PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

I read on a website (I'm pretty sure it was on Serebii) that if you have a GBA Pokemon game in your DS while you're in certain places in DPP that different Pokemon will come. Is it true, because I almost always play with my Sapphire in, and no new Pokemon came?

Now you can get an arcanine.
EDIT: if you have fire red I think.

4 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Inserting a Generation III game will let you encounter some different Pokemon, but only in specific locations.

Haunter (Old Chateau)
Gengar (Old Chateau)
Seedot (Routes 203, 204, 210, Eterna Forest)
Nuzleaf (Route 210, 229)
Mawile (Iron Island
Zangoose (Route 208, 210)
Solrock (Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave)

Haunter (Old Chateau)
Gengar (Old Chateau)
Lotad (Route 203, 204, 205, 212)
Lombre (Route 212, 229)
Sableye (Iron Island)
Seviper (Route 208, 210)
Lunatone (Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring, Turnback Cave)

Haunter (Old Chateau)
Gengar (Old Chateau)
Teddiursa (Route 211, Acuity Lakefront [DP], Lake Acuity [Pt]
Ursaring (Route 216, 217, Acuity Lakefront [Pt], Lake Acuity [DP]
Pineco (Eterna Forest, Route 203, 204, 210, 229)
Gligar (Stark Mountain, Route 206, 207, 214, 215, 227)
Shuckle (Route 224)
Staravia (Lake Verity)
Bibarel (Lake Verity)

Caterpie (Route 204, Eterna Forest [Pt])
Metapod (Eterna Forest)
Ekans (Route 212)
Arbok (Great Marsh)
Growlithe (Route 201, 202)
Haunter (Old Chateau)
Gengar (Old Chateau)
Elekid (Route 205, Valley Windworks)
Staravia (Lake Verity)
Bibarel (Lake Verity)

Weedle (Route 204, Eterna Forest [Pt])
Kakuna (Eterna Forest)
Sandshrew (Wayward Cave)
Sandslash (Route 228)
Vulpix (Route 209, 214)
Haunter (Old Chateau)
Gengar (Old Chateau)
Magby (Route 227, Stark Mountain)
Staravia (Lake Verity)
Bibarel (Lake Verity)

Dual-slot mode (Bulbapedia)

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1 vote

If you put in EMERALD, I know you can get the rare pokemon that are in the special area of the Safari Zone (Pineco, Teddiursa, etc.) I'm not sure about other versions, though.

1 vote

I know this is a fairly old question, but this link gives exact details
For Diamond/pearl
For Platinum

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0 votes

Yep, certain version-exclusive Pokemon, such as Growlithe Vulpix, Caterpie, Weedle, Mawile, Sableye, and even Shuckle, will appear if you put in their respective game!

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