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8 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Regigigas, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Regigigas Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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14 Answers

10 votes

Double/Triple Battle Sun Sweeper

Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Frustration / Retaliate

Team up with Leavanny. Use Entrainment. Regigagas now has Chlorophyll. You can then set up Sunny Day with Leavanny or have had a previous Pokemon such as the great Whimsicott do it before. Regi is incredibly powerful, incredibly bulky, and now is Ninjask level fast. It can also hit multiple foes with Rock Slide and Earthquake. Fire Punch is coverage that gets boosted by Sun. Frustration is STAB, although Retaliate can be used since Leavanny won't last long.

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I guess frustration works better than return because Regigigas dies so often. Stupid Nerf of an ability. Archeops got roost to deal with Defiant. Why can't Regigigas get protect or something?
5 votes

He got protect in Sw/Sh!!!
Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature

• Protect
• Substitute
• Knock Off
• Crush Grip

Turn 1: Protect. Turn 2: Let them hit you and use Substitute. Turn 3: Protect. Turn 4: Use Knock Off or Crush Grip while they break your sub. Turn 5: Protect. Now slow start is over. Crush Grip is strong STAB that works when they are at high HP so you can OHKO, and Knock Off is coverage that gets rid of their item.

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Oh my god a perfect strat
2 votes

Gen 8


Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start (Ugh)
EVs: 252 HP / 104 Atk / 76 Def / 76 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Avalanche
- Revenge
- Facade
- Earthquake / Fire Punch

Well, you've got Slow Start. Might as well make use of it? Regigigas still has 210 Atk with this set. Not terrible. There aren't any EVs in Speed because then Avalanche will still work most of the time.

Since you're going with a "hit second, but harder" moveset, why not swap out Facade for Payback as well? Running Payback would also give you coverage against Ghost and Dark.
2 votes

Gen 8 VGC

Regigigas @ Life Orb
Ability: Slow Start (no problem)
EV spread: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant / Jolly Nature

  • Giga Impact
  • Superpower / Protect
  • Knock Off
  • High Horsepower / Protect


Weezing @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
EV spread: 252 HP / 8 Def / 248 SpD
Calm Nature

  • Sludge Bomb
  • Taunt
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Protect

Simple. Bring out Weezing and Regigigas together. Gigas Impact is used over Body Slam because it's stronger when Dynamaxed. Superpower for an Attack boost in Dynamax, Knock Off to hit ghosts and remove their item. High Horsepower over Earthquake because its a single-target move that doesn't hit your ally. Also there's a nearly nonexistent 5 BP difference between the two moves.

1 vote

Gimmicky set for triple battles only:

2 Turn Sweepergigas

Regigigas @ Lum Berry
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature

  • Rock Polish
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide
  • Return

Start with Audino, Regigigas, and Gigalith. Have Audino use simple beam, Regigigas use rock polish, and Gigalith use swagger. Commence sweep.

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In doubles, you could make A pokemon like trevenant use skill swap on regigigas then use it again on the opposing pokemon then bam, Attack and speed get reduced then sweep :)
1 vote

Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)

  • Drain Punch (deal damage and regain health)
  • Confuse Ray (stall)
  • Thunder Wave (stall)
  • Substitute (stall)
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Too many stall moves can make it predictable, it's best to have some other move like fire or thunderpunch
1 vote

Pokemon Showdown: Gen 8 NatDex
Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 HP / 122 Atk / 67 Def / 67 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Power-Up Punch
- Rock Polish
- Frustration
- Knock Off
Explanation: This set utilitizes raising Attack and Speed due to Slow Start. Power-Up Punch is to boost your Attack every time it hits. Rock Polish is to raise your speed. Frustration is STAB. Knock Off is for Ghost Types. Leftovers is for reliable HP recovery.

1 vote

Gen 8

Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Slam
- Knock Off
- Substitute
- Protect

Body Slam is STAB that has a 30% to paralyze. Knock Off is to deal with ghost types and removes items from opposing Pokemon. Substitute is for scouting. Protect is to help bypass the turns of Slow Start.

0 votes

Gen V

Regigigas @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 172 HP / 168 Def / 168 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Confuse Ray
- Crush Grip

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I think crush grip and toxic are mutually exclusive to work well :/
0 votes

It's not a bad idea to use Regigigas in a double battle alongside Iron fist Pangoro, then have Pangoro use entrainment to really give the colossal Pokemon an ability it can be proud of!

Iron fist boosts punching attacks by 20%, since Regigigas has access to quite a few of these in ORAS it can be very useful indeed!

Regigigas @ Life Orb
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 Atk / 160 Spe / 96 HP
Adamant Nature

  • Drain punch (recovery)
  • Thunder punch (awesome!)
  • Fire Punch (wicked!)/Dizzy punch (STAB)
  • Ice Punch (Bring down those dragons!)
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0 votes

Regigigas @Assault vest
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252Hp, 252Attack OR 252hp, 252def
Nature: adamant or brave (brave if in a trick room)
-Return/ Façade
-Power Up Punch
-Drain Punch
-Knock Off
Description: Regigigas, my favorite larger legendary! His ability is still as awful as always but there are ways to work with it, but rather than use skill swap in vgc/ doubles, or turn to stall tactics in singles/ smogon rules, I've tried out a set that utilizes some new items and moves in generation 6. To start, make sure that powerful physical and/or fighting types on the opponents team are crippled by trick room/ ailments or just flat out KO'ed, and switch Regigigas in. With an Assault vest equipped, regigigas obtains an obscene amount of sp bulk (110/110/110 defenses aren't shabby even without the vest) at the cost of his non-attacking moves (thus, his stalling power). But by taking advantage of gen 6's new move power up punch, Regigigas can raise his attack stat naturally and after two hits (which would put him at +2, or 2.0X attack), slow starts attack drop is effectively nullified. The fun begins however, when 5 turns do pass and regigigas returns to normal, then you have a +2 to +5 uber level Pokémon rampaging through an opponents team, which is quite the sight let me tell ya'... Façade can be used over return for Stab as façade allows regigigas to muscle past burns (since façade ignores the burns attack drop in gen 6) and a base 140 power (70 without an ailment, not counting stab on either) attack is surely gonna annihilate something should slow start end, though return obviously brings more power immediately. Drain punch is so Regigigas can heal himself while trying to sweep, while I understand that two fighting moves is terrible for coverage reasons, they both serve different purposes on Regigigas and must be accepted for this set to function at all. Finally, Knock off is for crushing ghost types as well as supporting the rest of your team should regigigas go down (a foe without an item is an easier foe to take down in the long run.). This set has flat out destroyed opponent teams for me in PU (which is where regigigas is currently) sometimes 6 to 0ing them without a single Pokemon of mine fainting! Although strong if allowed to set up, this set is weak to powerful physical attackers (especially fighting types), and while facade can combat burns, regigigas still hates ailments, as well as phazing, and ghost types who stop him from setting up his Power Up Punches. Overall though if you stop his counters and are mindful about opposing roar users, Regigigas just might surprise you and leave your opponent slack jawed!

0 votes

Ability : Slow Start
Holding : Toxic Orb/Leftovers/Chople Berry/Assualt Vest/Big Root
EV's : 252 Atk/252 Def/4 Speed
Facade/Ice Punch : If Toxic Orb, Facade, Any Other, Ice Punch For Dragon Types.
Zen Headbutt : Good For Fighting Types.
Crush Grip : More HP The Opponent Has, The More Damage!
Drain Punch : Get Health Back, Must Go To Move Tutor In ORAS. (Use Big Root For More Health Back

Good Partners
Roserade Holding Chesto Berry : Worry Seed, Giga Drain, Rest, Sludge Bomb
Zangoose Holding Flying Gem : Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Retaliate, Slash
Gengar Holding Fighting Gem : Focus Blast, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Will-Wisp
Jirachi Holding Metal Coat(Just To Heal Regigigas) : Healing Wish, Doom Desire, Iron Head, Psychic
Avalugg Holding Focus Sash : Avalanche, Iron Defense, Recover, Crunch

0 votes

Regigigas has arguably the worst ability in the game. Let's see how we can get around that.

@Weakness policy
252 Atk 252 Speed 4 Def

Zen headbutt

Endure helps keep him alive and supercharges Endeavour, Earthquake is to deal with rock and steel types who resist Endeavour, Zen headbutt covers his only weakness and weakness policy nearly negates his ability. Baton passed stat boosts could really help. And wish.

0 votes

I didn't see any sets here that I liked, So I made my own:
Regigigas @Life Orb
Adamant Nature
252 Atk 200 HP 56 Spe
Trait: Slow Start
Drain Punch ( Stab, Steal some HP )
Knock off ( Knock off the opponents item, so no life orb leftovers, assult vest, etc. )
Ice punch ( Stab, Tame those Dragons! )
Block/Rock Polish ( Block so the opponent cannot switch out, or Rock Polish to boost speed and Accuracy )


Hope I helped! :D
