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I know that you can get Pansage in shaking grass but can you get the others in shaking grass?


4 Answers

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Best answer

You can find all three of them in the Rustling Grass in PinWheel Forest. If I was looking for a Pansage I would go to the begining of the Forest and go into the actual forest with the trainers and just run back and forth until you see rustling grass. Go into it and you could find a Pansear, Audino, Pansage, and maybe a Panpour! HOPE THIS HELPS!

thank u
Wow, I thought those Pokemons were actually rare!!
4 votes

You can find all three of them.

0 votes

You do find a Panpour but I've look through the entire forest and all i found was Panpour and Audino so if you have the same problem as me just go to the Dream Yard some of them will be there.

0 votes

Not sure. I found a Pansage in the DreamYard (from the dude) so If you wanted a pansage (you need tepig) panpour (you need snivy) or pansear (you need oshawott) your gonna have to look for rustling grass. It will either be Audino or one of the other 3. I hope if I encounter one it's Panpour. Pansear is my least fave :P Hope this helps.

rustling grass can also hold a cool metagross like one that I found