If there's one thing I know about pokemon-it's breeding.
- Have the same pokemon or a ditto.
- check to see if you want to pass down a move or ability
- keep count of how many eggs you got-you shouldn't have more then you can handle
- Have a pokemon with flame body to help the egg hatch faster-and ride a bike
- Alternate eggs and hatch all the eggs you get
That's all I can think of. Have fun! And tell me in the comments if you wanna egg spin-I have a zoura and axew, all starters from Univa and sinnoh and really anything you can think of.
(I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure if I can ask for trades/egg spins on here as part of my answer, so please don't flag me if I'm not supposed to. Just tell me and I'll never do it again! I swear!)