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5 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Heatran, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Heatran Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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19 Answers

11 votes

For use on Sun Teams, Choice Scarf Heatran!

Heatran @ Chocie Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

  • Earth Power
  • Fire Blast
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Overheat

I use this Heatran on my newest sun team and it is not only unpredictable but it hits like an artillery cannon. Earth Power is there mostly to hit other Heatrans, while Fire Blast is your main move, and with STAB and sun boost it is going to maim just about anything that isn't KO'd. Hidden Power ice is to nail common Heatran switch-ins such as Gliscor and Landorus, while Overheat is to be used if you need overwhelming power, just beware of that SAtk drop. One thing that this Heatran has over other Heatrans is that it is highly unpreditcable, since most Heatrans in today's OU metagame run defensive sets. Also, if you manage to get a Flash Fire boost, you have pretty much won :D

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This is the Set, +1.
:D (filler)
i would not have all special attacks and over heat, i would switch it for protect or substitute
Since Heatran is scarfed is he uses Overheat that is all he ends up using, usually if you plan on switching out after attacking. It has better accuracy than Fire Blast and overall hits a bit harder. In the Sun it will roast quite a few things.
Sorry that I'm commenting now, but wouldn't (On a sun team) Heatran be better off with SolarBeam? Just a suggestion...
4 votes

How odd. So many answers try try to fix heatrans speed issue with a choice scarf, but there's another way worth mention

Trick Room Heatran!

Heatran @ Choice Specs / Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Eruption
- Earth power
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Grass]
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast

The little magma monster may seem a little fast for trick room, but if given a chance will prove his worth. This is for one reason, eruption. Now you may be asking, why not have camerupt as a trick room eruption user, he's slower. Well, heatran has a superior defensive typing, higher special attack and most importantly more versatility. Heatran runs a great deal of sets, making it unpredictable, a useful quality. Now when it comes down to item choice it's a matter of personal preference. Choice specs flash fire boosted eruption in the sun is one argument. However leftovers allow heatran to recover from hazards and other residual damage to maintain a full powered eruption, while also allowing for move switches. I've think I've talked about eruption enough, so lets move on. Earth power is heatrans standard coverage options, hitting threats like opposing heatran and tyranitar. Hp ice is the superior choice as it hits dragon and ground threats. However if water types are your prime fear you can run hp grass instead. Finally the last move goes to reliable STAB. Remember this set has certain uses, and if you don't seek those specific uses, find a different Pokemon.

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Specs Eruption in the sun O.O
Ran a little easy calc.
150*1.5 stab boost*1.5 sun boost*1.5 specs boost*1.5 flash fire boost *1.5 helping hand boost=1139. 0625.
That's right, a specs and helping hand boosted full health STAB eruption after a flash fire boost in the sun has 1139 power when NEUTRAL. Sure this is a ludicrous scenario, but still with just a sun boosted STAB eruption has 337.5 power
I can't get an Eruption Heatran without that Pokemon Ranger event.
4 votes

enter image description here
Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Substitute
- Taunt
- Toxic

Stallbreaker Heatran, works like a total boss. I'm using it on my Uber team currently and it does wonders. Works especially well on opposing Giratina, substitute holds up against Dragon Tail which is much more common while Taunt shuts down Rest, Sleep Talk, and Roar. Toxic wheedles down the HP while I twiddle my thumbs. Also works against Blissey, forcing a switch, and many other stallers. Lava Plume has great chance to burn which works well when I have Sub up and a physical attacker comes in.

I went for full Special Defense because A) his Special Defense is already better, and B) Unlike OU where he can take some physical hits, Ubers has much higher stats. So boosting his Defense would be a waste of time when he has such a juicy SDef.

Leftovers is his only recovery, but he normally stays behind his Sub long enough to heal up a decent amount.

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Me: Let's see what Kijanub thinks is a good set..WHOA A GIRATINA AND BLISSEY COUNTER. *is gonna use*
3 votes

Choice Band Heatran. It's time

Heatran @ Choice Band
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Heat Crash
- Heavy Slam
- Toxic
- Earthquake


This is one of my stupid concoctions. Here me out. It works excellently on spikestack, for that extra chip, that leverage, to destroy mons. Heat crash and heavy slam are here because the thing is heavy. Earthquake is for pex, as well as koko and other electrics. This works with NMI kyurem, and rapid spin eleki for maximum pain. So yeah, try it out. Here's a sample paste, by the way: https://pokepast.es/7ac2dae6060430d3

Woah woah woah, you were being serious when you said that band Heatran was good?
no just no
2 votes

Okies, lesgo with a Rain stopping trap:

Heatran (M) @ Grass Gem

Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Magma Storm
  • Sunny Day
  • SolarBeam
  • Hidden Power [Ice] / Earth Power

As long as Heatran doesn't get dumped on by a Scarf Toed, Heatran is an excellent way to take out Politoed. EVs give as much attacking power as possible so Heatran can beat Specially Defensive Politoed. Sun teams greatly benefit from Heatran, so I recommend a Sun team used around this. Actually, a Sand team could use this as well, as long as your weather starter's still alive. CS teams can also abuse this. Frankly, if you have trouble with Sand teams, you can use this, but it's insanely hard to pull off. Anyways, when a predicted switch into Politoed comes, which is natural, go for STAB Magma Storm to trap it in the battlefield. Get rid of the rain by using Sunny Day, weakening Scald and Hydro Pumps. Then, kill the Politoed off using no charges Grass Gem boosted SolarBeam, which will knock it out. The last slot is mostly filler. Hidden Power [Ice] catches Dragons when they get trapped, and Earth Power deals with opposing Heatran.

Paralysis support is nice on this guy, so a Togekiss or Jirachi would work. Rachi even has U-turn, making it easier for Heatran to come in.

You may also want to go for 140 HP / 252 SAtk / 116 Spd to not be outsped by Specs Toed, max speed, and Will-O-Wisp as the filler to cripple Hippowdon (credit to Enoch-117).

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2 votes

Heatran @Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Toxic / Lava Plume
- Roar / Protect
- Stealth Rock

Flame Body Heatran. Magma Storm is STAB and chips the foe. Toxic is more chip damage, while Lava Plume is also STAB and has a high burn chance. Stealth Rock is amazing, and is also more chip. Roar to phaze, Protect to scout for Earthquakes, stall the enemy with Toxic/burn and Magma Storm, and to gain Leftovers recovery.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 8 HP / 252 SpA / 248 Spe
Modest Nature
- Eruption
- Flash Cannon / Steel Beam
- Earth Power
- Dragon Pulse / Dark Pulse / Lava Plume

Eruption is 150 Base power at full health, but Heatran is rather slow, and will likely take damage before attacking. However, with Scarf, Heatran reaches a sizable speed tier letting it outspeed nearly the entire metagame. Flash Cannon is STAB, but Steel Beam is brutally powerful, at the cost of 50% of Heatran's HP each use and a loss of defensive utility. Earth Power is solid coverage, especially against other Heatran. Dragon Pulse for the many dragons in OU that I am too lazy to list here, Dark Pulse covers things like Dragapult, Latios, and most importantly, Slowbro, who completely and utterly walls this set without the move. Lava Plume is STAB and has a burn chance. Also it should be noted that if you are running Steel Beam and Eruption, Lava Plume is mandatory because after a SB Eruption goes from 150 BP to 75 with no after-effect, which makes it pretty useless :/

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1 vote

Choice Scarf Heatran

Heatran (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Electric] / Dragon Pulse
- Earth Power

Choice Scarf-
The point of this entire set.
Ability: Flash Fire-
Only ability that can be used with Eruption. It isn't bad though.
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe-
Max Speed and offense. The last EVs are put into Defense so Heatran can switch in more on Spikes. Although you still might prefer not getting hit by Spikes. So a Rapid Spinner helper is good! :D
Quiet Nature(Needed to have Eruption)
- Eruption-
Hits REALLY hard. 150 base power, STAB, maybe even a Flash Fire boost is hard to beat. And it has 359 Special Attack! I think this guy is the best Pokemon to use Eruption because it is fast enough to hit first unlike Camerupt and it takes neutral damage from Stealth Rock unlike Typhlosion. Having 100 accuracy is a nice change over Overheat and Fire Blast also.
- Flamethrower-
Alternative Fire STAB. This is for when Heatran is low on HP and is unable to effectively use Eruption. This is used instead of Fire Blast or Over Heat because of reliability and over Lava Plume because of power.
- Hidden Power [Ice]/Hidden Power [Electric]/Dragon Pulse-
Type coverage. Hidden Power Ice hits Salamence and Dragonite for x4 damage and hits harder than other moves would against Gliscor and Landorus. Hidden Power Electric is for if you want to KO that Gyarados. Dragon Pulse gets a stronger neutral hit than Hidden Power, but it lacks as much Super Effective coverage. It still gets perfect neutral coverage with its Fire STAB.
- Earth Power-
Type coverage. Along with Hidden Power Ice or Electric it gets perfect neutral coverage.Takes down other Heatran - at least those not soaring through the sky on a hot Air Balloon - with ease.

This is my favorite Heatran. And I find it to be the best user of Eruption.

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There Trent, that is easier to read.
OOohhh! So Trent made his own account..... Just understood.
Sorry. PO failed. It let me use Eruption with Timid for the first dozen matches, but then after an update it said I can only use this with a Quiet nature. I'll hide this if people want me to.
I believe Heatran needs to have Quiet Nature with Eruption.
1 vote

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 44 SpA / 96 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Solar Beam

I used this set in Avatar Tournament (I changed it a bit for this), and it was pretty fun to use. To set it up, I usually send out Grimmsnarl has screens and Mega Charizard Y for the sun. Leftovers is for shrugging off chip damage from things like U-Turn. Flash Fire allows it to reliably switch into Fire type moves, increasing its own firepower in the process. 252 HP EVs allow it to take both physical and special hits better. 116 Defense is for a bit of physical bulk. 44 Special Attack gives it a power boost. 96 Special Defense is for special bulk, as is Calm. Lava Plume is STAB with a nice chance to burn (30%). Stealth Rock is for entry hazards. Toxic is to get more damage off on the opponent, usually if the opponent is a special attacker that won’t be effected by a burn as much. Solar Beam covers Ground and Water types, and it works in one turn due to the sun being up (thanks to Mega Zard Y’s Drought).

0 votes

He's a great lead So here it is.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp

You use magma storm to prevent them from switching. Then taunt. Cut down their attack and sweep them with earth power. I will eventually kill a nearly anybody.

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EVs, Natures, Items?
Done, please remove the flags.
Why the flags?
0 votes

Defensive Heatran.

Heatran @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Protect/Substitute

Will-o-Wisp kills the foes attack to allow full investment into SDef along with getting the residual damage off for stalling. Magma Storm lays down a hard hit to reduce the stall time along with trapping them with more residual damage. Earth Power is coverage, though you could use anything you want here. Protect is a free Leftovers heal while avoiding damage but Substitute isn't a bad idea if you can get one up.

Oh that picture though
0 votes

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Calm Nature
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 SpA
-Stealth Rock
-Lava Plume/Fire Blast/Magma Storm

Air Balloon Heatran is great, giving Heatran a temporary immunity to Ground. When coupled with its typing and Flash Fire, Heatran is immune to three moderately common types in the OU metagame. It can cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and break walls with Taunt. Its immunity to Toxic allows it to switch into walls and set up. As Heatran forces switches on many Pokemon, it can set up Stealth Rocks easily. Lava Plume is a great move with a moderately high Base Power and perfect accuracy. Fire Blast is extremely powerful, but it really sucks when it misses. Magma Storm is an interesting option that prevents switching out to reset Toxic damage or to get rid of a Taunt.

0 votes

Heatran@ Grassium Z
Trait: Flash Fire
Modest (if you are using Hp.Steel over Iron Head) or Quiet (If you are using Iron head over Hp. Steel)
252 sp attack, 252 sp. defense, 4hp

  • Earth Power (To decrease sp.defense, making you even more amazing with that sp.attack, and coverage.)
  • Heat Wave (Safer than Fire Blast)
  • Flash Cannon (If you cdon't want to use it, use Iron Head. The flinch is amazing.)
  • Solar Beam (Exact reason I got Grassium Z. Best used in Sun teams.)
    This guy can survive a few amazing moves. Mine can suprisingly survive Earthquake!
0 votes


Item: Heat Rock

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP, 252 Spd, 4 SAtk

Nature: Modest


Sunny Day
Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Heat Wave
Flash Cannon
Solar Beam

Sunny Day will increase your fire moves, use Solar Beam with out charging, and will decrease water attacks. Also, with Flash Fire, fire Pokemon wont use fire moves on you.

Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Heat Wave for STAB.

Flash Cannon for STAB.

Solar Beam for coverage for water and ground types and takes advantage of Sunny Day.

I use Heat Rock for longer Sunny Day.

0 votes

This is a rather oddball Heatran. For one, its offensively inclined. 2nd of all, no Speed EVs on this one. The amount of resistances and 2 immunities is just way too hard to pass up.

Heatran @ Choice Specs / Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 HP
Modest Nature

  • Fire Blast
  • Flash Cannon
  • Earth Power
  • HP Ice / Dark Pulse (Stealth Rock on Leftovers variants)

Fire Blast is STAB and hits a lot of the metagame very powerfully. Flash Cannon is also STAB and lights up Clefable. Earth Power is coverage against other Heatran, as well as stuff like Tapu Koko, Toxapex, Mega Charizard X, and Magnezone. HP Ice is mainly for Garchomp, Gliscor, and Landorus-T switching in, while Dark Pulse is mainly for Slowbro. Stealth Rock can be used if you run Leftovers because you don't get locked in.

0 votes

Heatran @ Charcoal
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 132 HP / 252 SpA / 124 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Quiet Nature
- Eruption
- Heat wave
- Earth power
- Taunt

This thing is kinda a defensive chad.


252 SpA Life Orb Spectrier Mud Shot vs. 132 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 172-203 (93.9 - 110.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
uhhhh ok. You do you my lad, you do you

+3 252 SpA Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 132 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 115-136 (62.8 - 74.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Dang ok

156 SpA Tapu Fini Scald vs. 132 HP / 124 SpD Heatran: 86-104 (46.9 - 56.8%) -- 82% chance to 2HKO


252+ SpA Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Cresselia: 84-100 (37 - 44%) -- 99.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 128 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 127-150 (70.5 - 83.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 248 HP / 232+ SpD Celesteela: 152-182 (74.8 - 89.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 108 SpD Eviolite Porygon2: 66-78 (34.3 - 40.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

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0 votes

Gen 6-8 OU Heatran

Heatran @Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Magma Storm / Heat Wave
- Will-O-Wisp / Toxic / Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Protect

Magma Storm strong STAB trapping move and is perfect for wearing down other walls and trapping Pokemon that Heatran checks which can allow for hazard set up and other support options while the opponent is stuck and forced to let it happen until Magma Storm goes out but (beware of the 75% accuracy). Because of its low PP, using it consecutively will be dangerous as it can miss sometimes and waste the PP away causing Heatran to no longer be able to use it, so use it carefully and only when you need to.
Will-O-Wisp OR Toxic can be used to capitalize on the chip damage and speed up the walling process by putting them on a timer until they die and adding even more damage because it stacks with Magma Storm.
Stealth Rock is used to wear the opposing team down to soften them up for a sweep or for late game cleaning.
Protect is used to protect your self while the opponent is taking damage from Magma Storm and Will-O-Wisp or Toxic which gives you the chance heal with leftovers to continue to be annoying.
Earth Power is a great fire type coverage move and can used on opposing Heatran and is another way to kill steel types without risking a miss with Magma Storm. Incineroar and Mega Charizard X are prime targets for this move but watch out for their earthquake coverage.
Heat Wave if you are playing doubles Heat Wave is a good STAB choice for Heatran and is only has 5 BP less than Magma Storm. Heat Wave has a 10% chance to burn the target but it's accuracy isn't perfect so it can miss from time to time, remember that.

Switch Heatran into a predicted fire type move to activate Flash Fire while adding sun to completely maximize its attack power and do crazy amounts of damage, you are litterally getting a 100% boost to your Magma Storm or Heat Wave (if you are playing doubles). And for example this set walls Xerneas, Mega Mawile, Alolan Ninetails, Tangrowth, and just about any type that Heatran resists.

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0 votes

The Killing Machine

Heatran @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature

  • Eruption (STAB)
  • Earth power
  • Flash Cannon (STAB)
  • HP (Ice) / Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse

Since Heatran had a really High SpA with 130 Base power in SpA I would want to maximize its SpA with ofcourse a Choice Specs, Modest nature, Eruption as its STAB if we would be calculating it Modest Nature + Choice Specs and Max SpA EVs the total stat of it in SpA is 591, Imagine How much damage it would do with its STAB move Eruption. Earth power would work well with heatran for countering Fire, Poison, Rock, Electric and Steel type Pokemons. Flash cannon, same with Eruption a STAB move for Heatran good for countering Fairy, Rock and Ice types. HP Ice or Hidden Power ice would work well for heatran as its countering its main weakness Ground type cause of heatran being guaranteed OHKO by Earthquake so I suggest using Trick room with this heatran if you would see an enemy that guaranteed to have Earthquake, Dark Pulse- Works well for countering Psychic and Ghost types, Dragon Types are good for countering Dragon Types also if you would have a Flash Fire boost you pretty much sweep.

0 votes

The Killing Machine

Heatran @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse

  • Eruption (STAB)
  • Earth power
  • Flash Cannon (STAB)
  • HP (Ice) / Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse

Since Heatran had a really High SpA with 130 Base power in SpA I would want to maximize its SpA with ofcourse a Choice Specs, Modest nature, Eruption as its STAB if we would be calculating it Modest Nature + Choice Specs and Max SpA EVs the total stat of it in SpA is 591, Imagine How much damage it would do with its STAB move Eruption. Earth power would work well with heatran for countering Fire, Poison, Rock, Electric and Steel type Pokemons. Flash cannon, same with Eruption a STAB move for Heatran good for countering Fairy, Rock and Ice types. HP Ice or Hidden Power ice would work well for heatran as its countering its main weakness Ground type cause of heatran being guaranteed OHKO by Earthquake so I suggest using Trick room with this heatran if you would see an enemy that guaranteed to have Earthquake, Dark Pulse- Works well for countering Psychic and Ghost types, Dragon Types are good for countering Dragon Types also if you would have a Flash Fire boost or hit by your enemy by fire types that would trigger the ability Flash Fire you would Have a 50% Stat Modifier on your Special Attack, you will pretty much sweep.

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0 votes

Gen 8 SS Monotype Specially Defensive (Steel)

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 244 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Roar / Toxic

Heatran provides Steel teams with the needed Fire immunity thanks to its Ability Flash Fire. This allows it to switch into Pokemon such as Blacephalon, Victini, and Volcarona. Heatran's typing and bulk allows it to take hits from Pokemon such as Blacephalon, non Earth Power Hydreigon, and Galarian Moltres if it didn't boost its special attack too much.

Lava Plume's ability to cripple physical wallbreakers due to the 30% burn chance makes it a spammable Fire STAB. Earth Power allows you to deal super effective to Pokemon such as opposing non Air Balloon Heatran, Blacephalon, Tapu Koko, Victini, and Toxapex. Stealth Rock is used to chip opposing Pokemon. If another Pokemon is using Stealth Rock on your team, you can use Toxic to cripple Pokemon who don't mind burn as well as Pokemon you can't beat such as Porygon2, Mantine, Zapdos, Slowbro, and Slowking. Roar is used to force a Pokemon off of the battlefield and is useful for stopping setup sweepers from sweeping. Toxic can be used on the 4th slot if you use Stealth Rock on the 3rd move slot.

248 HP helps with Heatran's bulk. 16 Speed EVs allow this Heatran set to outspeed opposing Specially Defensive Heatran, as they usually don't use any Speed EVs. The rest of the EVs are in Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allow Heatran to tank special attacks better.
