Linoone @ An Arceus Plate of your choice
Ability: Pickup
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SPE/4 HP
Adamant/Jolly Nature
Pin Missile/Play Rough/Extreme Speed/"Arceus Plate move"
Shadow Claw/Play Rough/Extremespeed/Type coverage move
I think Gluttony, and a moveset that works in tandem with it, is probably the more ideal moveset for Linoone, but this was just a set I used to make something out of my Pickup Linoone in BDSP. I wanted to keep Pickup for its out of battle functionality, but I also wanted to do something with the Linoone battlewise and see if it could at least work semi-decently in Battle Tower (with Singles in mind at the time), and also give it a moveset that tied in with its Pickup ability in some way. So, it's ultimately kind of more gimmicky in nature.
So, this set uses Fling to help Linoone still benefit off an item, with the ability to clear the item slot and allow Pickup, as well as Covet/Thief, to go live as needed. The Arceus plates allow Fling to do decent 90 BP Dark damage, while also doubling as a way of powering up your moves. In my game, I tend to use the Insect Plate, which ends up powering up Pin Missile, which makes it do 60 BP Bug damage at its worst, or otherwise it does 90, 120, and 150 BP with better hits and can help break through Focus Sash and Substitute users. Though, you can opt to choose a different move and plate, like Play Rough for Fairy damage with the Fairy plate, or Extremespeed with the Normal plate for the STAB+Boost.
Since you can go itemless with Fling, Covet/Thief is just to debuff your opponent by taking their items, and if they had anything that works with Fling, you can Fling their items back at them. Since Fling is already dark, and Covet gets STAB, it makes Covet a more natural choice, but if a more consistent dark move is needed for coverage (since Fling will only really be used once, mostly), then Thief is an option.
The final move can be a move of your choice for type coverage. Since I use Covet, Fling, & Pin Missile, I chose Shadow Claw to better handle ghosts. Though, depending on the Plate/Boosted Move picked, you can go with something different.
In the end, as mentioned prior, it is more of a gimmicky set and meant more as a way to try and make Pickup Linoone viable with Single battles in mind, though inevitably probably also works better in Doubles, where Pickup has more utility.