PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I beat the game and noticed the billboards saying "outbreak on route___" and i went there and there was a new pokemon. So what pokemon come from whitch outbreaks?


1 Answer

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Best answer

A lot of Pokemon. Here they are:

Paras - Route 11

Mankey - Route 15

Farfetch'd - Route 1

Doduo - Route 12

Exeggcute - Route 18

Sentret - Route 7

Yanma - Route 14

Pineco - Route 16

Smeargle - Route 5

Tyrogue - Route 10

Poochyena - Route 9

Minun - Route 6

Illumise - Route 3

Shuppet - Route 13

Wynaut - Route 2

Hippopotas - Route 4

Croagunk - Route 8
Note: This is only Pokemon White

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Thanks! this really helped on my national dex and other people!
No problem :)
yes,thanks a bunch 4 help on national dex