PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Pokemon swarms last one day. Also, in Black and White, if you soft-reset, there will be a different swarm.
Paras - Route 11

Mankey - Route 15

Farfetch'd - Route 1

Doduo - Route 12

Exeggcute - Route 18

Sentret - Route 7

Yanma - Route 14

Pineco - Route 16

Smeargle - Route 5

Tyrogue - Route 10

Poochyena - Route 9

Minun - Route 6

Illumise - Route 3

Shuppet - Route 13

Wynaut - Route 2

Hippopotas - Route 4

Croagunk - Route 8


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you can soft rest for diamond pearl and platinum swarms too
hg and ss as well?
Caught every swarm Pokemon in the game :)
I went to route nine and found Houndour. :P
It's cuz Poochyena is exclusive to white