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4 votes

I traded a Krabby for a Voltorb and its name was Billy... I want it to be named Voltorb... is there a name changer in HeartGold??

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3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

There are two Name Raters in HG/SS. One is in Goldenrod City (Johto) and the other is in Lavender Town (Kanto). They are in the purple/yellow tents.

However, you cannot change the name of a traded Pokemon (except in the case of a highly unlikely Trainer ID match). You will need to keep Voltorb's nickname.

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2 votes

There is a name changer in Goldenrod City, but you can only use it for your own pokemon, not traded. annoying huh?

1 vote

There is another one at Lavender Town Last one at the Left Bottom corner at Kanto.
In other words there are 2 Name Changer's in the game, 1 at Johto, and 1at Kanto.

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