PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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60 Answers

0 votes

Let me just first say, this team might be good. I haven't tested it out yet. Good luck!

Venusaur- Grass-Poison - Starter Pokemon - Evolve Lvl 36

Cut - HM - Gift from the Captain in his quarters on the top deck on the S.S. Anne when player has Cascade Badge
Toxic - TM - Gift from Koga when beating his Poison-type gym - Before you get there just use some STAB move
Synthesis - Level 53 (just use Frenzy Plant before this)
Earthquake - TM - Gift for beating Giovanni - Just use Giga Drain from Erika before then

Venusaur is probably the best starter due to its advantage early game. It's good against Brock, Misty, and by then you will have something that can counter other gyms. After Ivysaur evolves, Venusaur will only be used for slowly taking down enemies with toxic, and stalling with Synthesis.

Raichu- Electric - Viridian Forest - Evolve Thunder Stone - Celadon City Department Store - Floor 4 - Wiseman Gifts

Brick Break - TM - S.S. Anne - In room 2 on the main deck
Thunderbolt - Level 26 - (on Pikachu)
Rock Smash - HM - One Island - Kindle Road - From the old man in Ember Spa
Flash - HM- Obtained from one of Professor Oak's aides in the gate for registering 10 Pokémon in the Pokédex

Raichu's typing is great because it's only weakness is ground, which the only time you really face ground types is at the end but you have Pokémon that can counter it by then anyway. Raichu's is crucial to winning the game.

Arcanine- Fire - Route 7 - Evolve Fire Stone - Celadon City Department Store - Floor 4 - Wiseman Gifts

Strength - HM - Safari Zone - Gold Teeth - Area 3, south of the sign asking to find them/Fuchsia City - Gift from the Safari Zone Warden after returning him his Gold Teeth
Sunny Day - TM - Safari Zone - Area 1, on the ledge beside the pond
Dig - TM - Cerulean City - Received from the Team Rocket Grunt after defeating him
Flamethrower - TM - Celadon City - Celadon Game Center - From getting 4000 coins (or justs

Arcanine is a very productive Pokémon. Using him against Bug, Grass, and Ice types will always be a priority. Sunny Day is great for when Venusaur needs to heal, plus Flamethrower gains STAB.
Snorlax - Route 12 - (need Silph Scope, Lavender Town Pokémon Tower, get Poké Flute, then wake up Snorlax)

Rest - TM - In room 2 on the bottom deck
Surf - HM - Safari Zone - Area 3, from the man in the Secret House
Body Slam - Level 33
Psychic - TM - Gift from Mr. Psychic

Snorlax is a TANK! He can take hits, and then dish them out. He can fully heal himself and use Surf for water coverage. He can Body Slam his opponents till they FAINT. Then for Ghost-types, Psychic which is also a great move for coverage.

Dragonite - Safari Zone - Fishing - Evolve Level 55

Blizzard - TM - Cinnabar Island - Pokémon Mansion - B1F; in the northern room, in front of four identical machines
Waterfall - HM - Four Island - Icefall Cave - 1F, on the ledge east of the entrance to the inner cave
Dragon Claw - TM - Victory Road - (before Victory Road just use any Dragon-type move) Northern wall, north of Rare Candy ((rock puzzle) (Rare Candy) Northern wall, north of Rare Candy (rock puzzle))
Rain Dance - TM - Route 16 - Western portion of the northern half (requires Cut)

Dragonite is a great Pokémon later in the game but at the start, he's not very good. He evolves at Level 55 which is insane for a final evolution.

Aerodactyl - Old Amber Revive - Aquisition - Pewter Museum of Science - Received from a scientist inside the back room of the museum (requires Cut) - Revive - Cinnabar Island - Pokémon Lab

Steel Wing - TM - Safari Zone - Area 2, beside a tree west of the rest house
Rock Slide - Route 10 - Rock Tunnel - Move Tutor
Fly - HM - Route 16 - From the recluse on the northern half of the route (requires Cut)
Aerial Ace - TM - Route 9 - In the southwest corner of the route

Aerodactyl is a Physical attacker, so I used only physical moves. Its speed helps it blow through all the opponents. The thing that makes me happy is how early you can get it. All you need is Surf and you can get to Cinnabar Island. He's a very good Pokémon so make him the MVP of your team.

So that's my team. I hope you enjoyed it and played through the game with it. Share your experiences with it to me. See you in the comments!

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Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green Team:


Venusaur:Ever since I was a kid i've always loved Venusaur,so I usually always pick him,he's my favorite starter.

Moveset:Razor Leaf,Leech Seed,Sleep Powder and Strength.

Venusaur's role is to be bulky and to annoy the enemy with Leech Seed+Sleep Powder combo,the other 2 moves are to do damage (a strong stab move and strength to use as both a Move,cuz it deals alot of damage and use it to move boulders).


Pidgeot:Another Childhood mon i've always liked,not much to say about this one,good flying type,good against all the annoying bug mons and you get him very early in the game.

Ability:Keen Eye
Moveset:Fly,Quick Attack,Aerial Ace and Wing Attack.

Pidgeot's role is mainly to use the HM Fly,thats why its moveset is not the best,but its still helpfull against annoying bug types (Butterfree,Beedrill,Venomoth,Heracross etc) and fighting types (Primeape,Machamp,Machoke,Hitmonchan,Hitmonlee etc..).Pidgeot is kinda bulky so if you need a mon to take a hit you can count on him unless if it is against eletric,ice and rock types.


Gyarados:My favorite water type mon,badass looking and a monster of a Pokemon in general.

Moveset:Surf,Ice Beam,Earthquake and Bite.

Gyarados' role is to be a damage dealer and also to use surf outside of battle.Like I said gyarados is amazing.Surf is for all the fire/rock/ground types etc...Ice beam for the flying and dragon types,earthquake cuz its a pretty good move and bite for The Gengar and Alakazam lines,Mr Mime and Jynx.

Arcanine Ninetales

Arcanine/Ninetales:I played Fire Red more times than Leaf Green,so I use arcanine more(He's Fire Red Exclusive) but fear not Ninetales(Leaf Green Exclusive) is just as good as arcanine and works almost the same way.

Ability:Intimidate(for arcanine) and Flash Fire (for Ninetales).
Moveset:Flamethrower (Flame wheel also works pretty well,since you might need to spend alot of coins for flamethrower cuz nobody wants to wait until level 49 (Growlithe) to get flamethrower) ,Extreme speed,Fire Blast and Aerial Ace (Arcanine)
Will-O-Wisp,Flamethrower (or Fire Blast or Flame wheel if you don't want to spend coins) ,Confuse Ray and Dig (Ninetales)

These 2 mons roles are to be good fire types,that can take down any mon necessary,especially grass/ice/bug types etc...Arcanine is more offensive and Ninetales is more of a mix (Use the Confuse ray+Will-O-Wisp combo to annoy enemies).


Magneton:Amazing eletric type and since it is also part steel it resists alot of things (especially in Fire Red And Leaf Green).Raichu is a good choice,along with Jolteon but I prefer Magneton over both Raichu and Jolteon just because of its steel type.

Ability:Both Magnet Pull and Sturdy are fine IMO.
Moveset:Thunderbolt/Spark(if you don't want to spend coins) ,Thunder,Thunder wave and Sonic Boom.

Magneton's role is to be an offensive eletric type,Annoy them with Thunder Wave,smash them with thunderbolt(Thunder is on the list because its his strongest move and I only recommend you using it if you think Thunderbolt won't kill,in that case use Thunder) and Sonic Boom for the certain 20 hp damage.


Alakazam:My favorite Pokemon of all time,Hard Hitter and amazing in every single way ,shape or form except for his defense stats xD.

Ability:Both Synchronize and Inner Focus work,so the ability doesn't matter much for alakazam.
Moveset:Psychic,Shock Wave,Psybeam and recover.

Probably the hardest hitter on the team,Alakazam's role is to Destroy,freaking obliterate anything that gets in his way.Has horrible defenses but it doesn't matter cuz normally he 1HKO's everything.Psychic for strong STAB move,Psybeam if you don't want to use psychic's PP,shock wave just for type variation or if you come across a Gyarados and recover if you take a little bit of damage to get that juicy hp back.Now I know what you're thinking,You need to trade in order to get Alakazam I know,that's why there are 2 solutions.

Solution number 1- Kadabra

Alakazam's pre-evolution Kadabra: For those who can't trade,Kadabra is the same thing as Alakazam,he works in the exact same way,the only diference is that he probably wont hit as hard as Alakazam,but he still 1HKO's almost everything,I recommend giving kadabra a try since it's pretty much the same. (Ability and Moveset same as Alakazam's).

Solution number 2-Mr. Mime

Mr.Mime: If you really want a Psychic type and you don't want to use Alakazam/Kadabra,then you have Mr.Mime.
Mr.Mime can hit pretty hard as well and he's a little bit bulky,definetly my go to Psychic type in Kanto,when I don't want to use Alakazam/Kadabra.The only way to get Mr.Mime in Fire Red and Leaf Green is from an In Game trade with an NPC inside of the house that's outside of the Diglett Cave,he will come with name "MIMIEN" and the level will be the same as the abra you trade(You need an abra to trade with Mr.Mime).
Since he is from a trade he gains exp really easily and I mean Really Easily,so that's another bonus with him,you don't need to waste alot of time to train him and he's a great addition to your team.

Ability:Soundproof or Filter work just fine,I don't remember the ability he comes with,I think it's Soundproof,but you don't need to worry about it too much.
Moveset:Psychic,Magical Leaf,Shock Wave and Calm Mind.
With Calm Mind you can get Mr.Mime to be even more bulky and you can sweep with him,Shock Wave and Magical Leaf for type variation and psychic for the Main STAB move.

And that's my favorite Fire Red/Leaf Green Team,let me know your thoughts :D.

I know late comment but this is a good team however this does have a few drawbacks

1) Pidgeot is a bit weak and there are other better flyers especially Dodrio or the slightly weaker but early acess Fearow
2) Gyarados does not have the special/psychical split to make use of its water-stab in FR/LG and I would recommend Dragon Dance and Return to make use of its psychical attack stat even more

3) I would recommend a ground type over a fire type as whilst some of the fire type options are pretty solid, the typing itself doesn’t do that well in these games and you will need a ground type for Lt. Surge and other boss fights such as Nidoking, Sandslash or Dugtrio

Other than that excellent team :)
0 votes

Pokemon FireRed / LeafGreen Team (one beginner, no tradable Pokemon, available in both versions, no legendaries, no repeated TM except buyable ones)

Nidoking (Adamant +ATK -SATK)
- Megahorn
- Earthquake - STAB (TM26 Gym 8)
- Sludge Bomb - STAB (TM36 Rocket Warehouse)
- Brick Break (TM31 Celadon Store)

Lapras (Modest +SATK -ATK)
- Surf - STAB (HM03)
- Ice Beam - STAB
- Psychic (TM29 Saffron City)
- Thunderbolt (TM24 Game Corner)

Hitmonlee (Adamant +ATK -SATK)
- Brick Break - STAB
- Rock Slide (Move Tutor)
- Endure
- Reversal - STAB

Jolteon (Modest +SATK -ATK)
- Thunderbolt - STAB (TM24 Game Corner)
- Bite
- Thunder Wave
- Double Team (TM32 Safari Zone)

Charizard (Naughty +ATK -SDEF)
- Fire Blast - STAB (TM38 Gym 7)
- Wing Attack - STAB
- Dig (TM28 Cerulean Rocket)
- Dragon Claw (TM02 Victory Road)

Snorlax (Adamant +ATK -SATK)
- Body Slam - STAB
- Shadow Ball (TM30 Game Corner)
- Brick Break (TM31 Celadon Store)
- Rest

Weaknesses (by team types) / Strenghts (by team moveset):
- wat 2/2
- ice 1/5
- gro 2/2
- psy 2/3
- ele 2/2
- gra 1/5
- fig 2/2
- roc 2/6
- fly 1/4
- dar 0/4
- fir 0/4
- poi 0/3
- ste 0/6
- nor 0/3
- dra 0/2
- bug 0/3
- gho 0/2

Total weaknesses: 15 occurences (9 types)
Total strenghts: 58 occurences (17 types - full coverage)

The weaknesses do not surpass the coverage (or they are even, or they are covered by moveset)

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No large pictures please. I've put in sprites instead :)
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This team is for both Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen: Charizard, Jolteon, Lapras, Nidoking, Mr. Mime, and Primeape.


Dragon Claw
Blast Burn

I'll be honest. Despite how overrated Charizard maybe, it's still my favorite Kanto starter by a longshot. Flamethrower and Fly are STAB, plus Fly is really useful for getting around. Dragon Claw is coverage and Fire/Dragon gets perfect neutral coverage in this game. Blast Burn is last resort and hits like a freight train.


Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave

Jolteon is a very dependable Electric type (my favorite type), and also my favorite Eeveelution. It's no shock (lol) that Jolteon would make the team this time around. Thunderbolt is STAB. Shadow Ball and Bite are coverage and are really good at making Jolteon a psychic and ghost type destroyer. Thunder Wave is arguably the best status move in the game and always nice to have.


Ice Beam
Body Slam

Lapras is one of the best Water types in existence, and a personal favorite. Surf and Ice Beam are STAB, plus Lapras learns it upon level up. Body Slam is kind of a filler move but can be nice because it provides use for Lapras's physical attack stat. Psychic is coverage, and is especially good in the Kanto games.


Rock Slide
Sludge Bomb

Nidoking, one of the coolest and most well designed Pokemon ever. Earthquake is STAB and Rock Slide is coverage, granting it the amazing QuakeSlide combo. Sludge Bomb is also STAB and the best Poison type move it can learn. Megahorn is nice for dealing with enemy Psychic types, and especially the rivals Exeggutor.

Mr. Mime-

Magical Leaf
Metronome/Calm Mind

One of the most underrated Psychic types in the game, and a damn fine choice for any team. It's a traded Pokemon, so it levels up really fast, and comes with an amazing Timid (+Speed, -Attack) nature and decent IV's. Psychic is STAB and as there are no trainers in the main game, and only like two in the postgame that have Dark types, it is a fantastic move. Magical Leaf is coverage since there isn't a Grass Pokemon on the team plus it can take care of the annoyingly bulky Slowpokes/Slowbros throughout the game. Toxic is a fantastic move and can be used to stall out an annoying opponent. Metronome is filler and can be a ton of fun. Calm Mind can be used if you don't want to deal with the spontaneous nature of Metronome.


Cross Chop
Aerial Ace
Bulk Up/Brick Break/Thief

Primeape in the third generation is the fastest Fighting type in the game and one hell of an attacker. Cross Chop is very powerful STAB, Aerial Ace is coverage, and Return is also a very powerful move as well. For the last move, it's up to you, Bulk Up is nice to set up and sweep. Brick Break can be used if Cross Chop is too unreliable for your tastes. Thief can be used to steal items from other trainers, because many trainers in FR/LG have worthwhile hold items that you can steal for your team.

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Every Pokemon game I play are low level & without using item from the bag during the battle, like Revive. This prove they are the best choice, & I'm going to enlighten you about it. My team is no more than LV47 when re-matching Blue.

Ability: Overgrow. @Miracle Seed. -Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Frenzy Plant & Sleep Powder

I was debating which starter should I used this time. I thought about Charizard who access to Fly but no, the best starter in this remake is clearly Venusaur. Even though its Sludge Bomb STAB is a post-game TM & I never used it because of its Physical property. Its tankiness and grass typing make up for it. Surprisingly, Leech Seed & Overgrow ability prove useful. Bulbasaur is obviously a great early game starter, and once it get Frenzy Plant, oh man, does it hurt. Take Lance's Kingdra for example, it deal massive neutral damage.

Ability: Poison point. -Earthquake, Strength, Counter & Protect

Nidoqueen is a great early poke too. As soon as you get Moon Stone in Mt. Moon, you have a full-evolve poke that can take a hit. Due to a lot of NPC have poke with Def EV reward, Nidoqueen is invested in its HP, Def & a little in ATK stats. This is to give its LL stats to survive a super-effective Earthquake (Which many used), and retaliate with Counter. That's why I did not pick Nidoking. Protect is to stall time for Perish Song countdown. Its typing make some battle a lot easier. I only used these 2 poke until I defeat Lt. Surge for our next member.

Ability: Flash Fire. @Charcoal. -Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray & Overheat

Fire typing is always useful, and nothing said it better like Ninetales. Only Leaf Green can you get this beauty. Confuse Ray help to not take any damage for 1-2 turn, and any little dmg help for my LL team. There are a lot of grass poke that cannot deal with Ninetales, and Steelix can be OHK by an Overheat. Outspeed a decent amount of poke too.

Ability: Volt Absorb. @Magnet. -Thunder Wave, Growl, Thunderbolt & Thunder.

You want the strongest lightning poke who is also domestic like Ninetales, then Jolteon is your 4th pick. It outshine Raichu any day because of its speed & SpA. Even at LL I rarely used Thunder because Thunderbolt+Magnet OHK so many. Jolteon is the main man when battling Blue & especially mid-game. Growl is to weaken Earthquake foe for Nidoking's Counter if needed, and Jolteon's Speed cannot be match after max EV. Thunder Wave is always good for Ninetales or Venusaur OHK. I used these four members until Silph Co. to get....

Ability: Water Absorb. @Leftovers. -Ice Beam, Perish Song, Surf & Psychic.

Lapras! Lapras is so vital to my team because Alakazam is so poweful, my LL team cannot win without Perish Song. Lapras can take at least 1 hit from Alakazam's Psychic unless Calm Mind. Dark special attack in this game is pointless bec of +1 Special Def with Recover. I do stall it out with Protect from both Nidoqueen & Lapras. Once you got a Lapras, you cannot go wrong with it.

Ability: Rock Head. @Hard Stone. -Rock Slide, Fly, Rock Tomb & Wing Attack.

There's another reason I choose Venusaur as my starter, Aerodactyl is its name, and its another dinosaur-like poke. You see, excluding Blue's Alakazam, all his rematch teams have X4 super-effective weakness. Heracross & Charizard stand no chance against it. Outspeed & outmatch with Rock Slide & Fly. This remake have a lot of Earthquake poke, including Charizard, but the only attack it can deal to Aero is Fire Blast which Aero resist it. The E4 tremble when facing this monster.

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This team revolves around Venusaur. This team revolves around your starter, Bulbasaur, and aims to support it along the way of your Kanto journey.

Venusaur is your starter and is arguably the best starter for an in-game playthrough of Fire Red and Leaf Green. It owns Brock and Misty early on and is greatly benefitted by the Physical-Special split, meaning all its Grass moves are Special. It should be used as a tank because other than its Special Attack stat, it is completely inferior to other Grass-types that play a much more effective hyper-offensive role in Kanto like Victreebel.
- Giga Drain
- Synthesis
- Leech Seed
- Toxic

Nidoking - a purple dinosaur that isn't as family-friendly as its cartoon counterpart. This Pokemon can be fully evolved from Nidoran-M and Nidorino as soon as you take your baby steps in Mt. Moon. You should be able to grab a Moon Stone. Nidoking's absurdly great movepool and viable stat distribution really puts it on top of other Pokemon who pale in comparison. It even learns Surf, meaning we don't need to waste our time obsessing over the "Water-Pokemon-are-important-in-Kanto-because-of-Surf-so-I'll-catch-one" cliche.
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Surf
- Brick Break

So let's be real. Jynx has a horrendous Generation 3 sprite. It even feels so self-conscious about looking like that. But on top of the hideous sprite, Jynx is AMAZING in Fire Red and Leaf Green. All you need to do is to fish for a Poliwhirl towards the west of Vermillion City using a Super Rod. Then, march up to this little girl's house in Cerulean City and hand over your Poliwhirl for a Jynx (who I'm pretty sure is named 'Zynx'). Well, that was fairly simple and now we have a total war machine. Nearly everything is at the mercy of its combined Special and Speed force, especially considering many of the trainers in the game will be weak to either of its STAB attacks. Set up a Calm Mind or two and watch the world burn. Or, in Jynx's case, watch the world cry because of the sprite and the fact a Nicki-Minaj cosplayer has beaten their 4000-IQ yellow creature with a blue beam.
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Calm Mind
- Lovely Kiss

Ah, the good old Persian. While it isn't as much of a powerhouse as it was in Generation 1 (because critical hits were based on Speed at the time, meaning Persian could get away with critical hits using Slash left and right), Persian still hits hard and is still very useful. As a plus, Ghost was for any reason Physical in this generation. Shadow Ball is accessible from the Celadon Game Corner and it's compatible with way too many Pokemon. Not much more to say, I do hope Persian is a good cat for you.
- Slash
- Hidden Power (preferably Steel, Fighting, or Rock)
- Aerial Ace
- Shadow Ball

Dodrio is just an amazing Pokemon and the best flyer you can get in Kanto aside from the legendaries. How could you refuse it? It has a STAB Tri Attack and wipes the floor with a ton of Pokemon with Drill Peck. Sadly, it won't be able to slap Erika in the face because Doduo can only be caught in this fenced grass reserve near Fuschia City that can't be accessed without beating Erika first. A shame, but you'll still be able to whack Erika's entire team in the head with Jynx, so there's not much of a problem with that.
- Fly
- Tri Attack
- Drill Peck
- Steel Wing

Haunter Gengar
I get that not 100% of us can trade. But fortunately, Haunter works almost as well as Gengar, it's just that Haunter downgrades from Gengar in terms of stats. Fortunately again, their movepool is deadbeat similar and they have the same moveset.
- Night Shade
- Thief
- Psychic (Jynx gets it by level up. Use the TM on Haunter/Gengar)
- Thunderbolt

So... that's it I guess. Enjoy the team.

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I have played fire red a lot and this is my best team till now:

  • Charizard - This guy was my favorite Pokemon, he was a tank and could even take on Lance's dragons
    Moveset: Blast burn, Flamethrower, Fly, Dragon claw
  • Butterfree - Might seem stupid to you but Butterfree was my most usefull Pokemon, With psybeam and silver wind, it could wreck any poison and psychic Pokemon with ease
    Moveset: Silver wind, Psybeam/Psychic, Gust, Giga Drain
  • Nidoking - You catch nidoran near mt.moon, evolves at level 16 and further evolved with a moon stone, having a Pokemon at its final stage is crazy at that point in the game, a tank and great attack.
    Moveset: Rock smash, Earthquake, Sludge bomb/Poison sting, Cut
  • Jolteon - A Pokemon completely dedicated to the electric type, the fastest in my team and can pack a punch
    Moveset: Shock wave, Pin Missile, Thunder, Flash. (a voltorb can learn flash for timebeing)
  • Poliwrath - Great defence, great attack, and can wreck Blaine's and other fire Pokemon.
    Moveset: Surf, waterfall, Brickbreak, Strenght
  • Dragonite - The pseudo-legendary Pokemon is obviously on this team. A huge movepool and holds an advantage against many Pokemon.
    Moveset: Dragon Rage, Fire Blast, Water Pulse, Wing Attack


  • Charizard (Charmander) - Starter from professor oak
  • Nidoking (Nidoran Male) - Grass south of pewter city, or if you are playing Leafgreen, it is very rare, so catch a female Nidoran and then on the entrance of the underground passage to vermillion, there is a little girl who will trade it for a male Nidoran.
  • Butterfree (Caterpie) - Viridian Forest
  • Jolteon (Eevee) - Can get at celadon city if you go to the entrance to a building at the back and go up the stairs in a small compartment on the roof
  • Poliwrath (Poliwag) - Can be caught at the water near Bill's house(Cape Brink) with a super rod.
  • Dragonite (Dratini/Dragonair) - Can be won at Celadon game corner or can be caught in safari zone with super rod, you have a 1% chance to catch dragonair in safari zone.
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Team preview: Blastoise, Raichu, Fearow, Rhydon, Alakazam/Mr. Mime, Arcanine/Ninetales

Moveset: Surf, Ice Beam/Blizzard, Earthquake, Strength/Rain Dance.
Your starter. You can find surf in the safari zone which is a HM and is a STAB move for Blastoise. Ice Beam you can obtain at Celadon City in The Game Corner and Blizzard can be found in the Pokemon Mansion at Cinnabar Island. Earthquake you can get after defeating Giovanni. Rain Dance is found on route 15 and you can find Strength after giving the warden the Gold Teeth. The Gold Teeth is found in the Safari Zone. With this moveset, Blastoise can do good against: Brocks team, Erika's team (I wouldn't recommend it), Blaine's team, Giovanni's team, Bruno's Onix, Lances Aerodactyl, and Blue's Arcanine and Rhydon. Blastoise is a great Pokemon with solid stats, a decent movepool, and is a well rounded Pokemon.

Moveset: Thunderbolt/Thunder, Thunder Wave, Brick Break, Iron Tail.
You can find Pikachu in Viridian Forest. He learns Thunderbolt at level 26 and Thunder Wave at Level 8. Thunder is a TM purchasable at the Celadon City Game Corner. Iron Tail is also purchased there. Brick Break can be purchased at The Celadon City Department Store and can be found on Floor 1 of The SS Anne. (Note: Before you get Thunderbolt just use Thundershock.) With this moveset, Raichu can do good against: Misty's team, Lorelei's team, Agatha's Golbat, Lance's Gyarados and Aerodactyl and finally Blue's Gyarados and Pidgeot. Raichu might not do much, but it can pull it's own weight.

Moveset: Drill Peck, Fly, Return, Steel Wing.
Spearow can be found in the patch of grass before Viridian Forest. It starts with peck so you don't have to wait for a flying move. Pidgeot, Dodrio, and Aerodactyl are to late game, so I recommend using Fearow. Drill peck is learnt at level 40 and until then, use Aerial Ace. Fly is a HM found in Celadon City near the 2nd sleeping Snorlax. Return will be given to you when talking to a girl on the fishing path near Lavender Town. It also Gains STAB and gets stronger the higher your friendship is. Steel Wing is found in the Safari Zone. With this moveset, Fearow can do good against: Erika's team, Sabrina's Venomoth, Bruno's Fighting types and Blue's Venusaur. Fearow is hear because it's a strong Flying type we need to get around with.

Moveset: Dig/Earthquake, Rock Blast/Rock Slide, Brick Break, Iron Tail.
Rhyhorn can be found in the Safari Zone and it might be a bit difficult to catch, but it's still possible. Dig can be taught to it as soon as you get it, due to getting the dig TM all the way back at Cerulean City. Use that until you get Earthquake at level 58. Iron Tail can be purchased in the Game Corner in Celadon City and Brick Break can be bought at the Celadon City Department Store. Rock Blast is learnt at level 29 and Rock Slide is a move tutor in the Rock Tunnel. (Note: If your Rhydon has the ability Rock Head, replace Rock Slide for Double Edge at the end of Victory Road.) With this moveset, Rhydon can do good against: Koga's Muk, Blaine's team, Agatha's team (except for Haunter), and Blue's Arcanine.

Alakazam/Mr. Mime
Moveset: Psychic, Thief, Calm Mind, Toxic/Thunderbolt.
Abra is found at the patch of grass above the Nugget Bridge and if you don't have a Randomiser on your emulator or don't have a link cable, go through Diglett's cave and you will find a boy wanting an Abra for a Mr. Mime. Psychic is found in Saffron City and Thief is in Mount Moon. Calm Mind is given to you after defeating Sabrina, (use Thief for her) and toxic is given to you after defeating Koga. Thunderbolt is a Game Corner TM.
They can do good against: Misty's Starmie, Erika's Poison types, Koga's team, Sabrina's team, Lorelei's team, Agatha's team, (be careful) and Blue's Pidgeot, Alakazam, Gyarados and Venusaur. These great Pokemon can destroy the region.

Moveset: Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Hyper Beam, Confuse Ray/Double Team.
Can both be found in Celadon City. Flamethrower is a TM move in Celadon City. (Notes: 1. Don't use the Fire Stone instantly on Vulpix because it learns Flamethrower at the low level of only 29. 2. Use the TM of Flamethrower on Arcanine unless you want to leave it as a Growlithe until level 49.) Iron Tail is also A Celadon City TM, Hyper Beam can be found in the department store and Double team is in the Safari Zone. Confuse Ray is learnt by Vulpix at level 23.

I really hope that this helped. I will make teams with other starters. Anyways, bye! ^_^

0 votes

My team:

Ability: blaze
Fly, flamethrower, dragon claw, steel wing

Personal favorite of mine and covers fighting and grass weakness. Fly to get around on and a strong flying type move for Charizard, flamethrower for a strong fire type move plus has a 10% chance to burn, and dragon claw and steel wing for move diversity.

Ability: vital spirit
Brick break, bulk up, mega punch, rock slide

My answer for Brock and normal type Pokemon. I chose primeape over hitmonlee just so I could have it from earlier on. Better early game than later. Brick break is a reliable fighting type move with no downside to it, bulk up to increase stats when needed, mega punch for a strong normal type move because that can always be useful and rock slide for flying coverage.

Ability: thick fat
Body slam, rest, sleep talk, shadow ball

An absolute brick wall. Rest and Sleep Talk allowed me to win multiple battles against teams that I struggled against such as Koga. Body slam for power, rest to heal, sleep talk to attack while sleeping and shadow ball for more coverage.

Ability: static
Thunderbolt, iron tail, dig, thunder wave

Very strong against water and flying types and with dig, I was allowed to use Raichu against other electric types and take advantage of that. Thunderbolt is very strong and reliable electric type move, iron tail for steel coverage, dig to take out other electric type Pokemon and thunder wave to parylize the opponent if all else fails.

Ability: poison point
earthquake, thunderbolt, ice beam, megahorn

An absoulte pain to catch in leaf green (yeah I made the mistake) but it's totally worth it. It covers so many different types and hits hard. Earthquake is the best ground type move, thunderbolt and ice beam for great coverage against many different Pokemon espectially against Lance and megahorn for more coverage against psychic types.

Ability: water absorb
Surf, aurora beam, toxic, bite

The ace of the team. Made my battle against Sabrina a walk in the park and it just dominated everything. Surf to get around on and it's a very strong water type move, aurora beam because I used ice beam for Nidoking and don't waste your money buying 2 ice beams, toxic to poison the opponents and bite to make Sabrina's fight a walk in the park.

edited by
Please explain your choices if you want to re-post this answer. For example, why do you use Primeape and not Hitmonlee?
0 votes

All the team members should be fairly easy to obtain on either version, and trading is not a requirement for this team.

Venusaur @ Miracle Seed / Poison Barb
Ability: Overgrow
- Giga Drain (TM obtained after defeating Erika)
- Sludge Bomb (TM obtained from the Rocket Warehouse)
- Sleep Powder (Level 15)
- Leech Seed (Level 7) / Rock Smash (HM06)

Venusaur is the easiest of the three starters to work with, and it’ll serve you well throughout the game. Giga Drain is STAB, and provides Venusaur with a reliable way to heal itself. Sludge Bomb is also STAB, though Poison is somewhat lacking on the offensive side in Generation 3. Sleep Powder can cripple an opponent, and you can use Leech Seed on it to whittle down its HP. Rock Smash can be used instead of Leech Seed if you’d rather access areas you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to, but it isn’t required to beat the game.

Pidgeot @ Silk Scarf / Sharp Beak
Ability: Keen Eye
- Fly (HM02)
- Quick Attack (Level 13)
- Steel Wing (TM found in the Safari Zone)
- Return (TM found on Route 12)

Pidgeot is a very reliable Pokemon that you can get quite early on in the game. It serves as your Fly user, plus it can perform well in battle. Fly is STAB, and allows you to move from place to place quickly. Quick Attack is STAB priority, useful for when you simply need to take a KO quickly. Steel Wing is coverage, and helps against Pidgeot’s weaknesses to Ice and Rock. Return is one of the best Normal type moves in the game, and Pidgeot is an excellent user of it. It can be found early, meaning its Friendship will be boosted sooner rather than later, and it gets STAB.

Lapras @ Mystic Water / Never-Melt Ice / Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
- Surf (HM03)
- Ice Beam (Level 31)
- Psychic (TM located in Saffron City)
- Thunderbolt (TM can be purchased from the Rocket Game Corner)

Lapras is truly a wonderful Pokemon. Surf is an excellent STAB move, and it’s needed to beat the game. Ice Beam is another reliable, powerful STAB move that Lapras can make great use of. Psychic is coverage and helps against Lapras’ Fighting type weakness, while Thunderbolt allows Lapras to take out other Water types.

Hitmonchan @ Leftovers / Black Belt
Ability: Iron Fist
- Mach Punch (Level 20)
- Strength (HM04)
- Earthquake (TM obtained after defeating Giovanni)
- Brick Break (TM found on the S.S. Anne, or purchased from Celadon Department Store)

Hitmonlee is more popular, but I prefer Hitmonchan. Mach Punch is an excellent priority move that Hitmonchan gets STAB on. Strength is a necessary HM, and it’s fairly powerful as well. Earthquake is an excellent coverage move, but it is obtained a bit late. Brick Break is the more powerful STAB move of choice, in case you need more damage than what Mach Punch can provide.

Dugtrio @ Soft Sand / Hard Stone
Ability: Arena Trap
- Earthquake (Level 51)
- Tri Attack (Move Reminder) / Body Slam (Move Tutor)
- Rock Slide (Move Tutor) / Rock Tomb (TM obtained after defeating Brock)
- Cut (HM01)

Earthquake is the best Ground type move in the game, and it should be an obvious choice to put it on Dugtrio. Tri Attack is physical in this game, meaning it or Body Slam are both viable choices for a Normal coverage move. Rock Slide is more powerful but harder to obtain, while Rock tomb is easier to obtain, but weaker. Cut is a necessary HM.

Alakazam / Kadabra @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
- Calm Mind (TM obtained after defeating Sabrina)
- Psychic (Level 36)
- Shock Wave (TM obtained after defeating Lt. Surge) / Recover (Level 25)
- Flash (HM05)

Alakazam is excellent, and Kadabra is almost as good. Calm Mind turns it into a nigh unbeatable powerhouse, capable of shredding a team. Psychic is STAB, and more often than not is the only move you’ll be using. Shock wave is coverage, as their special movepool is incredibly shallow. Recover can be used instead to regain health, but Alakazam and Kadabra are a bit frail. Flash is an HM that makes it easier to get through dark caves, and Alakazam/Kadabra doesn’t have much else that it can use.

0 votes

I had a team that was only lvl 45-50 that beat the e4, so I think it rocks, plus, you can get most of these Pokémon early in the game, so yeah, it rocks, even if you are only lvl 45! Take it or leave it, but there is no denying this is the best team I have ever had!


Leech seed-Because it helps to keep you healthy
Flash-Minor annoyance to other trainers 'cause of accuracy loss, also makes travelling through caves easier
Razor leaf-You need a grass type move to make beating Bruno easier, helps with early game
Frenzy plant-Super powerful move
(instead of frenzy plant)Poison powder-Along with leech seed, this drains health from your enemy effortlessly


Toxic-It is great against the e4 because it can badly poison your enemy, and it will only get worse
Super fang-I love this, it always takes out half of your opponent's health, just don't use it as a finishing blow
Hyper fang-It does heavy amounts of damage, and can cause your opponent to flinch, which comes in handy
Cut-Just because you need it in the game, I give it too it early on (hm)


Twin needle-I use this move against Sabrina, and is a winning move for me because it strikes twice
Brick break-I like that it gives one of my Pokémon a fighting type move, which can come in handy against onix.
Attract-Makes the opponent less likely to hit you, can save you health
Solar beam-I add this in just for more coverage against different Pokémon


Ice beam-I think that you should have an ice type move in your team, so there. It is powerful and can freeze your enemy
Strength-Worked wonders against Lorelai's Cloyster, (by the way, ice types are a great choice when facing her Cloyster, because you don't take any damage0
Surf-It is amazing when you want to travel distances, and is amazing against Bruno's rock and ground types
Body slam-Great power, can cause vital paralyses at times


Fly-Duh, you can travel great distances with it, so it is necessary for your team, also almost guaranties a never hit turn
Feather dance-I love lowering my opponents attack, it brings tears to my eyes
Steel wing-Didn't find it useful until I used it against the e4, totally worth it
Wing attack-About as powerful as fly, good to have on your team

Gyrados (A pain to get, but AMAZING in action)

Surf-Even though Lapras already has it, it is handy since after all, you ARE a water type, and it is powerful, you know?
Hyper beam-Really powerful, great for a last move if you don't want your opponent to use a full restore or something before you beat it
Bite-Causes your opponent to flinch, don't forget that it rocks against Agatha!
Dragon rage------>Twister-Dragon rage is nice and strong against Lance, and Twister can get the occasional flinch.

(By the way, would it amaze you that a 12 year old could pull this off, such as myself?)

0 votes

Team Preview:

Dragon Claw
Steel Wing
Sludge Bomb
Rock Slide
Calm Mind
Shock Wave
Fire Blast
Bulk Up
Focus Punch
Double Edge
Brick Break
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam
Hydro Pump

The team is divided into three pairs:
The fast hitters, Charizard & Nidoking: the boosting sweepers, Clefable & Poliwrath: and the bulky tanks, Snorlax and Lapras. Each pair has its own special and physical attacker. Coverage is wide on most sets.
The team sports the utility of Fly, Surf, and Strength, without comproming coverage or a team slot, with Charizard being particularly praiseworthy in this regard.
All Pokemon can be acquired before the sixth gym. All the Pokemon are sufficiently powerful and most are not slow to level up.
Shadow Ball is essential, if expensive, coverage on Snorlax, hitting the Ghost-types that wall his other attacks and punishing the Psychic-types he can tank with his superb special defense stat and huge HP.
The team does, however, sacrifice typing diversity in order to gain the powerful benefit of bulky Pokemon with boosting sets. The game won't switch monsters to threaten your type matchups, so the danger is minimal.
Choose Charmander as your starter.
Catch Nidoran♤ in Firered or Nidoran♡ in Leafgreen (unless you're lucky enough to find a male) east of Pewter.
Catch Clefairy in the tail end of Mt. Moon.
Catch the Snorlax west of Celadon and the Snorlax south of Lavender, choosing the one with the Thick Fat ability.
Receive Lapras in the Silph Co Building.
Fish Poliwhirl with the good or super rod out of a pond in Pallet, Viridian, Cerulean, Vermulean, or Fuchsia.

Informed critiques are welcome.

0 votes


Razor Leaf
Leech Seed
Giga Drain

Best starter for a Kanto play through as the Grass typing does well against the first 2 gyms and walls the 3rd gym. Vensaur has good bulk and offensive potential with good utility being able to drain the opponents hp with good reliable recovery.


Drill Peck

Second best-in game flyer for FR/LG as Dodrio is better stat wise but its late game and spearrow you get right at the start of the game. Fearow has decent stats 100 base speed and 90 base atk with access to drill peck it will make use of those good stats and having access to fly makes it a reliable flyer.


Rock Slide
Flamethrower/Fire Blast

Nidoking is a really solid mon with early accessibility and good stats to work with especially its 102 base atk stat and 85 base special atk. Its movepool is so wide you could solo the entire game with the moves it has access to, this will be your answer to Lt. Surges electric types.


Ice Beam/Blizzard

Starmie is very versatile movepool wise with high speed and special attack it will destroy almost anything with the coverage it has, this will be your special sweepers and your answer to the E4 especially Bruno and Lance.


Thunderbolt/Thunder/Spark/Shock Wave
Light Screen

Electrode is a really good mon with the highest speed stat in the game and decent special attack. Access to some good utility is also good in game being able to set up with light screen and then use explosion in emergency situations, its underrated I highly recommend it if you dont want to use Jolteon or Riachu.

Your final member could just be a hm user or this bulky killing machine


Body Slam
Brick Break
Shadow Ball

Snorlax is a really good defensive tank being able to take special hits well and dish them out with its high psychical attack stat, its very frail defensively but that high hp will back it up and you can get it before Sabrina so you will have an answer to her entire team of psychic types. (P.S Shadow Ball is a psychical move in gen 3 due to there being no special-psychical split pior to D/P)

If your playing FireRed then I highly recommend going for Lapras, its a good defensive tank with decent offence in both attacking stats with a wide movepool to make use off although you get it later than other water types its worth using on your team if your not playing LeafGreen otherwise go for Starmie.


Ice Beam

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0 votes

I recently replayed Fire Red and thought of a newer, better team to use.


Vine Whip
Razor Leaf
Giga Drain

The first 3 are STAB moves, with Giga Drain being for refilling health and Razor Leaf hits everyone in double battles. Cut is an HM.


Wing Attack
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing

The first 3 are STAB moves, Aerial Ace never misses and Fly is an HM and on the turn it's used, most attacks can't hit you. Steel Wing is coverage against Rock and Ice types.


Shock Wave
Pin Missile

The first 2 are STAB moves with their own advantages; Thunderbolt can paralyze foes and Shock Wave never misses. Pin Missile is compensation for lack of a Bug type. Flash is an HM.


Flame Wheel

The first 2 are STAB moves that can cause burns. Bit is compensation for lack of a Dark type. Strength is an HM.


Bone Club
Rock Smash

The first 3 are STAB moves, with Dig making you semi-invulnerable when used and can be used in the field. Rock Smash is also a field move and serves as coverage against Ice types.


Ice Beam

The first 2 are HMs and STAB moves. Ice Beam is also a STAB move and can freeze enemies. Psychic is compensation for lack of a Psychic type.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

0 votes

Blastoise Edition


-Ice Beam

My second favourite Kanto starter, Blastoise is very bulky, good mixed offence and average speed. Although there are other options to chose from, Blastoise is an okay choice for a Water type however its the key to defeating Lance during your E4 run with Bite to counter Psychics. Blastoise may not be the best but its certainly not the worst.


-Rock Slide
-Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Blizzard/Ice Beam/Thunder/Thunderbolt

Nidoking is one of the best Pokemon to use in a run of Kanto, it has great offensive potential with an extremely wide movepool its capable of possibly sweeping through the entire game and good coverage in Megahorn for Psychic types and the choice is up to you for the 4th slot, Fire Blast for Ice types and Grass types since most of them in Kanto have Poison as their secondary typing, Blizzard to obliterate Lance in the E4 especially his Dragon types or Thunder/Thunderbolt to counter Water/Flying types. If you've never used this, you've missed out on a potential game breaker.


-Shock Wave/Thunderbolt/Thunder
-Thunder Wave
-Pin Missile
-Double Kick

One of the most coolest eveelutions in the franchise, it got me through LeafGreen, Soul Silver and Platinum, Jolteon has amazing stats with great special attack and having one of the most highest speed stats in the game, although its frail it can get the job done especially when its up against any Water/Flying types in the game. Use this thing if you haven't, it will surprise you.


-Drill Peck
-Steel Wing

The best flyer for an in-game playthrough of Kanto. Dodrio is very aggressive with access to very powerful flying type STAB in Drill Peck paired with the equally powerful Return backed up by Steel Wing to counter Ice and Rock types, two of its main weaknesses with Fly to make you move around the region a lot more faster. This is a nececarry asset to your team as you need a flyer that can rip and tear its way through the game and its a solid choice.


-Ice Punch/Beam
-Water Pulse
-Calm Mind

Ignore its horrific design, Jynx is hands down the best Psychic type to use in-game outside of trading as you can get during an in-game trade by catching a Poliwhirl and then trading it for a Jynx in Cuerulean City and then prepare to sweep through teams as it has great special attack, solid speed and paired with good special defense, paired with Water type coverage for Fire types, its capable of sweeping through the E4, especially Lance who specialises in Dragon types. This will surprise on how good this thing is if you haven't already used it.


-Body Slam
-Shadow Ball
-Brick Break

One of the best walls for a playthrough, Snorlax is great for a tank as it has access to some good moves combined with immense coverage with Amnesia to raise its special defense and wipe out Sabrinas Psychic types with Shadow Ball, this monster will tear everything to shreds with how bulky it is paired with a good psychical attack stat and coverage to counter its other weaknesses. I need to sit down and talk with someone if they deny this things power as its almost impossible to KO without any psychical moves or Fighting types at your disposal.

0 votes

Starter: Charizard
Ability: Blaze
Item @Charcoal (Increases power of Fire type moves)
Flamethrower /fire blast or even Blastburn

1. Sunny day will turn on Sunshine that will Increase the power of Your fire type moves by 50%. Meaning your Flamethrower will have a power of 142.5. FireBlast has less accuracy but It will have a power of 180 under the sun, and Blastburn will have a power of 225!! However prefer Flamethrower since it doesn't have any disadvantage.
2. Sunny day can even lower the accuracy of Thunder which can be a major threat to your Charizard.
3. Also under it Solarbeam will hit without charging the power.
4. Fly is just for convenience and stab.

  1. Kingler
    Ability: HyperCutter (Prevents Attack Stat Reduction)
    Item: Any item

Sword Dance/Guillotine
Ice Beam

1. Kingler may have Low defense and HP but it's stats aren't bad, what makes me put it here is that it has an incredible AttackStat which is even higher than dragonite, also it can't be reduced because of its Ability. With great attack and strength it will just knock out a weak Pokemon in just 1 hit.
2. Surf is for convenience and stab.
3. Ice beam will be a great threat to Lance's Dragons. However Lapras can replace it, if you want but I prefer kingler.
4. Guillotine a OHKO move has an accuracy of 30%, hence it is not preferable to use Guillotine against the elite 4 where, if you miss one attack you can get knocked out. Till you get sword dance in Sevvi islands, you may use this move.

Item: Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb


This Pokemon is just Awesome. Believe me. It has So high speed and Has Incredible Sp.Atk.
Thunderbolt and Thunder are Stab moves. Rain Dance is to have Perfect Accuracy of Thunder.
This Pokemon can sweep lorlei's Whole team until the 2nd round if e4. Because of high speed you can use Raindance 1st, take damage the next turn by dewgong, and then done. Thunder will 100% hit in rain. And will knock out any Pokemon in her team. Shadow ball can be used against Her Jynx. There are 2Gyarados in e4, which can be knocked out with just a Thunderbolt. This Pokemon can even sweep Agatha's poison type team. Brunos machamp once weakened can be knocked out with Thunderbolt. Lance's Aerodactyle will get rekt. Against Your Rival's Pigieot, Alakazam and Starter (except Venusaur) just stab would do.
In all this Pokemon will KO 17/26 Pokemon in the Elite Four.

Ability: Inner Focus ( prevents flinching)
Item: Leftovers

Dragon Claw
Fire Blast/ Flamethrower
Fly/Dragon Dance

Dragonite can be a wall for your whole team, you can use Substitute and then Raise your stats with Dragon Dance while leftovers restore your health. Dragon claw will be a stab and Fire Blast/ Flamethrower KOs Bruon's steelixes. It worths raising.

Ability: Guts
Item: Any item

Mega Horn
Strength (for normal damage for type coverage)
(Any move)

This will be a sweep player for your Rival, it can kill Excceguttor and Alakazam with MegaHorn and BrickBreak for Tyranitar, it will also OHKO your rival's Heracross with Aerial Ace.
i.e Killing 4/6 Pokemon of Your Rival.

Ability: PoisonPoint
Item: Black Sludge.

Alakazam: You have to trade for it, in my boy emulator it is possible to aquire it.
This Pokemon will sweep any Pokemon it encounters except Pokemon with Dark Typing, this moveset makes alakazam a perfect sweeper.
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Twisted spoon

Calm Mind

Use Substitute, then use calm mind, the Substitute faints make another one then use calm mind to maximize your sp.atk and sp. Def
Once done use recover and its time to sweep, I used this Pokemon once in a gameplay and I beated e4 with just 1 Pokemon. Psychic doesn't affect Dark types so use a fighting type like heracross for coverage.

0 votes

Here is the Kanto Team using Charmander as starter for FireRed and LeafGreen! Enjoy!

Charizard (Pick up your Charmander in Professor Oak’s Lab)

Final Moveset:

Dragon Claw
Steel Wing

Nature: Mild

Notes: With Fairy types don’t exist in this game, Steel Wing can hit Rock-types hard even that Charizard is 4x Weak to Rock.

Primeape (Catch a Mankey on Route 22)

Final Moveset:

Brick Break
Rock Slide
Seismic Toss
Bulk Up

Nature: Adamant

Notes: Since Charmander is weak to Rock Types, Mankey can help it throughout the journey.

Raichu (Catch a Pikachu in Viridian Forest on your way to Pewter City)

Final Moveset:
Iron Tail
Thunder Wave

Nature: Any Natural Nature

Notes: Like Mankey, Pikachu can defeat Misty the Water-type Gym Leader since Charmander is weak to Water-types. Also, pick up, a Thunderstone for Pikachu at the Celadon Department Store for 5,000 Pokedollars.

The next two are not available for both games but the last one is available in both.


If you are playing FireRed:

If you are Playing Leaf Green:


Final Moveset (Both):
Ice Beam
Calm Mind (Golduck)/Thunderbolt (Starmie)

Nature: Modest


If you are playing FireRed:

If you are playing Leaf Green:

Final Moveset:
Giga Drain
Razor Leaf
Sleep Powder
Poison Powder

Nature: Modest

Notes: Both Pokemon in the game will be good, no matter what along with Golduck and Starmie. Also, if playing Leaf Green, pick up a Water Stone and in both games, pick up a Leaf Stone to evolve these version exclusives expect for Psyduck.

Snorlax (Catch one in Route 12 or 16)

Final Moveset:
Shadow Ball

Nature: Adamant

Notes: A Normal Type that can obtained easily is good! And it is very sleepy!

Other Notes: Use Paras as an HM Slave for Flash!

0 votes

I just cleared Elite 4 (1st time) with this team:

Moveset: Flamethrower, Overheat, Fly, and Dragon Claw

Starter and has high special and physical attack. Flying helps beat Bruno, dragon moves help vs Lance

Zynx (Jynx)
Moveset: Blizzard, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Light Screen

Great Pokemon for beating Bruno and Agatha (as all her ghost types are also poison)

Moveset: Sheer Cold, Ice Beam, Surf, and Perish Song

Personally feel that its the best water-type in the game without trades. 2 moves that inst-ko and then gets 2 solid moves along with good defense and high hp.

Moveset: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Strength, and Swift

Solid electric-type that seems really solid

Moveset: Rock Smash, Sky Uppercut, Counter, and Detect

Personal favorite fighting type that helps you beat Lorelei easily. Only have to swap in Electabuzz vs Slowbro. Sky Uppercut is just a beast of a move

Moveset: Solar Beam, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Egg Bomb

Honestly, didn't use to beat Elite 4. I think that Gyarados would have been a better choice but I wanted the psychic coverage vs Bruno and Agatha.

edited by
Please explain your choices. For example, why do you use Lapras and Hitmonchan over Vaporeon and Primeape? Why does your team need 2 psychic Pokemon?
0 votes

This was the team I used recently and it worked pretty well.
Team preview: Charizard, Nidoking, Lapras, Pidgeot, Raichu, Snorlax

Charizard - Fire/Flying


  • Flamethrower
  • Ariel Ace
  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Blast

Charizard is a great Pokemon with great special attack and speed. Although it may have difficulties in the first two gyms, it honestly makes up for it later on by pretty much being neutral or strong against every other gym. When I used him, he pretty much swept through the gyms and was always a good back up if the super effective Pokemon I was using fainted or fell asleep or something.

Nidoking - Poison/Ground


  • Thrash
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide
  • Megahorn

Nidoking was another great addition which helped the main battles a lot and didn’t feel to drop off at all. Once you get the moon stone in Mt Moon, you pretty much have this monster for the rest of the game and its hard hitting pretty much one shots most Pokemon early game but still pulls its weight mid and late game. It was especially useful in the Sabrina fight where it one shotted nearly everyone with Megahorn.

Lapras - Water/Ice


  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Psychic
  • Perish Song

Another very useful Pokemon. Although you get it quite mid-late game (4 gym badges at te earliest), it pretty much remains useful for nearly every major battle up until the champion. I recommend getting it after you beat the Celadon gym and go straight to beating team rocket at Saffron. That way you still have a bunch of trainers to get XP for it (otherwise you gotta grind cuz you get it at level 25).

Pidgeot - Normal/Flying


  • Wing Attack
  • Fly
  • Steel Wing
  • Return

I know this is not the best flyer to use and to be honest you can still use charizard as the flyer. I decided to use pidgeot because I never used it before and honestly my plan was for it to be something I can switch out to as fodder so the other team members don’t get hurt when they switch in (since I play in Set Mode). However, I have to admit how much I was impressed by this Pokemon. Although it’s not as useful as the other team members during most of the game, I found it surprisingly helpful in the elite four. I planned to use it as fodder for a clean switch in but it actually managed to defeat nearly every Pokemon I used it against.

Raichu - Electric


  • Thunderbolt
  • Strength
  • Iron Tail
  • Thunder Wave

Raichu is honestly underrated. You get pikachu very early on and it’s very useful against misty. Although its defences are not the best, its attack, special attack and is speed are what make this Pokemon fun to use. I had a lot of fun using it and it did a lot of damage to Blue’s Blastoise in the champion battle.

Snorlax - Normal


  • Body Slam
  • Shadow Ball
  • Rest
  • Hyper Beam

One of my favourite Pokemon to use just because how bulky it is. Hits like a truck and takes hits like a tank and with rest its rarely ever going to be in trouble. During my play through, it rarely fainted and pulled its weight a lot as a reliable Pokemon to use when no other team member was suited. Only problem if any is its speed but with its crazy HP and special defense, you’ll barely mind it going second in every battle.

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My team for Leaf green version

  1. Venusaur
    Ability: Overgrow
    • Leech Seed / Sludge bomb [TM]
    • Sleep Powder / Toxic
    • Giga Drain [TM]/ Razor leaf.
    • Synthesis

Tanky, good for stall/catching mons.

  1. Fearow
    Ability: Keen Eye
    • Drill peck
    • Return [TM]
    • Steel wing [TM]
    • Fly

One of the better flyers in the game in my opinion. Could use Dodrio instead but I like fearow because you get it very early in the game and lets you deal with the grass types.

  1. Poliwrath
    Ability: Water absorb
    • Surf
    • Brick break [TM]
    • Strength / Body slam
    • Belly drum [Pre evo at level 43]

Never used this before. Gave it Leftovers so it may regen a bit of HP after Belly Drum.

  1. Jynx
    Ability: Oblivious
    • Ice beam [TM] / Ice punch
    • Psychic [TM]
    • Lovely kiss
    • Dream eater / Attract [TM]

Great Ice type, quite fast and has a great specials attack. plus it has good hard hitting moves and some support in the form of sleep

  1. Rhydon
    Ability: Rock head
    • Earthquake
    • Rock Slide
    • Double- Edge
    • Megahorn

Giving Rhydon a Quick claw because of its low speed. has a great attack stat. Using a Rock head variant so that Double- Edge doesnt have recoil.

  1. Magmar
    Ability: Flame Body
    • Flamethrower
    • Thunderpunch
    • Cross chop
    • Fire blast

Magmar is optional, I traded mine over from XD so it has the special moves. Either Ninetales or Arcanine [FR] would be good as well, Fire types seem to be a bit lacking in this gen.

  1. Raticate [HM Slave]