PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Could someone please provide a list of battle episodes, with English words and sounds?
By battle I mean either big battles, such as Pokemon-League or E-4, and Gym Leaders or Pokmeon tournametns. I know I could just Google "ash vs insert gym leader" but often I don't get a whole episode with the right sounds.

NOTE: Please provide a valid link to a player for each, or just a website for all of them that has valid players. Thanks!

Do you need links?
http://pokemonepisode.org This link should help you.The episodes themselves should define which are battles.
Been there, done that. Most of their links are broken.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

gogoanime has the most Pokemon episodes.Here are some:, also if you have Real player you can download them :


you will love those

You can also go and see on http://www.pokemon.com/us/tv-episodes/pokemon-episode-guide/ the seasons and their episodes.See the ones with the intense battling, google it and download the episode (if you can)

Hope I helped :D

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All right. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I get the feeling this is the best I will get.

And the Pokemon.com Tv Guide is miles behind the other websites.