Hitmontop @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
- Sucker Punch
Hitmontop works well as a bulky attacker. It might not have the highest stats, but Intimidate makes it a useful switch-in for physical moves like Stone Edge, and offensively, 95 base Attack goes a long way thanks to High Jump Kick's extremely high base power. It's blessed by having Sucker Punch in its movepool; Psychic and Ghost-Types that could otherwise give it trouble are outsped and hit hard by it. And since it's a priority move stronger than Mach Punch (since this set lacks Technician) it also helps finishing off weakened Pokemon. While Rapid Spin and High Jump Kick's nasty Side-effect make this set very vulnerable to Ghost-Type switch-ins, don't underestimate how much damage Stone Edge will do. Many Ghost-types lack good physical bulk and Stone Edge can do over 50% damage to them, putting them in range of a follow-up Stone Edge or Sucker Punch; just be wary of Will-o-Wisp when you attack them. Leftovers is this set's only way to recover HP, which makes it important for Hitmontop's longevity. Most other items also wouldn't really by useful.
Close Combat will compromise Hitmontop's good bulk, and that can force you to switch out when you otherwise would not have a reason to. It's not much of a problem for fully offensive Pokes, but it is for Hitmontop since it's slow and again, uses its bulk to be effective. HJK can be used as much as you want with minimal downsides provided your opponent doesn't have a way to cheese your attack. Hitmontop needs to be as effective as possible, first and foremost, against Ghost-Types in order to win against them. Even if you do use Close Combat, letting your foe switch a Ghost-Type in for free is an unforgivable loss. Defensive sets lack the means to handle ghost types without the use of the move Foresight, which is otherwise a useless move and a wasted moveslot. I don't believe Hitmontop should be using fully defensive sets in the Sun and Moon Era.