveled. Fly of course to fly.


-Thunder wave
-Waterfall/Whirlpools/Ice beam

Really good water Pokemon. Discharge and surf are stab, and thunder wave can be a big help as lanturn is pretty slow. Ice beam is coverage, but if you don't have an hm slave feel free to give him whirlpool or waterfall.


-Ice beam
-Ice shard
-Ancient power

Mamoswine is great because is gives stab ice attack. With lance and Claire this is a great asset. Ice shard is just priority. And ancient power is just there because he needs to know it to evolve from piloswine. Ice beam and earthquake are just stab.


-Body slam

Hate on me all you want but lickylicky is basically gen 2's snorlax. Toxic and recover is just basic stall. Strength and body slam give stab.


-Razor leaf
-poison powder

Victreebell is a solid grass type. I gave it two grass moves since they're better than acid. Stick to razor lef, but if you think you can take a hit, go for Solarbeam. Cut is a nice hm, and poison powder can always be helpful.

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I used this team to beat the gym leaders, elite four, champion, and Red. Works with ease.


Feraligatr :
Item : Mystic Water
Surf - STAB - HM needed.
Waterfall STAB - HM needed.
Rain Dance - Boosts water moves
Crunch - Coverage

Get Totodile from Professor Elm in his lab
in New Bark Town. Evolve it.


Togekiss :
Item : Sharp Beak
Fly - STAB - HM useful.
Yawn - Puts Pokemon to sleep next turn.
ExtremeSpeed - STAB Always goes first, good power
Extrasensory - Good coverage.

Get Egg from Professor Elm's aid
in the Pokemon Center in Violet
City. Hatch it, and evolve it.


Yanmega :
Item : Silver Powder
Bug Buzz - STAB - Great power.
U - Turn - STAB - Get out of sticky situations.
Slash - Decent power, High crit ratio.
AncientPower - Coverage, potential stat raise.

Catch Yanma on Route 35.
Evolve it.


Arcanine :
Item : Charcoal
Flamethrower - STAB - Great power.
Sunny Day - Boosts Fire type moves power.
ExtremeSpeed - Good power, always goes first.
Dragon Pulse - Coverage.

Catch Growlithe on Route 36.
Evolve it.


Tangrowth :
Item : Miracle Seed
Giga Drain - STAB Good power, heals HP.
Rock Smash - Needed HM
AncientPower - Good coverage, potential stat raise.
Energy Ball - STAB Good power.

Catch Tangela on Route 44.
Evolve it.


Mamoswine :
Item : NeverMeltIce
Ice Shard -STAB - Always goes first.
Earthquake STAB - Great power.
Rock Climb - Needed HM for Red.
Ice Beam - STAB - Good power.

Catch Swinub on Ice Path.
Evolve it.

That's the team! I hope you used it, it's what I used to beat everyone, did not lose once!
Thank you!

  • Fortunne

You cant get toga kiss until post game
Physical Togekiss is god awful and is also going to have to be carried until Kanto in order to even evolve. While Togetic can be good, especially against Morty and Chuck, I don't think it's better than Crobat, Skarmory, Gliscor or even Fearow.
Togekiss comes at a low level and has low attack stats. Yanmega is very difficult to catch before defeating Lance and requires high levels to learn its good moves. Arcanine is difficult to evolve. Tangrowth and Mamoswine both arrive late and at low levels. Tauros, Scyther, Magmar, and Graveler are better alternatives. This team has 6 battlers, so you can replace one of them with a HM slave (like Krabby) and let the remaining Pokemon gain more experience.
0 votes

The Team I Used:

Ability: Blaze

~ Flamethrower
~ Focus Blast
~ Earthquake
~ Shadow Claw

  • Flamethrower is obviously STAB, and since you're probably around Level 50 for the Elite Four. Flamethrower can take out half of Koga, with Ariados, Venomoth, and Forretress being part Bug types. Exeggutor will be easy to take out too, which is with the first elite four member. The only problem it'll have with Bruno is Onix. Then it can take out Vileplume that Karen has.
  • Focus Blast can be used to take out Dark Types, most of Karen's Pokémon, and Onix. It can be useful for Aerodactyl but gets reduced because of the part flying type.
  • Earthquake can be used to take out Electric and Rock types and Koga's poison Pokémon apart from Crobat. It'll be completely useless when coming to Lance, as all of his Pokémon are flying type.
  • Shadow Claw is to beat them pesky Ghost types, and Karen. It'll also come in handy with Will, but is recommended not to be used on his Slowbro.

Ability: Insomnia

~ Fly
~ Hypnosis
~ Air Slash
~ Extrasensory

  • Fly is STAB, also, kind of useful on Noctowl. It's one HM move for it, too. With the exception of Forretress, it can take out all the Pokémon that Typhlosion could with a flamethrower attack. Since it's physical and most of Noctowl's moves are special, it won't do as much.
  • Hypnosis is obvious. To stall your opponents. If you wanted to, you could replace Extrasensory with Roost, for a Hypnosis Roost combo.
  • Air Slash is a very powerful STAB on Noctowl, high crit ratio, but also may miss a lot. Covers a lot and can do good against Bruno's fighting type Pokémon.
  • Extrasensory is basically the same as Air Slash. May could be taken out for Roost if you wanted to go that route, but if not, it could help against Vileplume, Gengar and Bruno.

Ability: Synchronize

~ Psychic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Protect
~ Focus Punch

  • Psychic is a POWERFUL STAB move, and with Kadabra/Alakazam being a special sweeper, can take out Koga and Bruno in a pinch. May also be useful against the Dragonites, if it can land a hit.
  • Shadow Ball is for coverage of Ghost Types, and to beat up Will. Special move nothing really much to say.
  • Protect for blocking an opponent's attack that you think could be threatening to you.
  • Focus Punch for Dark Type coverage, as long as the opponent sets up or misses on the turn you power it up, it packs a punch. It may miss a lot, but it's extremely powerful.

Ability: Volt Absorb

~ Thunderbolt
~ Ice Beam
~ Signal Beam
~ Surf

  • Thunderbolt is self-explanatory. Powerful STAB, can help against Lance quite a bit. Charizard, Aerodactyl and Gyarados. It can help against some of the other Elite Four members, but not much.
  • Ice Beam is what you need to rely on, them Dragonites. You need to keep Lanturn alive, as it'll be such a huge help in this battle. It can also help on the minor Claire, and the few grass types.
  • Signal Beam if you're having trouble with Will, the psychic type. 4X weakness on that Exeggutor, 100 accuracy so you should be pretty set for that.
  • Surf to get you through the game, and STAB. Can help with Charizard, and Bruno and his Onix. It doesn't really help much at the elite four, only for STAB.

Ability: Synchronize

~ Dark Pulse
~ Toxic
~ Confuse Ray
~ Payback

  • Dark Pulse is STAB. Can beat Will in a pinch and Karen's Gengar. Can possibly be used for Dragonites. You get it at Victory Road, so I suggest relying on Faint Attack.
  • Toxic deals greater damage later on, so it's useful, you can also stall.
  • Not much explanation needed, to troll your opponent.
  • Works well with the slow speed, hits like a truck if used correctly.

Ability: Chlorophyll

~ Sunny Day
~ Solar Beam
~ Sludge Bomb
~ Strength

  • Sunny Day because of Tangrowth's ability, Chlorophyll, to boost their speed.
  • Solar Beam STAB with the help of Sunny Day, can pack a punch. Not really helpful on most things except Aerodactyl and Gyarados but cancelled down because of the part flying.
  • Sludge Bomb type coverage no explanation really needed.
  • Strength is needed to get past the main storyline. Can be switched out in Kanto for Energy Ball or something.
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Having both Noctowl and Alakazam is pretty redundant. I would replace Noctowl with a more efficient and useful Flyer, something like Crobat or Honchkrow. If you added Honchkrow, you could replace Umbreon with a decent Ground type.
0 votes


Focus Blast
Blast Burn
Shadow Claw

Typhlosion is your starter Pokémon, you get when talking to Professor Elm in New Bark Town at the start of the game. It is one of the only good Fire Type Pokémon in the game, along with Arcanine, Magmar and Ninetales. It can learn a variety of useful TM moves, such as Earthquake, Focus Blast, and Shadow Claw, which will help you in the elite four. It's a mixed attacker but does very well in the game.


Air Cutter
Cross Poison

Crobat will be the second Pokémon you obtain in your adventure for this team. Crobat is one of the strongest flying types, also being dual Poison, one of the strongest Poison Types. Crobat will be your flyer but also an attacker. Crobat is a delicate creature, but his attack and speed is something to make it up with.


Sunny Day
Solar Beam
Sleep Powder
Giga Drain

Bellossom can take many hits, and cause trouble to many Pokémon. Though may not be helpful for most of the gyms, with that Sunny Day and Chlorophyll it can become a threat. Giga Drain is to heal yourself, while Sleep Powder is to set up that Sunny Day, and then boom, Solar Beam.


Rain Dance
Shadow Ball

Jolteon is a great Pokémon, and much better than Ampharos in my opinion. It has amazing speed and special attack and if that Thunder hits, can be a monster. Rain Dance is there to boost the accuracy of that Thunder and wipe out your opponents. Thunderbolt may be some time to get in the game corner, but it's worth it.


Ice Beam
Confuse Ray
Dragon Pulse

Lapras is a very handy Pokémon to have. That Ice Beam will knock everything out for you, becoming your saviour to Lance. Surf is only for HM, but also very useful, it has 90 Base Power. Confuse Ray is to stall your opponents, and Dragon Pulse is for coverage. Lapras can tank hits, and hit hard. Very useful, but you can only get it on a Friday in Union Cave.


Stone Edge
Hammer Arm

Rhydon, Rhyperior if you can get it, is a powerful Pokémon. Stone Edge can get rid of them pesky Dragonites, and the Charizard. It's a very strong Pokémon. Earthquake is powerful Stab, and Hammer Arm is for coverage. Strength is used as a HM move, but also quite powerful.

I hope you like, and use this team. Bye :p

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0 votes

This is a team I've been thinking of for a while.


Flame Wheel
Lava Plume

Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, and Lava Plume are strong STAB moves that can cause burns. Cut is an HM.


Air Slash
Shadow Ball

Air Slash and Fly are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Air Slash can cause flinching, and Fly is an HM and making most attacks unable to hit you on the turn you use it. Shadow Ball to take advantage of its immunity to Ghost types, and Extrasensory to compensate for the lack of a Psychic type.


Thunder Punch
Rock Climb

Thunder Punch and Discharge are strong STAB moves that can cause paralysis. Flash and Rock Climb are HMs, with the latter being able to cause confusion.


Karate Chop
Rock Smash

Karate Chop is a strong STAB move with a high critical hit ratio. Assurance is coverage against Psychic types. Strength and Rock Smash are HMs, with the latter being a good STAB move.


Hydro Pump/Bubble Beam

All of these moves are strong STAB moves, with the latter 3 being HMs. You can use either Hydro Pump or Bubble Beam whether you prefer power or accuracy.


Ice Beam
Ice Fang

All of these moves are strong STAB moves with their own perks: Ice Beam and Ice Fang can cause freezing, with the latter being able to cause flinching, Dig can help you escape caves and make most attacks unable to hurt you on the turn you use it, and Earthquake can hit underground enemies.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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0 votes

This is a really good team if you ask me
Feraligatr- Great starter that helps great with dragon types
Avalanche/Ice Gang
dragon claw
Arcanine-Get fire stone at pokeathelon dome, great fire type
Extreme speed
thunder rang
dragon pulse
Ampharos- Great electric type that helps with Falkner
power gem
signal beam
focus blast
Tyranitar- Hear me out. You can get Larvitar pretty easily at the safari zone if you do these EXACT STEPS. Throw a ball, then mud, then another ball, trust me.
rock slide
Umbreon/Espeon (I prefer Umbreon) Umbreon can take hits as ypu heal your Pokemon during elite four. Good for Morty
confuse ray
dark pulse
Heracross- Great Pokemon. Who doesn't want to crush Whitney's Miltank?
close combat
Brick break
aerial ace
night slash/earthquake/Megahorn
Hope you think my team is good

0 votes

My team is not the best, that much I know. But I tried the best I could. This team does work, but since trade glitch no longer exists, you do need a second gen 4 game, and ds or some other way to get Gengar, such as transferring up and then going to pal park, though I’d only recommend this if you want an experience worse than pulling all your teeth out with a plastic spork.Please tell me if this team is ok.

Feraligatr was my choice of starter. I feel it is massively underrated. Also, with the ability to get ice fang it is super strong vs lance. If you want to give it an item, then a mystic water would work, or maybe never melt ice,

 Moves: Waterfall
               Ice Fang

Explanation: Self explanatory. Crunch is good for psychic types, and waterfall is the main attack. Surf is there because carrying around a slave for that is tedious.

Gengar@wise glasses

Moves: Shadow Ball

          Sludge Bomb
           Energy Ball

Explanation: Gengar is a fantastic special attacker, I would recommend getting gastly/haunter from the Old Chateau, as you’ll get the Exp. Boost. Shadow ball and sludge bomb are stab, and energy ball and psychic for great coverage. You can replace wise glasses with focus band because Gengar is as durable a potato chip. Gengar is good against Sabrina’s psychic types save Alakzam. If you want, you can keep rock smash (because it’s such a common hm) until psychic, but again, you should probably get it from the old chateau in platinum, so give psychic to gastly and energy ball as well before trading up. If you really want to, you can replace sludge bomb with something else, but I don’t recommend it.


Nidoking@muscle band

 Moves: Earthquake
              Rock Slide
              Poison Jab/rock smash

Explanation: Nidoking is the king of HM’s. The main role is to protect Feraligatr from electric types. Poison jab is interchangeable with rock smash. If your gengar gives up sludge bomb for rock smash, give poison jab to nidoking and vice versa. Rock slide is coverage, and earthquake deals massive damage. At this point you may be wondering why I am not using Garchomp as the ground type. If we are trading so many Pokémon’s why not just trade a gible and then evolve it? Gabite is much more powerful than the other two middle evolutions of the other dragon types. But Garchomp means we can’t have a second dragon type and the other flyers are not that good. Togekiss is obtained too late to do anything and it has basically no level up movepool. Pidgeot is just ok and is much weaker late game, and Crobat is a good Pokémon but it would be the third poison type.

Ampharos@wise glasses

Moves: Thunderbolt

         Power gem
         Signal beam
         Thunder wave 

Explanation: The ubiquity of ampharos on teams is 100% the Pokémon itself. Ampharos has great special attack but no speed. The moves power gem and signal beam are very important coverage moves for psychic types and charizards (red and lance both have the,) and other flying types respectively. Thunderbolt is powerful STAB and thunder wave helps capture things like Suicune.

Salamence@leftovers or chesto/lum berry

Moves: Fly

         Dragon Dance
         Flamethrower/dragon claw

Explanation: First of all, do not go to the safari zone in Johto and get bagon. Trade it from platinum. I am using salamence because it has intimadate and better attack and speed. Drgson dance guarantees you are faster than anything lance has even if you already were. Outrage is offset first by the berry than by switching, and flamethrower is the only fire type move on the team.


Moves: x scissor

          Iron head
          Bullet punch

Explanation: Don’t try getting a metal coat from pokeathelon. Just get it in Platinum and just give it to scyther and then trade. Scizor is the teams psychic resist and kills Sabrina and helps out against Pryce and packs a resist to Clair.

While the team does need a lot of trade, you can find great replacements in Johto itself. Gengar can be replaced by espeon with calm mind and shadow ball with psychic and morning sun. Dragonite and heracross replace Scizor and Salamence.

How is this team? Please tell me. I hope it is ok.

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Not bad other than the trading part I would definitely use this team
0 votes

Feraligatr-Surf, aqua tail, ice fang, crunch
Heracross-Megahorn, focus punch, close combat, brick break
Espeon-calm mind, psychic, signal beam, shadow ball
Umbreon-assurance, dig, iron tail, protect
Ursaring- earthquake, return, shadow claw, bulk up
Crobat-steel wing, fly, cross Poison, x-scissor

Feraligatr is mostly because he is my favorite starter and my first Pokemon, so... I also find him to be very good with quite a few powerful moves and good stats

Heracross is probably the best gen 2 fighting type even though I prefer hitmontop personally, but he is harder to get so... Also heracross is just plain strong with not much coverage, but who needs that when you have close combat and megahorn

Espeon is one of my two favorite Pokemon alongside Umbreon. I used one of both on one of my early soul silver teams and have loved them both since. Espeon is a relatively frail special attacker, but has a pretty good speed stat and great special attack. She also has good tm coverage

Umbreon is a special wall who I love dearly. He is so cool. I actually mostly use him offensively in-game which is wierd because of his stats. Also, I know you can normally only get one Eevee In game but ditto is right next to the daycare, which is very close to Eevee's location. I would normally run foul play these days, but not in gen 4 because well, no foul play

Ursaring is a Pokemon I really like for the damage and coverage. Full happiness return just breaks things. He has a very high attack stat and very good move coverage with fighting, ground, ghost , steel, and other types of moves. He also works decently as a physical tank.

Crobat, one of the most underrated Pokemon because of it's infamous preevolution. All around a good Pokemon though. Very fast, pretty good attack stat, great STABs, and some coverage moves.

My team may not be the best, but I love this set. It was one of my earliest teams, and my favorite

0 votes

Team Preview:

Pre-Elite Four

Typhlosion @ Amulet Coin
Ability - Blaze

  • Flamethrower (Level 42)
  • Blast Burn (Move Tutor - Blackthorn City)
  • Dig (TM28 - National Park)
  • Strength (HM04 - Route 42)

While Feraligatr is the best of the starters in terms of in-game viability, he does make a very close second place. Typhlosion has great Speed and Special Attack, decent Attack and good STAB moves. His main issue is his shallow movepool outside of Move Tutors and Egg Moves. Flamethrower is your main STAB move, Blast Burn is a very powerful STAB move mainly used for ending battles quickly, Dig covers his Rock-type weakness just be aware of possibly EQs, and Strength allows you to move boulders.

Ambipom @ King's Rock
Ability - Technician

  • Double Hit (Level 32)
  • Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mt. Mortar, Requires Waterfall)
  • Shadow Claw (TM65 - Route 46)
  • U-Turn (TM89 - Gift from Bugsy)

While Ambipom may seem like a weird choice at first, it is actually a pretty useful Pokémon. He has great Speed and Attack, and a pretty solid movepool. He mainly played the role of revenge killer and the variety member. Double Hit is a great STAB move, that has slightly more than 150BP after calculations, Aerial Ace gets Technician-boosted and covers his Fighting-type weakness, Shadow Claw has a high critical hit rate and allows Ambipom to hit Ghost-types, and U-Turn allows him to do some damage before switching, which compliments his revenge killer role.

Nidoqueen @ Shell Bell
Ability - Poison Point

  • Sludge Bomb (TM36 - Route 43 Gate after defeating Team Rocket in Mahogany Town)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Victory Road)
  • Body Slam (Level 23 as Nidoqueen - May Require Move Reminder)
  • Surf (HM03 - Ecruteak Theatre)

While you could honestly pick either or Nidoqueen or Nidoking, I decided I would use Nidoqueen because I had never used her before, and at the time, my team was very frail. Sludge Bomb is a good STAB move, Earthquake is a great STAB move, Body Slam has a very high paralysis chance and does solid damage, and Surf covers her Ground weakness and allows you to get across Water before you get Shellder later on. If you want Body Slam right away, you will have to get a bunch of points in the Pokéathlon for a Moon Stone on Monday, and it is the same case for Thrash with Nidoking. If you want to use Nidoking, I would recommend the same set, but with Thrash over Body Slam.

Cloyster @ Quick Claw / Zoom Lens
Ability - Skill Link

  • Surf (HM03 - Ecruteak Theatre) / Clamp (Level 25 as Shellder)
  • Whirlpool (HM05 - From Lance after defeating Team Rocket in Mahogany Town)
  • Icicle Spear (Level 13 as Shellder)
  • Spikes (Level 28 as Cloyster)

While there definitely are better possible Water types available in-game such as Lapras, Vaporeon or Gyarados, my team was really lacking in Physical bulk, and Cloyster has a massive Defence stat, as well as an amazing in-game typing of Water/Ice to boot. Surf (if you decide on Quick Claw) and Clamp (If you decide on Zoom Lens - Zoom Lens increase a move's accuracy if if goes last) are your main Water STABs, Whirlpool traps an opponent and deals passive damage for a few turns, and allows you to pass over Whirlpools, Icicle Spear is a great STAB move with Skill Link and covers the late-game Dragons well, and Spikes is mainly for support.

Mr. Mime @ Bright Powder
Ability - Filter

  • Psychic (Level 39)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30 - Gift from Morty)
  • Reflect (Level 22)
  • Charge Beam (TM57 - Olivine City)

Mr. Mime is the only member I retained from my Feraligatr team, and for good reason. It was the best way to round off this team - it has high Special Defence, something my team was lacking and it is Psychic-type, which is great in HGSS due to all of Team Rocket's Poison-types. Psychic is a great STAB move, Shadow Ball covers his Ghost-type weakness, Reflect allows him to take hits from both sides and allows him to play support, and Charge Beam is for setting up to sweep. However, if you want a different Psychic-type, I would recommend Kadabra the most (assuming you have no trade access). It has good stats, a similar moveset to Mr. Mime, and comes early. The thing is if you choose Kadabra, you will have a big lack in Special Defence.

Murkrow @ Exp. Share
Ability - Super Luck

  • Dark Pulse (TM79 - Victory Road)
  • Wing Attack (Level 15)
  • Sucker Punch (Level 45)
  • Fly (HM02 - Cianwood City after beating Chuck)

Last up on the Team is Murkrow. I wasn't too sure about whether I wanted to use this on my run through with this team, as there were better Flying-type options available, such as Fearow and Crobat, but, even without a Dusk Stone, Murkrow surprised me. It's Super Luck boosted attacks proved very useful, and her stats aren't too shabby with 85 in both attacking stats and 91 in Speed, which are good enough to last until the post-game where you can get a Dusk Stone to get Honchkrow. Dark Pulse is your main Dark STAB, with a decent chance to flinch, Wing Attack is your main Flying STAB (however using Fly may be more optimal in some cases), Sucker Punch is STAB and has priority (only if the foe uses an attacking move), and Fly gets you around quickly and deals more damage than Wing Attack in one go. You can also bring Dire Hits into battle to boost his critical chance even higher, but it probably won't be necessary.

Furret and Tentacool
Abilities - who cares?

Also Furret and Tentacool, mainly for HM usage. Furret will have Cut and Rock Smash, and Tentacool will have Waterfall. These were the real MVPs, and they made the adventure possible.

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I don't think in-game teams need good defense stats. Having strong attackers spam their strongest attacks is a lot faster and sometimes more reliable (if the opponent has annoying status moves). Murkrow has lower attack stats and defense stats than the other Pokemon. Take it off the team so the other Pokemon can gain more experience, and you don't need to find a PC every time you want to use a HM move.