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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Pinsir, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Pinsir Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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Pinsir (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Earthquake Spiral
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

17 Answers

4 votes

Gen V

Pinsir (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 184 Atk / 72 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulldoze / Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor

Now, since you want to max out your Speed, your Attack won't be incredibly high. As such, you'll want to get in a Swords Dance. Then you can start defeating the foe and gaining more power with Moxie. X-Scissor provides STAb. Stone Edge gives type coverage. The choice is then between Bulldoze and Close Combat. Bulldoze lowers Speed, which helps cause even with maxed Speed you'll only be at 295. Close Combat has more power, but it lowers your defenses, making you more vulnerable to priority. Your EVs give you max Speed and good Attack (you'll be getting Swords Dance and Moxie, you won't need 252 Attack EVs) and also some defense EVs to protect against priority. Lum Berry protects from status, mainly paralysis.

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Why does everyone call abilities traits?
And what does (M) mean?
Ghost1189, (M) means that the Pokemon is male. (F) means that it's female. Not mentioning the gender means that it's either genderless or the gender is left random. Since genders only affect a few things in competitive battling (abilities like Rivalry and moves like Attract, for example, though gender is also determined by Attack DVs in Gen 2), they're usually not mentioned.
3 votes

Gen VI:

Pinsir (M) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return / Thrash
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

This is the Mega Pinsir it thought up with. Its new ability allows Normal Type Moves to change into Flying Type Moves, which explains which Return is even there. The rest is straight up standard really. Pinsir has potential to move up with those nasty stats, the typing is what's holding it back a lot though...

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What about quick attack instead of Return/Thrash?
actually pinsir shouldnt run any bug type moves that would be a better spot for quick attack
wait, why 252 in special defense?
@Donutbara that is actually Speed EVs, as Speed EVs was abbreviated as Spd back then. Edited it to make it Spe, which is used for Speed EVs.
2 votes

Pinsir (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

X-Scissor is STAB, pretty nice power. It works. While Close Combat is great coverage even though it screws over your defenses afterward. Stone Edge is more coverage, topped with Earthquake for coverage.

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Pinsir is unfortunately only Bug, thus it doesn't get Dual STAB.
Whoa, I always thought he was fighting too.
i have a pinsir in gen II can you help me whit a good moveset ( i am at the normal type gym )
2 votes

Double/Triple Battle

Pinsir (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Bulldoze
- X-Scissor
- Brick Break

Moxie is great. If you take down multiple foes wth Rock Slide or Bulldoze, you get a nice Attack boost. Bulldoze is helpful in that it lowers the Speed of your foes. In Doubles/Triples, Bulldoze is worth it. X-Scissor is STAB. Brick break is dual-screen breaking coverage.

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0 votes

Pinsir @ Pinsirite
Ability: Hyper Cutter / Aerilate
EVs: 156 attack, 100 speed, 252 HP
Nature: Adamant
- X-scissor
- Return
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake

Mega Pinsir has potential, though it is cursed with the horrible dual typing of Bug and Flying, arguably the worst typing in the game. Even with this obstruction, Aerilate is a wonderful ability, not unlike Mega Gardevoir's Pixilate, although Mega Pinsir's ability is much more useful.

The EV spread on this Pokémon may seem odd, but it is to have Mega Pinsir to be able to live at least one hit, set up a Swords Dance, then attack the next turn when it's speed has actually become the speed of the Mega Evolution.

When using this Pokémon, do keep in mind that the move Return becomes flying-type when used by this Pokemon; Return is already a devastating move, but with 153 power with stab, and the ability to be super effective, no Pokemon will enjoy taking this hit, even before a Swords Dance. Also, Earthquake is an excellent coverage move, making Mega Pinsir able reek havoc amongst all Pokemon, and not be forced to be switched out by the rock types and other common weaknesses that it's horrible typing fears.

This set will be walled by Skarmory though.
0 votes

EDIT: Turns out Mega Pinsir is S rank on Smogon. Not exactly a hidden gem.

Mega Pinsir@Pinsirite
Ability: Aerialate

Sword's Dance- You want this guy to be an all out sweeper and since Pinsir is more bulky he can max out his attack.

Quick Attack- This is like Shadow Sneak on Aegislash. Priority move boosted by Aerialate STAB and Sword's Dance.

Earthquake- Bug Flying is some pretty bad typing so this is a no-brainer for coverage.

Return/X-Scissor/Rock Slide- You can vaporize them with Return or get STAB for psychic types or more coverage.

EDIT: Adamant/Jolly nature and 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP. I dunno what I was thinking when I made a set for this guy so I fixed the EVs.

EDIT: Usage Tips

Mega Pinsir can be a complete monster with enough support. The obvious teammate is a Defogger/Spinner. After that get something that counters Rotom Wash and Zapdos as they both resist his Flying- Ground coverage. Now just set up and sweep.

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How can you have 4 HP if all the EVS are used with Atk and Spe?
this is my signature move set for mega pinsir it can get bug mono pretty far in ou
0 votes

Ok, I'll write a good moveset for each Generation

Gen I

Pinsir enter image description here

Ability: Mold Breaker

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • Seismic Toss-Good move, especially if you are a very high level
  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon
  • Hyper Beam-One hell of a powerful move, and in Gen I, if it KOs a Pokemon, it does not need to recharge
  • Slash-A good move with an increased critical hit ratio

Gen II

Pinsir@Life Orb enter image description here

Ability: Mold Breaker

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • Fury Cutter-STAB, and after every successful consecutive hit the move doubles in power
  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon
  • Submission-Good, powerful move
  • Seismic Toss-Good move, especially if you are a very high level


Pinsir@Life Orb enter image description here

Ability: Mold Breaker

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • Earthquake-Really powerful move, and as Psychic said, it takes advantage of mold breaker
  • Brick Break-Great, powerful move
  • Seismic Toss-Good move, especially if you are a very high level
  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon

Gen IV

Pinsir@Life Orb enter image description here

Ability: Mold Breaker

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • X-Scissor-STAB, and is very powerful
  • Earthquake-Really powerful move, and as Psychic said, it takes advantage of mold breaker
  • Seismic Toss-Good move, especially if you are a very high level
  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon

Gen V

Pinsir@Life Orb enter image description here

Ability: Mold Breaker

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • Stone Edge-Great power and it has an increased critical hit ratio
  • X-Scissor-STAB, and is very powerful
  • Earthquake-Really powerful move, and as Psychic said, it takes advantage of mold breaker
  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon

Gen VI

Pinsir@Pinsirite enter image description here

Ability: Aerialate

Nature: Adamant

EVs: 252 Attack/252 Defense/4 Speed


  • Swords Dance-Combined with Pinsir's great Attack, this makes Pinsir one hell of a dangerous Pokémon
  • Stone Edge-Great power and it has an increased critical hit ratio
  • X-Scissor-STAB, and is very powerful
  • Earthquake-Really powerful move, and as Psychic said, it takes advantage of mold breaker
Abilities didn't exist in Gen 1-2, nor did the EVs work as it does now. Solid sets though.
A waste of  Aerialate imo...
0 votes

Gen 6:

Jolly nature
Evs: 252 atk/252 speed/4hp

Swords dance-boosts atk, set up for quick atk to start a sweep if wanted, np but not reliable

Quick attack-STAB with Aerialate, Piority

X-Scissor-Stab, main attacking move

E-Quake-For the ghost, rock, and steel types lurking In the shadows OR close combat-takes down rock and steel types, but defenses are lowered.

This set is pretty reliable, but main counters are rotom heat. It resists E-Quake with Levitate, resists X-Sissor, and flying type quick attack. Not to mention the OP talonflame. But other than that, this set should do fine in competitive play. It's good 155 attack with the fine 105 speed should out speed almost everything.

0 votes

I sweep ALOT of people with this moveset:

Item: Pinsirite

Ability: Moxie

Nature: Adament

Earthquake- takes out Fire and Rock-Type Pokemon that you're faster than, or if you survive the first hit.

X-Scissor- For taking out Psychic and Dark-Type Pokemon.

Close Combat- HIGH attack with Adament as its Nature.

Giga Impact- Mega Evolve it and its ability changes to Aerilate which boosts Normal-Type moves and changes it to Flying-Type. Use it after you raise its attack with Moxie a few times and just DESTROY IT!!!

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X scissor isn't super effective against bug types
0 votes

Pinsir @ Pinsirite
Mold Breaker -> Aerialate
-Quick Attack
-Swords Dance/Stone Edge

Quick Attack is priority + STAB after mega evolving.
Frustration for immense power + STAB, 'nuff said.
Earthquake to hit levitate Pokemon before evolving.
Swords Dance(Jolly nature) for the Attack Boost or Stone Edge(adamant nature) to stop Zapdos from completely walling Pinsir.

0 votes

252 attack 252 speed 4 hp
giga impact(stab after mega)
stone edge(coverage)
by the way (?)izz I read the rules so am I ok now?(if you want I will delete the last sentence).

Yeah this is completely fine. Thanks!
0 votes

Pinsir (M) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Moxie ---> Aerialate
Evs: 252 Atk, 6 Def, 252 Spd
Nature: Jolly (+Spd,-Sp.Atk)
- X-Scissor
- Quick Attack
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Revenge Kill with Quick Attack, get the Moxie boost, THEN Mega Evolve. Now you've got 4 attacks instead of only 3 because of Sword Dances. While it's not as powerful as a SD Mega, it still hits hard enough.

X-Scissor is STAB, Quick Attack is Priority and gets a massive boost after Moxie, Aerialate, & STAB, while Earthquake & Stone Edge covers some of your weaknesses.

0 votes

Pinsir @ Focus Sash


Role: NU Stealth Rock Support

Ability: Mold Breaker

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed

Jolly Nature (- Sp. Atk, + Speed)

  • Stealth Rock
  • X-Scissor
  • Earthquake / Rock Slide / Stone Edge
  • Toxic / Close Combat / Knock Off


Pinsir is not the best, but a reliable SR user in NU. Although not quite as bulky like Rhydon or as fast as Archeops, Pinsir can provide some valuable offensive presence.

Stealth Rock crushes Flying-type switch-ins, like Archeops, and Fire-types, such as Magmortar.

X-Scissor is nice STAB and deals a lot of damage.

Earthquake is always a nice move on any Physical attacker. It helps deal with Levitate 'mons, such as Weezing and Rotom. Stone Edge and Rock Slide is used mainly to deal with Flying-types (mainly Xatu, which might try to predict the SR and switch-in) and other leads, like Archeops.

Toxic is a nice move to deal with walls. Close Combat is a nice move to hit Rock-types, like Rhydon, harder than if Earthquake was used. Knock Off allows it to cripple threats by removing their item.

0 votes

Pinsir... Another bug type, huh? Most bugs are weak and useless, but this thing... Sometimes I wonder how can it be so OP. I don't really interested in the normal one, so here is my recipe for Mega Pinsir:
Name: Pinsir.
Held item: Pinsirite.
Ability: Moxie (will be Aerilate when Mega evolved).
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 SpD.
Nature: Jolly (-SpA;+Spe).
-Swords Dance.
-Return (will max hapiness).
-Quick Attack.
-Close Combat.
Here is my idea. You should REALY kill a Pokemon with Quick Attack before Mega evolving for it to be even more OP. That's up to you. Use this Pokemon wisely. This is one of the Pokemons that can kill Ferrothorn will no Fire-type moves.

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Mega Pinsir@Pinsirite
Ability:Hyper Cutter——->Aerialate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
•Swords Dance
•Quick Attack
•Close Combat
Swords Dance doubles attack. Quick attack gets STAB and an Aerialate boost. X-Scissor is STAB. Close Combat covers ice and rock weaknesses

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Gen 8 PU
Pinsir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
Explanation: With Moxie, Pinsir's attack will be raised by one stage every time it knocks out a Pokemon. Choice Scarf gives Pinsir more speed. X-Scissor is STAB. The other moves are there because they hit hard.

0 votes

National Dex Monotype (Bug)

Pinsir-Mega @ Pinsirite
Ability: Any----> Aerilate
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Frustration
- Close Combat
- Earthquake / Quick Attack

Swords Dance is to boost your attack. Frustration is STAB thanks to Aerialate, and can well, help stop Ditto from trying to use your stat boosts. Close Combat is coverage against rock and ice types. Earthquake is coverage against fire types. You can opt for Quick Attack for priority STAB that can revenge kill weakned Pokémon.
