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14 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Scizor, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Scizor Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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59 Answers

5 votes

Technician Abuser

Scizor @ Leftovers / Life Orb / Occa Berry
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Aerial Ace / Brick Break

  • Bullet Punch- Technician boost, STAB boost, and priority
  • Bug Bite- Technician and STAB boost and steals opponents' berries to prevent sets such as Rest and Lum Berry, Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash and Lum Berry, or the supereffective berries
  • Swords Dance- Technician plus Swords Dance = killer combo
  • Aerial Ace/Brick Break- Technician boost and never miss or able to break through barriers and defeat bulky Steels and Rocks and Ice, Normal, and Dark types
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4 votes

Gen VI

Bulky Sweeper Scizor-Mega

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 160 SpD / 96 HP
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite / Quick Attack / Roost
- Pursuit / Roost

Swords Dance to build its incredible Attack.
Bullet Punch to make up for the miserable Speed, plus it gets boosts from Technician and STAB.
Bug Bite is the most powerful move, but it has quite a few walls and you are probably better off with Roost to make him last longer. Quick Attack is for Fire types.
Pursuit for revenge kills plus coverage with Bullet Punch (Aegislash, Metagross, Heatran?)
EVs for the fire weakness.
Mega Scizor has great bulk. This should help him survive enough for a Swords Dance or two and then sweep through the entire team.

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4 votes

Scyther @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty / Naive Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Swords Dance
- Dual Wingbeat
- Big Bite
- Reversal

Swords Dance: Good Attack boost, you can set up with Focus Sash
Dual Wingbeat: Very strong STAB with Technician
Bug Bite: Strong STAB
Reversal: Covers 4x Rock weakness, very powerful at 1 HP, which Scyther probably will be because of Focus Sash and mediocre defenses

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i would do Bug Bite over X-scissor.
he does if you transfer him from an earlier game. im not trying to make you look like an idiot, im just trying to give you a suggestion. its allowed in gen 8 in Showdown!, so thats what i know.
If Scyther, why not Eviolite?
Because Scyther isn’t good defensively. It’s an attacker.
i would choose life orb instead of sash and some times knock off instead reversal cause it is more use full. Reversal only work well when it has low Hp
also adamant nature is good
3 votes

This is ridiculous!!! This is a really old question, and this should definitely be put together.
Scizor (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Superpower
- Swords Dance

In no way is X-Scissor better than Bug Bite on a Technician Scizor. Superpower provides great coverage, and Bullet Punch becomes more powerful than Extreme Speed thanks to Technician. Swords Dance is great for setting up.

Scizor is my all time favorite Pokemon, and this set works wonders.

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You might want to consider switching superpower for close combat, because your attack will be lowered and so your moves will be weaker the next turn.
3 votes

Scizor (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Technician
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
Modest Nature
- Vacuum Wave
- Silver Wind
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Flash Cannon / Air Slash

So you are having fun with your Swords Dance Sweeping Scizor, and all of a sudden Magnezone moves into OU and starts killing him with Hidden Power Fire + Magnet Pull. But then you suddenly have a wild idea - Specs Scizor. Vacuum Wave for Technician and priority, Silver Wind for main STAB, HP Ground for killing Magnezone and Flash Cannon for secondary STAB, or Air Slash for coverage.
220 Speed EVs should be used to outrun Sub + 3 Attacks Magnezone and Specs Magnezone. Without Choice Scarf, Scizor can't outrun Scarfed Magnezone, so beware of that.

Hidden Power [Ground] vs 248/252 Magnezone - 118 - 141 % (Guaranteed OHKO)
Silver Wind vs 252/252+ Celebi - 100 - 119 % (Guaranteed OHKO)
Silver Wind vs 252/4 Espeon - 88 - 104 % (25 % chance to OHKO)
Air Slash vs 252/0 Conkeldurr - 53 - 63 % (Guaranteed 2HKO)
Vacuum Wave vs 0/0 Cloyster - 97 - 114 % (83 % chance to OHKO)
Hidden Power [Ground] vs 0/0 Infernape - 84 - 100 % (2 % Chance to OHKO, always an OHKO with Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes)
Hidden Power [Ground] vs 252/4 Heatran - 92 - 108 % (OHKO after Stealth Rock, 53 % otherwise)
Silver Wind vs 252/0 Reuniclus - 75 - 89 % (Guaranteed 2HKO)

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Alternatively you could have "252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Celebi: 756-892 (187.12 - 220.79%) -- guaranteed OHKO "
its completely unnecessary to run Choice Specs with its pathetic SAtk. It would be pushing NU with this set. Why people post this type of variant is beyond me :D
I would personally not use it, however some people may want to. It also surprises some people and takes out pokemon Scizor may not otherwise be able to take out.
Alexander757575, I have an open mind, I do...but no. This is why you have coverage moves for whatever they can do or you switch out your Pokémon or you make the Scizor comfortable with a pillow and a sad song in it's last final minutes before it faints and allow a Marowak to avenge said Scizor. Blobyolo is right. Scizor is physical and should be kept as such to achieve his maximum potential.
3 votes

Scizor (M) @ Scizorite
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 HP / 126 Atk / 126 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- Fury Cutter

This is supposed to be like a sweeper that can take a hit. The EVs he sacrificed in Attack to go to Sp. Def are regained with Swords Dance. Bullet Punch gives priority and has a decent 90 power after Technician and STAB are applied. Fury Cutter's first strike's power is also a solid 90 instead of 60 with Technician's help, doubling each turn. When he starts to get tired, Roost means the opponent will never get a break!

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3 votes

So this is my first moveset ever but I'm trying to get into Smogon and stuff.


Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Roost / Curse
- Brick Break / Defog / Substitute
- U-turn / Bug Bite

I'm pretty sure this looks good because I have so much text so lol.

So, wow, this set is doing really well in Showdown battles for me, it can take SO many hits, and then recover, and then priority, WITH SO MUCH ATTACK. And switch whilst attacking? So basically, stall + slow sweeper (I know that doesn't exist I just forgot the name if there even is any)?!

So, now with the moveset:

What if there was a move, on a Pokémon that has monstrous high Attack stat, and is Priority, and even the Pokémon even has Technician, and it's even STAB. Well, you have Mega-Scizor with Bullet Punch.
That's a must have of course.
This move should be used the most throughout the game, since Brick Break does WAY less then this.

Then, Roost, for extra stall, since those overpowered moves can MAX to half of Mega-Scizor's HP. And OP moves mostly have less PP then Roost. If a Pokémon hurts on like the littlest bit and got to half of your HP, then just don't Roost and wait 2 turns more (2 turns more if it does like really teeny, like really teeny).
Or you can have Curse after you set up a Substitute. I mean, if you do Curse, You survive everything, and you faint everything, though I prefer a good ol' Roost for safety.

Brick Break is for walls, and has decent power, though it's only effective, not super effective. and those are the most used in the game on Landorus, and Garchomp, and Mega-Swampert, so it's the best only for walls. And since this doesn't look like the best wallbreaker to me, I'm pretty sure the other moves are better. Defog for if you don't have a Defogger. And don't worry if you have set Hazards already, just Defog (unless almost all of your team resists it and they all are pretty bulky/you are the only one of your team left) and if you do have a Defogger, I'm pretty sure you can use Substitute for even more stall.

If you are good at predicting switches, U-turn is a must have. If you know someone is going to switch into a Fire type, you can switch to Battle Bond Greninja for the OHKO. Or you could send in another weakness of Fire. Or you can do a Pokémon on low health and switch into Battle Bond Greninja. And, you shouldn't be afraid of switching, unless you can almost definitely faint your foe.
And, I guess you can have Bug Bite if you think you almost can't predict anything at all, or you don't have a Battle Bond Greninja on your team. Or you just like moves with more attack since this does pretty decent damage.

- High Atk, Physical Bulk
- Bullet Punch Priority, Technician, STAB
- Roost for Stall/Curse the beast after Substitute
- Brick Break for walls/Defog for Defogging/Substitute for extra stall
- U-turn if you are great at predicting switches/you have Battle Bond Greninja/Bug Bite if you don't have what's said for U-turn or you like power more

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3 votes

Ah, Scizor. My favourite Pokémon.

Gen 5 OU
Scizor @ Flying Gem / Shed Shell*
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch
- Acrobatics / Superpower

Swords Dance is to boost Scizor's attack to extreme heights. Bullet Punch and Bug Bite are STAB further boosted by Technician. With a Flying Gem, Acrobatics hits incredibly hard on it's first use, OHKO'ing standard Ferrothorn after an SD boost. Superpower is for coverage, and, without an SD boost, has a 43.8% chance to OHKO a Magnezone trying to come in and trap Scizor. Speaking of Magnezone, *Shed Shell allows Scizor to escape from Magnezone's Magnet Pull as it tries to incinerate the seemingly helpless Scizor with a HP Fire.

2 votes

Swords Dance Scizor

Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Protect
- Bug Bite / Double Hit

So this Scizor is for switching in the right moment, or taking the right moment to get a chance at dancing up! After a dance, you may be able to sweep a lot of Pokemon with a STAB Bullet Punch powered by Technician, and priority! Protect is there to give yourself a free turn of healing with Leftovers, and to guard against an opponent to see what they wanna do to your Scizor every turn. Bug Bite is an extra move to take use of Scizor's Technician, and STAB from being a Bug type! It also holds the ability to eat your foes berry if it is holding one, how useful!* You can also get Double Hit (suggested by someone that l never thought about) to break subs, and packs extra power with Technician!

  • Thanks to EJ-98 for reminding me!
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Why X-Scissor over Bug bite when with Technician Bug bite is better?
Haha, my friend told me that a million times, and X-Scissor is kind of an impulse!
l always forget about it! (X-Scissor = Scizor?)
Thanks for reminding me!
Double Hit isn't viable.
2 votes

Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 124 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- U-turn
- Roost / Superpower

This is my own Scizor. I use it on a Drizzle OU team. Basically, it is another Technician abuser, but with a little bit of bulk. The moves make it a good scout, and a good sweeper (So long as the opponent doesn't have any Steel types).
The EVs are my own creation, with Scizor's unique typing, it has allot of resistances and only one weakness. 124 Special Defense + the Fire cut from the rain means Scizor can actually live through most Fire attacks, even with STAB. 252 Attack is obvious. The speed boost might appear minimal, but it allows Scizor to move faster than quite a few other Pokemon when not abusing priority, as this gen is mostly slow, bulky Pokemon. Roost is to recover from Life Orb and other damage, this can be replaced by Superpower if you don't like getting walled by Steels, or if you just prefer an offensive moveset.

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I just field tested this Scizor. In the rain, competively...EVERYTIME, this Scizor will lose. If it is raining, trainers will use Drought Charizard or Ninetales or some weather changing Pokémon. I even matched your EVs and he fainted in the rain by a Fire Blast and of course an Inferno Overdrive. It is safe to say that NO Scizor is safe from a fire Pokémon. I'm actually against Bullet Punch, but it's a decent moveset, nonetheless.
2 votes

Scizor @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Agility
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Bullet Punch

Ok so this Scizor is pretty frail. You would have to send it out when your opponent is messing around with their wall. Pop a Swords Dance first and if your opponent does not damage you in that first turn, you're golden. If they do then just Bullet Punch and wait to die for a revenge kill, or you could try baton passing if you are faster. However if you are not damaged in the first turn, then use Agility and then Baton Pass to a slower powerhouse that is usually outclassed by faster attacking Pokemon. Then proceed to sweep the opponents team. This works about less than half the time but if you can manage to pass to a Haxorus or Tyranitar or something you will dominate.

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2 votes

Want an unpredictable Scizor set? Try using him as a physical tank.

So I noticed that every Scizor here is a sweeper, and all the sets were similar, but what if Scizor wasn't just a sweeper? What if Scizor was a physical tank? I think he could do it, and this is the set that is gonna get it done.

Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 242 HP / 16 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Roost
- Toxic
- Substitute

Bullet Punch acts as STAB and gives him something to fight back with, priority helps. Roost is for recovery, Toxic is for putting the lives of the opponent's on a timer, and Substitute helps him out by keeping him status free and keeping attacks off of him for a while. Look at his stats, with that EV spread his HP will be 341, and his Defense will be 328, which is enough to tank some hits. His Attack will be 300, which will be enough to dish some hits too.

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Scizor should not be able to learn roost. It helps yeah but it doesn't make sense imo
Yet, he could learn Roost and it works for some. Should've, Could've, Would've(s) are all out the window, bud.
2 votes

Scizor @ Iron Plate
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Roost / Protect
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite / Aerial Ace

Depends on what suits you better. For STAB, go for BB. To counter Fighting types, use AA. Both get a Technician boost.

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2 votes

Scyther @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Wingbeat
- Bug Bite / U-Turn
- Thief / Knock Off
- Quick Attack

Dual Wingbeat is your main STAB. Each hit is 90 BP when you take STAB and Technician into the equation, and it is boosted by Choice Band and breaks Focus Sash and Substitute. Bug Bite is Technician boosted and consumes delectable produce the foe might be keeping away. U-Turn is weaker but allows you to pivot. Thief is Technician boosted and is useful in case your item is knocked off, Knock Off to knock items off and it's pretty strong too. Meanwhile Quick Attack in the last slot for priority.

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2 votes

Gen 6-7 OU Mega-Scizor

Scizor (M) @Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def or 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn / Bug Bite / Knock Off
- Roost / Brick Break / Superpower
- Swords Dance

Bullet Punch Priority STAB + Technician boost allows Scizor to punch serious holes in the opposing team and may even potentially sweep those who are worn down and frail, it's Scizor's best move and is what makes him good during late game.
U-Turn Bug STAB and while punching holes, allows Scizor to maintain offensive momentum and pivot out his common checks like Heatran, Charizard, and Magnezone on the switch as well as providing a way to get his teammates in safely.
Roost / Brick Break / Superpower Bulky Scizor works really well with recovery, weakening the other team while staying healthy with Roost so it can stay alive. Brick Break and Superpower, are two of your best coverage options for steel types (Mainly Heatran and Magnezone)(who resist your two main STABs) Superpower allows Scizor to take out Scarf-zone on the switch and cocky Heatran expecting it to switch. Though Superpower has more power, you're two best stats are being lowered every time you use it while Brick Break has a mediocre 75 base power, but lacks the added detriments of Superpower and gets rid of Light Screen and Reflect.
Swords Dance is used to boost Scizor's already great Attack power and allows him to sweep and clean through weakened foes during late game with boosted priority.
Bug Bite is another STAB option which is boosted by technician and has the added characteristic of taking the opposing Pokemon's berry and gaining it's effect.
Knock Off does damage and takes the targets item away, it's mainly used on Aegislash because the latter resists both of Scizor's STAB's and is immune to its fighting coverage.

This set also works extremely well with any added hazard support to finish off weakened threats.
It has a lot of sweeping potential when used properly. You must find opportunities to set up and I will give you a few examples. First, the best Pokemon to set up in front of is Chansey, Diancie (both forms)(watch out for HP fire), Most grass types, Kangaskhan (both forms), Krookodile, and common hazard setters like ferrothorn. Now these are Pokemon you do not want to set up in front of even if you resist their STAB moves because they either have a fire type coverage move or do crazy amounts of damage to Scizor due to their sheer power, I wont be stating any fire types because... why would you risk it? so examples would be Garchomp (both forms) because most good Garchomp players have fire type coverage in the form of Fire Fang or Fire Blast, Tyranitar because of the same reasons as Garchomp, never set up in front of Ash-Greninja, Salamence, and Tapu Lele because there's no point if you can't even use bullet punch and you will just die from its hidden power fire (which most Tapu leles use), and another thing, remember not to be too greedy with sword dances and always use roost when necessary, you don't want Scizor to take too much damage as this can potentially cause problems during late game plus even if you may not notice it at times, stealth rock damage can really stack up on Scizor.

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@Kiawe lolno? Mega Scizor has Technician.
Damn, I must have been blind, my bad. But yeah Quick Attack is still a pretty bad choice @Droughted.
ok, I made edits on the set a while back already so any suggestions are welcome
Nice set, I can see you put in some real work.
Thx @Jay_Karma77 :)
1 vote

Defog support Scizor

U-turn me on (Scizor) (M) @ Leftovers/Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Atk / 200 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Defog

Unlike most defoggers Scizor has a large amount of resistances, attacks from the physical side, and isn't too afraid of dark or rock types. These reasons and it's abilities as a pivot give it a support niche. Roost allows it to tank repeated hits, while bullet punch and u-turn allow scizor to use the massive attack stat of his. Leftovers can be used for longer staying power, while Scizorite may be used if one desires more offensive ability and does not have another mega on the team

Lol that name
1 vote

Scizor is an epic sweeper but quite frail.

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Pursuit

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1 vote

Bulky Sweeper Set:
Scizor (M) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 76 HP / 180 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- U-turn / Bug Bite

Bullet Punch (Stab+Gets boost from Technician)
Swords Dance (You know, for more power)
Roost (Get your Bulky sweeper's health back up!)
U-turn/Bug Bite (Bug Bite gets boost from Technician and U-Turn to deal last minute damage with that Attack Boost)

My first Post Hope you like it. :)

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1 vote

Scizor @ Flying Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Roost / Swords Dance / Pursuit / Thief

Acrobatics: (the Technician boost plus flying Gem boost plus the no item held boost will put the base power of this tech well into the 200s making it one of the most powerfull moves with no set up required. Then add in Scizors natural Atk power and you will sweep most anything. After the first use though the base power will drop to 165)
Bullet Punch (Stab/Priority)
Bug Bite (Stronger Stab than x-scissor when boosted via technician plus eats opponents berry)
Last Slot can go to a couple of different things: roost for survivability, Swords Dance for sweeping, Pursuit for when they switch to get their fire type, or my favorite Thief due to the added power boost from technician plus stealing the opponents held item if you have already used Acrobatics. Hope this helded

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1 vote

So here is one of the rare mega move sets.

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 20 Def / 236 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor/Bug Bite
- Roost/Night Slash

Ok, now lets talk about the strategy behind the set. Given it's defense stats, it should be able to take a hit while using Swords Dance. You can go for another (probably) if the opponent switches out. Now you can go for a Bullet Punch, which goes from a base power of 90 damage (x2.25 thank to stab and technician) to an incredible 180 damage, which means you can take out most of the team, if not all. If the opponent is slow, then maybe you can go for something like X-Scissor, Bug Bite or Night Slash. Bug Bite does 90 damage thanks to technician (opposed to an 80 damage X-Scissor, 120 with stab) and 135 damage with stab. Bug Bite also eats the opponent's berry, so it's a better choice than X-Scissor. Roost is there for some nice sustain, and Night Slash is for coverage (I like Roost better though).

I really hoped this helped! I put a lot of effort into this!
