Rock types
85 Hp is good
130 Defense is AMAZING!
70 S.Defense is not very good, but with Sand boost it gets boosted by 1.5 which makes it great!
His movepool is far from perfect but it has enough to make him a powerful wall.
70 Hp is good
180 Defense is HUGE!
60 S.Defense stinks, but again the Sand boost makes it great
His movepool is great and has plenty of useful tools in Offense and Defense.
80 Hp is good
200 Defense is INSANE
100 S.Defense is great and with Sand boost is insane.
His movepool is also great.
Steel Types
80 Hp is good
150 Defense is AWESOME
150 S.Defense is AWESOME
Great movepool.
80 Hp
130 Defense is AMAZING
90 Defense is great, and he can learn Light-screen to boost the entire teams S.Defense
His movepool is awesome as well!