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Is there an 8th island in firered or leafgreen !if this island exists can you give me some info for it and a few pictures?

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2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Getting to Island 8 and 9

Beat the Elite Four and the Champion, then make sure you catch at least 60 Pokemon. Go to Prof.Oak and talk to him, he should give you the National Dex. You can visit the Seven Seven islands, by going and talking to Celio, but to visit Islands 8 and 9, you must go to Nintendo Events to download Mystic and Aurora Tickets. But please note that once you put in the code, walk through a door, and you will reach the Islands 8/9, but then take out your cheating device to prevent further warps. Please ENSURE that.

http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4891577640682830&pid=15.1 <I think this is one.

Sevii Isles 8 and 9 are locations which are not accessible through normal gameplay in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. However, unlike other similarly-named unreachable areas, they have actual map data.

The event has now passed so you will have to cheat, I dont like it but dunno about you!

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Um, 8+9 Islands are not Birth and Southern Islands...
oops sorry.
4 votes

It exists.

>Sevii Isles 8 and 9 are locations which are not accessible through normal gameplay in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. However, unlike other similarly-named unreachable areas, they have actual map data.
No Pokémon are programmed into the areas by default; it seems as if there are abandoned areas left over from the Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen beta. No index pointers lead to it by default either; on Isle 8 the central island of the "route" has what one would assume to have been cave entrances changed into the side of a rock.
If it is entered when walking on land, it has the same route theme as the later Sevii Islands routes.
There are also maps programmed in the games for "Sevii Island 6" and "Sevii Island 7" in addition to the versions in the final game (Six Island and Seven Island). However, they have no map data.

No pictures were available.


Sevii Isles 8 and 9 are locations which are not accessible through normal gameplay in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. However, unlike other similarly-named unreachable areas, they have actual map data.