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1 vote

If yes, then please tell me what it is, if no, please give me the closest thing to it. im sick of gliscor walling my team, and if one more scizor comes in and rapes my team one more time, i think ill probably go off the deep end.


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

I'll give you a list, and what moves that work:

  • Mew: Fire Blast, Ice Beam
  • Zapdos: Heat Wave, HP Ice
  • Jirachi: Fire Punch, Ice Punch
  • Heatran: Lava Plume, HP Ice
  • Abomasnow: HP Fire, Ice Beam/Blizzard

I'll make in longer as I go along.

edited by
Electriciver as well with the punches
Oh and conkeldurr with the punches.
Problem with abomasnow it can't counter scizor, it can't take a bullet punch.
Heatran gets wrecked by equake as well.

But appart from that don't just think move wise, jellicent is a great counter to scizor and gliscor.
Also the best counter to both is gliscor running 8 more speed evs than it usually would, ice dang would possibly Ohko gliscor but I doubt it, defiantly a 2hko
2 votes

Pokemons like abomosnow or mew can definitely not be counted as possible counters, as mew pretty much gets OHKO by a knock off and abomosnow dies to a bullet punch, etc.

In fact, a solid water/ice + fire user that doesn't die to a bullet punch/earthquake/knock off/u-turn would do the job. Timid salamence with fire blast+hydro pump, or choice scarf nidoking with fire blast+ice beam, for example.

You can't answer on old questions unless you give more in more information than the other anwer.
He actually added something and don´t mini-mod :/