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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Ho-Oh, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Ho-Oh Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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10 Answers

5 votes

Heavy Duty boots help this guy a LOT.
Ho-Oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Sacred Fire
- Thunder Wave

With Heavy-Duty Boots, he doesn’t have his crippling Stealth Rocks weakness. Defog lets him get rid of hazards. Roost is recovery. Sacred Fire is STAB with a nice burn chance. Roost is reliable recovery. Thunder Wave is annoying and crippling.

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Perfectly syncs with my Weakness Policy Lugia! And btw recover is definitely better than roost
That's not very true, sometimes the landing helps too.
Sure lol. When you land, your quadruple weakness to Rock becomes 2x, making it easier to Defog on targets like Groudon-Primal/Groudon. Your Electric- weakness becomes neutral, and the Ice-type neutrality becomes a resistance, making it easier to outstall the likes of SubSeed Calyrex-Ice, Swords Dance + Substitute Calyrex-Ice, and Darmanitan-Galar.
And Weakness Policy Lugia is a joke xdd.
Isn't Darmanitan-G faster than Ho-Oh which means you can't Roost first? Also getting 2x Rock on PDon is risky if they click Precipice Blades. The only notable Electric-type move user (except Wild Charge Zac) is Zekrom which outpaces you anyway . Sub Seed Calyrex-Ice is also generally faster than Ho-Oh without proper EVs, and it's a bit risky to do that. I think the most notable one is that you can Roost in front of paralyzed Zacian-C to outstall Wild Charge rather.
Darmanitan-G can get paralyzed pretty easily, especially if you have Roost. Clicking Precipice Blades on Ho-oh when it's unscouted isn't advisable. When they know that you have Roost, you have to play the 50/50. SubSeed IceRex is an issue with max Speed when it can outspeed you, but you can play games with Thunder Wave + Sacred Fire and/or Whirlwind (which is ran much more than a recovery move).
And I mentioned "sometimes", it's not like the landing turn is useful every turn lol.
Lugia @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Multiscale  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe  
Modest Nature  
- Aeroblast  
- Psychic  
- Calm Mind  
- Roost

I have sweeped entire teams with it
Stay on-topic guys, this is the Ho-Oh moveset thread.
4 votes

My last Ho-Oh set was pretty bad (I hid it. It was that bad) so I'm making a new one because I personally think Ho-Oh is the best Pokémon in Doubles Ubers right now. :P

Gen 8 Doubles Ubers

Ho-Oh @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 208 HP / 96 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Tailwind
- Sacred Fire / Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Protect

Offensive Tailwind setter and also a great Dynamax mon. Tailwind provides your team with valuable speed control, doubling their speed for 4 turns. This allows your ally Pokémon to outspeed stuff they usually can't, such as 16 speed Groudon, which can now outspeed Calyrex-S. Sacred Fire and Flare Blitz are Fire STAB options. Flare Blitz hits harder than Sacred Fire does, also having a better chance to OHKO Yveltal when used as Max Flare in sun. Sacred Fire, while less powerful, has the benefit of not causing recoil damage and also has that 50% chance to burn, but can also miss. Brave Bird is Flying STAB, which also boosts your team's speed further when used as Max Airstream, helping your team a lot if the opponent's team also has Tailwind up. Protect is near mandatory in Doubles (how many times have I said something like this in my moveset answers?? Actually don't answer that-). It allows you to scout for attacks while blocking all damage for a turn. Your ally can still act while Ho-Oh Protects. This can also stall out Dynamax / Tailwind / Trick Room turns and, against certain Dynamaxed mons, allow Ho-Oh's Weakness Policy to be more safely activated. With it’s Weakness Policy activated, Ho-Oh can be a terrifying Dynamax attacker, capable of snowballing through teams.

96 Attack EVs and an Adamant nature allow Ho-Oh to OHKO Zacian-C with Max Flare, coming off of Sacred Fire. With 204 Speed EVs, this Ho-Oh outspeeds the Ho-Oh in this sample team by 2 points of speed, allowing you to set up your own Tailwind before it (outsped it by 2 points instead of 1 so the remaining EVs woud make Ho-Oh's max HP odd, not even). The rest of the EVs are in HP. If you're using Flare Blitz over Sacred Fire, a different EV spread of 248 HP / 60 Atk / 200 Spe can be used, since it still speed creeps the Ho-Oh in the sample team shown, and still OHKOs Zacian-C with Max Flare.

Some good partners: (I'm not great at this sort of stuff)

Groudon provides automatic sun support for Ho-Oh, which allows Ho-Oh to pick up KOs that it wouldn't have otherwise. The sun also weakens Kyogre's attacks, allowing Ho-Oh to take them like their nothing. Groudon also appreciates Tailwind support from Ho-Oh, allowing it to outspeed Calyrex-S (and Zacian-C) with just 16 speed EVs.

252 SpA Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 208 HP / 0 SpD Ho-Oh in Sun: 168-198 (41.4 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (lol)

and / or

These 2 mons can support Ho-Oh really well. Starting with Blastoise, Blastoise has access to Fake Out and Follow me, both of which help Ho-Oh set Tailwind up more easily and just keep Ho-Oh safer. It also has Aqua Jet and Flip turn, which activate Ho-Oh's Weakness Policy dealing little damage, and can break Focus Sashes (it also gets Yawn which stops opposing Dynamaxed mons in their tracks). Zamazanta-C can spam Coaching on Ho-Oh, making it much stronger and physically bulky with every use. It also blocks all spread moves with Wide Guard.

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3 votes

BandCharge Ho-Oh

Ho-Oh @ Choice Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flame Charge
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake

Simple set. Flame Charge is used to boost Ho-Oh's twiddling Speed, as well as having huge power. Sacred Fire is used when you really need that burn, like when you are facing Zekrom. Brave Bird is more powerful STAB, and Earthquake gets good coverage. The HP EVs were altered so that he could switch into Stealth Rock twice.

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Huge power = 40 Base power??
Not really. It gets STAB.
After STAB and Band, it's 112.5. With potential sun, that's 168.75 power.
1 vote

Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator / Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Recover / Roost
- Toxic

Calm Mind makes him a special sponge. Flamethrower is for STAB. Recover is awesome healing paired with Regenerator, but it may be worth noting that giving him Pressure and Roost is great for eliminating some of his weaknesses. Toxic is for stalling.

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What about sacred fire instead of flamethrower?
It's because Sacred Fire is a Physical move and This Ho-Oh is a Special Attacker.
1 vote

Ho-Oh @ Fire Gem
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Mild Nature
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Toxic
- Sacred Fire

God, I love Ho-Oh now. I swept 2 Ubers on PO with him.

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Charcoal is a good item choice. It gets your Fire boosts but can be used multiple times.
My Tank-Oh swept an hole Uber team.
Regenerator is by the way not released.
For the record, I'm sure a lot of people use Pokemon Showdown, and use this as a source for teams. Unfortunately, the Fire gem has not been added, and it only has a single use. I would recommend Fire Plate, because it has unlimited uses.
1 vote

Role: Special Tank

Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVe: 252 HP / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Reflect

Sacred Fire: Obvious reasons. STAB, power, burn, complements his high Attack
Brave Bird: STAB, power, accuracy, Goes nicely with Regenerator and Leftovers
Earthquake: Power, accuracy, coverage
Reflect: Helps the side that he is not as strong on. Rock Moves usually come as physical, so this could save this beast's life.

Ho-Ih is a GOD among most Ubers in my opinion, burn really dampens down Zekrom who can be a major threat considering his lower Defense. I'm not actually sure about the EVs on Special Defense over physical, but as of right now it is ideal. One thing about Ho-Oh however: WATCH. OUT. FOR. ROCKS.

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1 vote


Gen 7 AG

Ho-Oh @ Choice Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 208 Atk / 52 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire / Flare Blitz
- Earthquake / Defog
- Sleep Talk / Toxic

Choice Band Ho-Oh is a fantastic wallbreaker in the tier, thanks to its wide coverage in Sacred Fire and Earthquake that can easily break any Pokemon that can sponge its Brave Bird which is the most spammable move you're using. Toxic can annoy and allow Ho-Oh to 1v1 any non-Refresh Arceus-forme with the exception of WaterCeus and RockCeus. However, they must be wary of Toxic wearing them and Earthquake dealing a solid chunk to the latter.

Sleep Talk is niche, but allows it to deal with any uncommon Smeargle or Darkrai though it's rarer to find them and it's potentially useless outside of that. Because Ho-Oh can hit two common hazard setters in Dusk Mane Necro and Ferrothorn super-effectively, it generally forces them to switch which is why Defog is a good option. Earthquake hits Primal Groudon and any other Rock-types that resist Brave Bird + Sacred Fire combo.

52 SpD with the 248 HP allow you to live a +2 Thunder from Xerneas which means you retain some of your defensive capabilities. Flare Blitz is an option over Sacred Fire for the higher power and PP, but losing the 50% burn means you're giving stuff like DD Zygarde-C more free turns to give in. Regenerator offsets Brave Bird recoil, thereby maintaining your longevity.

0 votes

Black and White 2 Ho-oh

Special Sweeper

Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Psychic
- Giga Drain

Flamethower for STAB and a chance to burn, Earthquake for coverage,
Psychic because its a good move, and Giga Drain for the Life Orb and for Kyogre.

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0 votes

Ho-Oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Toxic
- Sacred Fire
- Roost / Recover
- Brave Bird

Been a while since I posted an answer, I may be a little rusty
Toxic is chosen over Thunder Wave to deal as much damage as possible. Sacred fire has a 50% burn chance, which halves the attack stat of heavy attackers such as Zacian-C, Marshadow, Non Weakness Policy NDM and Calyrex-Ice. Roost is a recovery move to stabilise Brave Bird, used because of the STAB’s recoil damage.
And Zacian-C with Wild Charge would likely switch out if Ho-Oh isn’t below 60% HP so Sacred Fire only works when Zacian-C is the last Pokémon

  • Wild Charge Zacian-C
  • Kyogre (but can help other surviving teammates with Toxic)

Possible Allies
  • (If Gen 8 AG) Groudon

I’ve hoped I’ve helped!

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Zacian-C can't switch into Sacred Fire, and unless it has Rest, Kyogre dislikes Toxic.
PDon can’t be burned as it’s part Fire type.
(That situation probably only works when Zacian-C is the last remaining Pokémon in the team......), I’ll do a quick edit then.
Ummm Sacred Fire is a nice move as it is, no need to write that...
–2 votes

Ho-Oh @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant nature
- Sacred Fire
- Thunder
- Earthquake
- Defog

Sacred Fire - Fire STAB and a 50% Burn chance.
Thunder - Paralysis and coverage
Earthquake - Nice damage output
Defog - Entry hazards

First Pokemon sent out
Spam Thunder in the wild area to raise accuracy

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Ho-Oh's SpA is nothing to hit the likes of Kyogre or Arceus-Water, etc or even opposing Ho-Oh. Brave Bird generally does more damage and what if opponent leads with a Pokemon which can force Ho-Oh to switch out and set up Stealth Rock? That's a very bad example.
but stealth rocks will raise my Atk and spA
deafog will take away stealth rocks

brave bird will do more damage but essentially be like stealth rocks because of recoil and ho-ohs high Atk

brave bird does more damage to yourself the more damage you do to your opponent
"but stealth rocks will raise my Atk and spA"

...? That's not how Stealth Rock works lol. Stealth Rock takes 50% health of your HP, and Weakness Policy works if you're hit by a damaging super effective move (not Stealth Rock). Also:

"Spam Thunder in the wild area to raise accuracy"

This thread asks for good competitive movesets, not in-game movesets. Sorry.
you ev train ho-oh in game so you can also do that ingame
and this ho-oh is first one out so there's no damage from stealth rocks  and blow it away with defog
and putting heavy duty boots on a bird?? pokemon does not science well