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  • Chainbreed toxic from male roselia to chimchar with male infernape
  • same roselia and toxic to squirtle with male blastoise
  • same roselia and toxic to charmander with male charizard

Is there any way to chain-breed toxic onto these pokemon in genIV without smeargle?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Okay then.

1). Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape learns Toxic as a TM.
2). Squirtle/Warturtle/Blastiose learns Toxic as a TM.
3). Charmander/Charmelon/Charizard learns Toxic as a TM.

I also know you mean to teach a baby Chimchar/Charmander/Squirtle it as an egg move.
In that case:

1). Breed a Male Roselia with Toxic to a female Ponyta/Rapidash until you get a male baby Ponyta/Rapidash with Toxic and breed that onto a female Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape for a baby Chimchar with Toxic.
+ = + =
Male W/ Toxic + Female = Baby Male + Female = Baby W/ Toxic.

2). Breed a Male Roselia with Toxic to a female Cubone/Marowak until you get a male baby Cubone with Toxic and breed that onto a female Squitle/Warturtle/Blastoise for a baby Squirtle with Toxic.
+ = + =
Male W/ Toxic + Female = Baby Male + Female = Baby Squirtle W/ Toxic

3). Breed a Male Roselia with Toxic to a female Cubone/Marowak until you get a male baby Cubone with Toxic and breed that onto a female Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard for a baby Charmander with Toxic.
+ = + =
Male W/ Toxic + Female = Baby Male + Female = Baby W/ Toxic

Hope this helps!

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They can all learn toxic by TM, but the reason I think that he asked for a breeding method (good job btw) is because he wants toxic on all three and only has one TM toxic.