I'm noticing that there's not many answers for Gen VI (Sooo many Move Tutor moves..Urgh!) So here's a solid Gen VI Trick Room Zong!

Bronzong @ Macho Brace
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
- Trick Room
- Earthquake
- Gyro Ball
- Payback
· Gyro Ball is a necessity for this setup. It's STAB and with it's power boosted by the speed drop from the Macho Brace, it hits home! Very useful for stamping out all the new Fairy Type Pokemon! Here is the base power calculations:
Gyro Ball's power is calculated as such: 25 x (TargetSpeed) / (YourSpeed)
So, lets say your speed is 10 and theirs is 60 for simplicitys sake.
25 x 60 / 10 = 150. Ouch. (Max power)
But take off the Macho Brace:
25 x 60 / 20 = 75. Meh..
· You can also always switch out the Macho Brace for the popular Leftovers option for that ever useful health boost every turn. Try experimenting with the two items, as Bronzong is very versatile!
· The rest of the moveset is pretty straight forward: Trick Room for always moving first, Earthquake for Fire Repellent/cover, and Payback for taking advantage of slow speed, cover, and Ghost Repellent.