Gen 9 NU Bulky Dual Dance

Porygon-Z @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Electric / Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 16 SpA / 164 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Agility
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball
A Bulky Dual Dance set Porygon-Z can use in Gen 9 NU. Porygon-Z has been used as a Dual Dance sweeper in past formats, although it doesn't use a bulky EV spread. However, in Gen 9 NU, Bulky Dual Dance sets are starting to become standard on Porygon-Z despite its 85/70/75 bulk since this set is used in a lower tier, plus Porygon-Z can change it type with Tera. The idea of the bulky EV spread combined with Sitrus Berry for a dual dance set is to give Porygon-Z a bit more breathing room to be able to get off both Nasty Plot and Agility to become a scary sweeper. You can even use this set with a Dual Screens Klefki set that has Eject Button and Steel Beam so it can have more bulk with screens up.
How the moveset works is straightforward. Use Nasty Plot to allow Porygon-Z to break past bulkier Pokemon, and use Agility to allow Porygon-Z to outspeed faster Pokemon. Tri Attack is used for the Normal STAB since the chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze can potentially open up more setup opportunities. (Plus, Tera Blast is rather redundant on this set) The last slot depends on what coverage move you prefer. Thunderbolt allows Porygon-Z to deal super effective damage to Vaporeon, Basculegion, and Milotic while still having a neutral move against the Steel-types in the tier. Shadow Ball can be used instead to deal super effective damage against Bronzong as well as Brambleghast and Decidueye since the two Grass/Ghost Pokemon resist Thunderbolt.
The Tera you use for this set depends on the coverage move you use. In addition to Tera helping out Porygon-Z offensively, it also has defensive benefits as well. Tera Electric is used to make Thunderbolt a STAB move and is useful to resist Kilowattrel's STABs as well as being immune to paralysis that could cripple its sweep. Tera Ghost is used to make Shadow Ball a STAB move as well as giving Porygon-Z an immunity to Normal and Fighting moves, allowing it to take advantage of Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Mienshao locked into Close Combat. Adaptability is used to boost the power of Porygon-Z's STAB moves, though do keep in mind Tri Attack will not get the Adapatability boost once you Tera.
252 HP EVs are used to give Porygon-Z as much bulk as it can. 164 Speed EVs allow Porygon-Z to outspeed Choice Scarf Munkidori after it gets off an Agility. 16 Special Attack EVs with a Modest Nature gives Porygon-Z a jump point in its Special Attack stat, giving its Attacks a bit more power. The rest of the EVs are used in Defense to give Porygon-Z a little physical bulk. Sitrus Berry is used to restore some HP to help Porygon-Z get off both Nasty Plot and Agility. This set can get away with not using much Special Attack since you can threaten bulkier Pokemon after a Nasty Plot boost due to Adaptability and Porygon-Z's base 135 Special Attack.